Their Article: The Truth: The article above from Smartmatic, while ostensibly discussing the solution to disinformation through prebunking, subtly employs several psychological manipulation tactics aimed at controlling the narrative and conditioning public perception: Establishing Authority and Credibility: By citing what some people think are esteemed organizations like the World Economic Forum and the Brennan Center […]
Progressive Election Platform
THE FOLLOWING IS A WORK-IN-PROGRESS.If you have suggestions, please reach out!You can find me on X @PatriotMarkCook Scope At the heart of democratic governance lies the voting system, a mechanism designed to reflect the collective will of the people. For this system to truly serve its purpose, it must be so simple and transparent that […]
Election Day Countdown: Guidance
Early Voting Voting early allows bad actors to do the following: Measure voter turnout using mail ballot tracking, electronic poll books, and paper voter roll reporting. Use this information cross-referenced with individual voter profiles to build an election results model Use the model to determine how many votes short they are Subtly inject extra ballots […]
Critical AI Alert for the 2024 General Election
(Information obtained from a current AI model) Question Could having real-time data about which voters have voted, when, and where, aid in this AI model? Answer Having real-time data about which voters have voted, including when and where, could significantly enhance the capabilities of an AI model designed to predict election outcomes for several reasons: […]
Good intentions can result in Big Problems

The claim from Jeff Boungiorno about there being a ‘massive breach’ Dominion’s server is NOT TRUE!!! I’m trying to reach him to let him know. If you know him or you are him, please contact me! This is the kind of thing that happens when someone thinks they know more than they do, and jumps to conclusions […]
For those that say “I trust the computers”

Why? Why do trust them? Do you trust them because you are a programmer and have personally looked through the tens of thousands to millions of lines of code and examined exactly what it does, then compiled that to ensure that the resulting file hashes match those that are running on each of the voting […]
CrowdStrike Falcon Worldwide Outage

What it is CrowdStrike is a network security company. A Falcon Sensor is part of their Cloud-based endpoint protection platform. Think of Endpoint Protection as a firewall on each device that is part of a network. The ‘cloud’ part of it is similar to a conductor in a orchestra, with the endpoints being those playing […]

EARLY vs ELECTION DAY voting Best to Worst When Pros Cons Safest Election Day You may find out if your voting identity was previously stolen. Your ballot can’t get intercepted along the way to the polling location. Citizen Unity and Social Restoration, standing side-by-side your fellow citizens. Election Day Exit Polling is much easier to […]
Bank-Your-Vote and Early Voting Scam

“Only an idiot would fall for ballot banking or early voting! Don’t be that idiot! Vote ONLY on Election DAY, and vote in HUGE NUMBERS! Peacefully STAND YOUR GROUND. Do not leave until you CAST YOUR BALLOT!” 2 U.S. Code § 7 – Time of election: The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, […]