
At the heart of democratic governance lies the voting system, a mechanism designed to reflect the collective will of the people. For this system to truly serve its purpose, it must be so simple and transparent that every citizen, regardless of their background, education, or technological literacy, can not only participate but also understand and verify every step of the process. This simplicity and transparency are not just about ease of use; they are fundamental to ensuring equal access to the electoral process. If the mechanics of voting are shrouded in complexity or lack transparency, trust in the electoral outcome diminishes, eroding the foundation of our republic. At its essence, voting involves citizens marking their choices on paper, followed by a straightforward count of these marks. This process doesn’t necessitate elaborate or costly technology; instead, it demands clarity, accessibility, and the ability for public oversight. For American citizens to genuinely reclaim their electoral process, immediate and comprehensive reforms are imperative. Here’s what we must implement:

Voter Registration

Absentee Ballots

Election Day

Election Night


