Why? Why do trust them? Do you trust them because you are a programmer and have personally looked through the tens of thousands to millions of lines of code and examined exactly what it does, then compiled that to ensure that the resulting file hashes match those that are running on each of the voting machines you are using? Or do you just blindly trust them because someone you perceive as smarter and more qualified than you are told you to trust them? And that person that told you to trust them…are THEY a programmer that personally looked through the tens of thousands to millions of lines of code and examined exactly what it does, then compiled that to ensure that the resulting file hashes match those that are running on each of the voting machines you are using? Or are they just blindly trusting the person above them? And is the person above them just blindly trusting the certification lab that never looked at the source code? Did the certification lab just blindly trust the testing lab that didn’t even examine the logic of the source code, and has even missed blatant security requirements that the software has failed, yet they passed it in their testing despite that?

Or is your answer “I trust it because I tested it and it came out with the right answer!”? Do you realize that any programmer can program their software to detect it is being tested and behave perfectly in that instance, then do whatever they want it to do at any other time? No? Really? Did you hear about the Volkswagen Scandal in 2015?

Do you realize that if a car manufacturer can do it, a voting system manufacturer can also do the same thing? The car manufacturer benefited by selling millions of vehicles. A voting system manufacturer can benefit by controlling all the money and power in every country that uses their systems. Which do you think is a higher value target for bad actors? And that ‘voting system’ can just as easily be a ‘voter registration database’, an ‘electronic poll book’, and an ‘election night reporting tool’.

At some point, the citizens of America need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize that they will never have freedom again if they don’t IMMEDIATELY stop using computers for their voter registration lists, poll books, tabulation, totals aggregation, and election night reporting. If they realize this is the NATIONAL EMERGENCY that it IS, 2024 may very well be the end of the United States of America experiment.

If we do lose our beloved Country, I would certainly not want be any of those individuals that decided to keep their heads up their asses and take part in indirectly destroying this country that over 300M people call their home. I can’t imagine those 300M+ people are going to be too happy with them.

So the time to decide is right now. Will you keep your head up your ass? Or are you willing to pull it out and reconsider your actions? Do you want to be on the list of people that destroyed the United States of America, or do you want to be on the list that saved the United States of America? Tick, tock…

If you DO decide to make the sane decision, the next thing you need to read is https://handcountroadshow.org/the-early-voting-scam/

After that, watch my most recent presentation by clicking here. Don’t forget to click on the slides just below the recording so you have those to flip through too!
