Nueces County, TX
From Nueces County:
The Texas First Hand Count roadshow event presented by Mark Cook was a huge success. There were over 90 people in attendance at the Summit Church on Weber Road on Monday 6/12/22 . The crowd was hugely enthusiastic for Mr. Cook’s presentation. Melinda D. stated: “He really got across the importance of election security. We lose that, we lose everything.” The new hand count protocol was also widely applauded. Kim B. who was an election clerk at the recent Port Aransas complete manual recount of their city election ballots gushed: “This system is 100% better than what we used. This is sooo much better.” Rachael C. got with Mr. Cook to schedule an event in another county. This is a presentation “that every county in the state needs to see” was a common thread in the audience at the end of the presentation. Shawn Flanagan of the Election Integrity Project of Nueces County who brought the Hand Count Roadshow to Corpus Christi summed up the event by saying: “The event was outstanding. Mark Cook had a very productive two hour meeting with our County Clerk and Election Administrator Kara Sands prior to the public meeting and has another one scheduled for Tuesday. The crowd was as large as we hoped and the reception of Mr. Cook’s material was excellent. This visit has done much that is positive for election integrity.”
Event Recording (thanks to a great patriot in the audience!):
Counting Group Videos: