WARNING! The speaker names and positions are NOT accurate. I did them very quickly with AI help and have not had time to go back and clean them all up. I just wanted to get this here ASAP. Listen along with the audio to hear who it is that’s actually speaking.

2024-12-18 Part 2 - 11th Hr Clements, Tore, Raiklin, Flynn and more CO Whistleblower w QA

[00:00:00] He's got his.

Scott McMahan: Yeah, thanks. Um, so Mark, I'm glad you came on. I, I just posted our text message conversation. Uh, it, I definitely, uh, did not find it to be a friendly invitation to get together over coffee, like you just kind of described. Uh, you said that you wanted to look me in the whites of my eyes and, um, and it was the context that was after demanding to know the name of one of my sources.

Um, which is a pretty hostile question to ask.

Mark Cook: Yeah, I wanted to know who was lying to you. And then I wanted to actually have a conversation with you. Like, so we could look at eye to eye. Absolutely.

Scott McMahan: Okay. Uh, well, I just posted it there so anybody can judge for themselves. But, um. That's fine.

Mark Cook: That's fine. I got plenty of copies of it as well.

I'm, I'm a solid person. The reason I wanted to meet you face to face. Is because I wanted to [00:01:00] actually hammer all this out So you weren't posting stuff that wasn't true because you'd posted some things that weren't true And that hurt some people that I know and so that's why I wanted to meet with you So I could correct the record so you weren't spreading anything that was untrue to other people But,

Scott McMahan: and I asked you repeatedly in that conversation to tell me what specifically was untrue.

You refused to answer and said, you said you wanted to come meet me and look and look at the whites of my eyes. Absolutely. And I wanted to do that in person because you know, please don't,

Tisha Lee: please don't talk over each other. Yeah. Mark. Let's let Scott talk. Okay. We're going to be respectful here.

Mark Cook: Absolutely.

Scott McMahan: Yeah, here's, here's my question, Mark. Um, so I, today on, on my show, I was breaking down a video from Matt Mack, uh, that he, that's posted on the, the America project website. And in that video, he saw, he talks about you quite a bit. And he says that you. Um, and your hand count road show was being paid by the America [00:02:00] project.

And so I guess my first question is, how long have you been paid by the America project?

Mark Cook: I haven't been paid by the America project over the past couple of years. I think I have. I think I got reimbursed for a flight or two. But I'm, I'm not paid by the America project.

Scott McMahan: Okay. Has your organization been paid by the America project?

Mark Cook: I don't have an organization. I'm just me. The hand count road show. I've been reimbursed for a couple of flights. That's it.

Scott McMahan: Okay. So Matt, so Matt Meck very clearly said that, that, um, the, thanks to Patrick Byrne and the America project that you and he were working together through unauthorized one and the hand count road show to, um, To travel around the country and put forth, put together, uh, [00:03:00] what, what he was describing was, um, forums to recruit people to get involved in, um, the Republican party and also to run for various offices and, um, and what he was the way and also to teach people in 5g warfare.

Mark Cook: Um, Yeah, that's something that the America Project was doing, and that's something that I think Matt was doing through this, uh, thing called Unauthorized, but my HandCount Roadshow is totally separate. That's something that I've been doing myself. Now I have, I've been asked to speak at some of the events that they have hosted.

But my hand count road show is not at all related to what they're doing.

Scott McMahan: Yeah. I mean, he did not characterize it that way at all. In fact, when he was asked, you know, how at the end of [00:04:00] the, the interview, you know, how can we get, how can people get ahold of you? How can people learn more about what you're doing?

He said, you know, go to unauthorized. one and hand count road show. com. Well,

Mark Cook: it's handcountroadshow. org.

Scott McMahan: Okay. Well, whatever, whatever the address was, but so, you know, and, and he mentioned you three or four times through the video. I'll post it. I'll post a link to the video.

Mark Cook: I love that. I'm glad. So what you're noticing.

Scott McMahan: Okay, so, so what you're saying is that, uh, you have not been paid by the America Project. No,

Mark Cook: I think... I don't have an organization. I think I've been reimbursed for some slights over the years at an event or two that I spoke at that was put on by the America Project. But my hand count roadshow has nothing.

Nothing at all to do with [00:05:00] with those groups. I don't know what they're doing. I'm just doing my own thing. Have you? People recognize it and if if they're helping spread my word, that's awesome But I specifically didn't want to be directly associated with anyone because all this, you know discredit by association Games that i've seen over the years So that's why when I set out to do this, I just set out to do it on my own and that's why You Um, I have my own donate button on my website and that goes straight to me and I'm not intertwined with any other organization.

I'm just me.

Scott McMahan: Okay, so you haven't, you've never been paid by unauthorized one either? I've been reimbursed. By, so who are you reimbursed by? I've been reimbursed for people that I do work for. Okay, so you've been reimbursed by both organizations? I've been reimbursed by the America Project, [00:06:00] I believe, for some flights.

I think. I have to look. It's been so long, I don't even know. I've been traveling for like three years. Okay, so do you have a question about my integrity? Is that what this is about? No, I'm just I'm wanting to know. I'm, I'm clarifying what you might want to talk to Matt Meck then because he very clearly was saying that you were working very closely with him.

On, uh, his operation to, which is effectively to take over state Republican parties and, and his words in the video, he said he was working with grassroots Democrat Democrats and Republicans in doing this. And so, um, And there are many, you know, miraculous recent Democrat converts that have gotten involved in this operation against state Republican parties.

So, um, I'm just trying to that.

Mark Cook: I don't know. I, [00:07:00] I've always stated that I'm happy to work with Democrats or Republicans. That want election integrity. And I've been approached as I've been speaking for the past few years. Sometimes I get calls from Democrats. You say, Hey, uh, I'm a Democrat, but will you still talk to me about elections?

Cause I think my election might've gotten stolen. And I always tell him, I don't care. Like I was a Democrat most of my life. Uh, I changed parties, I think around 2012 before 2012, because I voted for Obama the first time in eight before I, uh, I had my, I guess I had my head up my ass pretty good. Cause I never thought, you know, Presidential candidate would lie for some reason.

And then I saw we didn't get what we were promised. And that's why I thought, all right, well, I guess I'm a conservative now. Cause I was so that affordable care act is what ruined it for me. And so I switched parties, became Republican. And then, uh, voted accordingly since then, but I've always told people, I don't care as long as we want fair elections and the [00:08:00] citizens are the ones that run the elections.

It doesn't party doesn't matter to me, so I have no problem. I'll help a Democrat. If. They want fair elections. I'm going to disagree with them on policy on stuff, but we all have to have working elections that truly accurately reflect the will of the people or we have no country at all. So I'll join hands with them, at least on that one point, those that will agree they want fair elections.

That's my stance on it. I can't speak about how Matt feels, but I can tell you how I feel.

Scott McMahan: Okay. I mean, he's, he's talking about, you know, getting involved politically as Republicans, but so I'd like to kind of shift and, and, you know, just in the sake of time, you talked about earlier, you talked about, uh, how you thought that Conan Hayes had set up Tina Peters.

Is that right? Um,

Mark Cook: if she was set up, I think that would be the most likely potential. Um, absolutely, because He just, [00:09:00] I don't know why he just disappeared. He's kind of an elusive person. I'm very concerned about why he claiming he took down back page when Kamala Harris is actually the prosecuting attorney on the paperwork that took it down.

It's kind of too close to home for me. It makes me really uncomfortable. Okay. And that's bizarre. So, I mean, if you're, you're a reporter, right? So that's something that would be great. If you dig into that, find out who Conan Hayes is and who all. He's been associated with and what he was accomplished. I'd love to know all that.

Scott McMahan: Okay. Well, I mean, he's a part of a SOG, the allied special operations group, which is working very closely with Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne. And, uh, he also, uh, Conan Hayes. Well, I don't think that's correct. I think that's all incorrect information. Where'd you get that from? Um, I've talked to people who are on the ground in Georgia and Michigan who met Conan Hayes.

Uh, he was on the, the very first flight [00:10:00] and this is public knowledge. He was on the very first flight, uh, into on Patrick Burns jet, along with Todd Sanders and Jim Penrose and Stephanie Lambert into Antrim County, right after a judge granted it. I don't know. So, but this was, this was at the same time.

This was just months before, um, all this happened with Tina Peters. So, um, you know, this was in 2020, 21, late 2020 and early 21. When, when, when this happened, you know, when he was involved with Tina Peters was in May and June of 2021. And what his role was, was, was, you know, going in and, you know, often surreptitiously getting, um, grabbing, um, these forensic images.

And then there are text messages, um, between Stephanie Lambert and Doug Logan and others, [00:11:00] where they were talking about why is Conan Hayes sharing these? Um, these forensic images with other people who are nice to have them and so that they already they already when when this happens in in in Mesa County, he had already gotten at least 3, probably, probably 4 because there's allegations that he also got it in Nevada.

So in Arizona, he, he definitely got him in Arizona. It's well documented Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia. And on behalf of the Flynn team, we were working very closely with, um, with ASOG and, um, and Flynn's team. And, you know, Patrick Byrne was, was funding a lot of that. And, um, and so, you know, if, if Conan Hayes, Set Tina Peters up, then that means that Flynn and burn set to Peter's up because he was working for them.

Oh, no, no, it doesn't. It could just be, you know, maybe [00:12:00] Conan said everyone out. We don't know. So you think that that's To suggest that Conan Hayes was a lone wolf.

Speaker 1: Well, I don't think He

was also Someone else Okay. So he was also employed by the America project during the Arizona audit. He was very much working for Flynn and Byrne.

Yeah. I, I don't know. I didn't know him back then. I wasn't involved. Yeah, I wasn't involved way back then. So I don't know. I just, I don't know him. There's tons of question marks and you were involved. So, so weren't you weren't you at the Willard at what point before 2020 and 21 weren't you at the Willard?

Is that the hotel that's next to the White House? Yeah, it was Flynn's command center. Oh, I have no idea. I mean, I've been to the Willard. I [00:13:00] think I've walked in the door. Well, I mean, you were at the Willard, meaning you were there in, um, at Flynn's command center. No, I, no, I don't. I had no idea he had a command center there.

No, no, I've never even met Flynn. Okay. All right. So why are you defending him? I'm not, I just don't know. I'm just saying, I don't know. So I, you know, I think the only person that I know is the person I've met. So I just don't know on him. There's a lot of questions and I know he was involved with Tina and he didn't show up.

to the trial. And it was since we were talking about Tina, I really want to know why he wasn't there because that was a huge part of probably why she felt comfortable doing what she did. If she thinks she's got this super secret white hat hacker that took down this child porn site for the government, she probably felt really comfortable that she had some cover there.[00:14:00]

And it's just interesting that he wasn't there at the trial and didn't help her wasn't going. I did this. I did this. Why wasn't he there because the neither the prosecution nor the defense asked him to be there. He wasn't subpoenaed. That's the reason why he wasn't there. That's just that's strange. I don't know if if that's the case or not.

It may be. I know I begged to be there. The only thing I was allowed me to do was to testify about a bios password being on a video. And that's the only testimony I could offer, even though I had plenty of other like the Gerald would him telling me flat out. He was in on it. And then he goes out and perjures himself in court at Tina's trial and tells the jury that she stole his identity without his knowledge.

And his wife sat there and let him lie. I could not absolutely believe that.

I'd like to know why he sat there and [00:15:00] lied to the entire jury and put this woman in prison because I'm sure his testimony was a lot of part of it. No, actually his testimony was responsible for the two things that she was let off on, um, according to most of the jurors. So, um, his testimony with his, with, with her convictions.

Uh, and I don't know, because wasn't convicted for influencing a public official in that. The theft of like identity or something and he testified that he wasn't aware if he was in on it from the beginning. Why on earth would he lie and say he didn't know about it? How could that help Tina? Um, I, I think that the jury knew that he was lying.

I mean, it was pretty clear watching it. So yeah, I don't think that, I don't think that his, the point is, you know, it sounds like you didn't really watch much of the trial. So I know you were, I wasn't allowed to. I was told [00:16:00] because I was going to be testifying that I couldn't poison myself by watching it.

So I, it sucked because I had to sit there not knowing what was going on. And then I got contacted and they said, okay, you're up in five minutes. And then I got to watch just a few minutes before they called me up. So that's why I wasn't watching it. Otherwise I would have been watching the whole darn thing.

Obviously. I'd like to turn it over to Marty. He's been holding his hand up for a while.

Speaker 2: Yeah, I know. I found that conversation real interesting, Scott. Uh, I would ask Mark if if you were involved and you were prepared for testimony, etc. Was there discussions? Because it seems as though you had an expectation that Conan Hayes should testify. Did you discuss that with the lawyers or anybody else prior to the trial?

Because you presented almost as though you were surprised he wasn't at the trial. What discussions were being had before the, uh, the [00:17:00] trial? Or were you just Had an expectation that he was just going to show up and testify on his own.

I had mentioned to a couple people about Conan and why I thought he was a core person that was involved in all this.

I think Tina was trying to protect his identity because I think Tina, maybe she just really believed he's a good guy. I mean, maybe he is, but it's just weird that he wouldn't be there since he was like core about all of this stuff. Um, so I just had my reservations there as far as different specific discussions I've had with Tina's attorneys.

I. I don't want to hurt her any of the appeal or anything like that. So I'm not going to share details of that because I don't want to put Tina in a bad spot and sharing information that shouldn't go out from her attorney. So I hope you respect that. Um, but I definitely, um, voiced a lot of concerns [00:18:00] about that and they were all, uh, not heated, unfortunately, and I'm frustrated with it.

Speaker 2: Well, I, I take from that that you were making the case that he should, and that people were making the case to you that he couldn't, you're not able to give us a reason on why he wouldn't.

I don't know the details of that. I, I was not allowed to work as closely as I wanted to. I literally, I tried, I tried.

I wanted to be right there. I wanted to be sitting there with him and tell him here's all the stuff I know. And, and here's what I think a good game plan is. And here's the information that I think will help Tina quite a bit, but I was not afforded that opportunity. I mean, I was lucky to even be able to testify for a few minutes about a bias password, even though I had so much other stuff I wanted to go into.

And I know Tina was trying to get evidence submitted, which I would have been testifying on a ton of the other evidence as well, you know, because the forensic examination [00:19:00] and she wasn't allowed to bring in any evidence. I mean, it was, and obviously if you listen to the judge that, Uh, chastised her and sentenced her.

I mean that was some of the most demonic, disgusting thing I've ever heard come out of a judge's mouth. I didn't even think that was possible. It was so out of line, beyond out of line. There, there is definitely a spiritual component here and there is some There are some very evil people that are causing all this

Speaker 2: to happen.

All right, I got a follow up question though When when you say that you were you you felt the need to step up and do your part for the elections, etc Who did you uh approach or conversely who approached you to get involved for your expertise?

For what are you talking about the elections like a hand count road show?

Speaker 2: Yeah. How did you get involved or anything that you did, um, [00:20:00] contribute in, in your dealings with Joe Altman or the rest of the gang? How did you get to know these people? Who was the first person that you reached out to to offer your services? Or conversely, who reached out to you to get you involved with, uh, with them?

Uh, it was interesting. It was Nate Kane's father.

Speaker 2: Are we talking about Nate Kane? That claims to be the whistleblower for the uranium one deal.

That's the one. It was his dad. So here's Nate and his dad. It was, I was at an AmFest event, um, year, year or so before in Doral, Florida, and I just wanted to get more involved. And because I just did, I was kind of a neophyte and all this political stuff.

So I thought it was cool. I'm a patriot. I wanted to meet other patriots. And I went to this AmFest event. And I sat at a [00:21:00] table, I was just by myself, and so I sat at this table with this nice couple, and that ended up being Nate's parents. And then I realized Nate was one of the speakers, but I kind of didn't know anyone there at all.

And we had a really good time hanging out. So for the next couple of days of the event, I just sat at his parents table and we got to know each other. So I think Dennis is his dad's name. And so Dennis had my number and I got a call a week after the 2020 election from him asking if I would help Nate figure out what happened with the election system.

And go out to DC and you didn't know either. You didn't

Speaker 2: know any of the canes prior to that or anybody else that knew him? I

know. I didn't know any, I knew nothing actually. Jovan Pulitzer funny enough was actually there and he was one of the speakers. So I never even knew who Jovan was, but I saw him there and he was up on stage talking about how he invented the [00:22:00] QR code.

And I remember that there was some other testimony about some stuff that happened in Benghazi. And, uh, And there are a few other, other people there that I ran into, like people that I'd seen on Facebook and stuff, some, you know, conservative podcasters and whatnot, but I was literally like total nobody and just trying to get my feet wet and learn some stuff.

Little did I know going to that one little event in Doral, Florida would turn into a flipping my entire life upside down in a period of four or five years. But here we are.

Speaker 2: Did you have interactions with Nate King?

When I was out in D. C.

Speaker 2: Okay, so you got to know Nate Cain. What's your opinion of Nate Cain?

I don't like to trash people. I will say I don't, Nate would not be, I wouldn't [00:23:00] consider Nate a good friend, uh, to me. Um,

Speaker 1: I don't know. Can I just take a second? I w I

Speaker 3: want to say, Mark, I, I appreciate again, you coming up here. And I want to say that I feel like, um, what I'm hearing is your heart's in the right place.

And, and you, you got in this fight the same, same reasons I did, you know, just trying to be a, an able body. To use the skills that you have to contribute.

Speaker 1: Yep.

Speaker 3: And so I, I just wanna say I do appreciate that and I appreciate you being willing to, uh, be up here and, and answer the questions for these guys. I,

I, I

Speaker 3: appreciate that.

I do. I, I give you respect for that. I appreciate it. Thank, yeah.

And I, I'm just trying to do the best I can. We all want Tina Peters.

Speaker 3: To suggest that Absolutely right. That why we're should

be in prison right now, not Tina Peters. And there are a handful of people in Colorado that should be in prison. And I'm gonna do everything I can to put 'em there.

I'm gonna call all these people out. I'm [00:24:00] gonna shine a big effing spotlight on all of them because at this point my life's kind of over, um, it's all upside down. And so I'm gonna do my best to leave this. a whole country in a better place. And if it means going up against Goliath and shining big old spotlights on all the rat criminals that are all over our country and those in Colorado, I'm going to do it with a smile on my face.

Speaker 2: Well, I I'd be curious about knowing more about Nate Cain's involvement, uh, because of, uh, You know, uranium one and a few other things. So I'd love to talk to you about that.

I know nothing about his involvement with uranium one. I, I had never hung out with Nate until I came out to DC and that's where I ended up in that hotel was that corner room was Sidney Powell's war room after Sidney had been evacuated.

So when I got there, she was gone. And, and she took all the computers and everything. Her team was gone. There was, I was told there was a security threat and Sydney [00:25:00] was gone, but I thought it was super cool that I'm sitting here watching TV after the election. I see this famous attorney on the TV. And then a few days later, I'm standing in the very room that apparently she had been in a few days or day before.

It was pretty, pretty crazy. My whole world view went from massive down to like. Tiny that I was literally just a person from Colorado and all of a sudden I'm standing in a room that Sidney Powell was in. So that was very interesting. Uh, as far as Nate goes, I spent like a month and a half with him and, um, you know, I don't, I'm not this Intel type person.

I've never been in that community. I don't understand how all that stuff works. I, I learned enough there to know that it's a very dirty, dirty world. And the citizens have no clue how dirty this underworld actually is. And it was very uncomfortable for me. It was, I was like, felt like I was living in a spy [00:26:00] movie that was actually in my life.

I had no idea who to trust. I didn't know who was good, who was bad, who was a spy, who, who wasn't. I didn't know if someone was going to off me one minute or poison my drink. It was absolutely bizarre. I think most people would have had a total nervous breakdown during that and I was just trying to help my country and uh,

Speaker 2: well, yeah, and the reason my curiosity is is Nate Kane, who claims whistleblower.

There was an original whistleblower, Joseph Campbell for Uranium One, but that was Uranium One deal was done. Well, while, uh, Michael Flynn was DIA director, and there's a lot of questions about that.

I, I don't know. McCain's involvement

Speaker 2: is of interest.

Yeah, I did. I got that back then. I'm a, I'm a neophyte with regard to all that.

Um, but I can say that, uh, hang out, hang out with Nate again.

Speaker 2: I'll put it

that way.

Speaker 2: Okay. My point is you might have some answers for some of the [00:27:00] questions that not even know it.

Maybe, yeah, I mean, I'm sure there's, I mean, I'm gonna have to write a book at some point because my, my, this has been the craziest, I couldn't even, if I had to imagine like the craziest possible thing that could ever happen to me, I could never have come up with what I've had to live through in the past four and a half years.

Not, not in a million years. Could I ever come up with this? And I don't think anyone had ever even believed me. So I'm just going to have to sit and to write all this down someday, and I'm just going to put it out there and people can enjoy it or not. But yeah, if I had to go through it, someone's going to have to know what I had to go through in this whole time.

And I, I truly, I'm going to fight with everything I got to free Tina Peters. Cause that woman did not do a thing wrong. And they are personally, the only thing

Speaker 2: I would say is. Someday is here. No time like the like the president will get started on it. Yeah, right away. This

is why I'm trying to get elections back in the hands of the people because as soon as we have control of our elections [00:28:00] again, we can stop them from putting all their criminal friends everywhere.

That's how we stop this whole cycle. When the citizens once again control their elections and we count our own votes and we fix the voter roll problem. I've got, if you look at handcountroadshow. org Click on that, go to that and click on where it says the solution. I put a whole framework out, very simple.

This is how we fix it. And I'm going to be pushing that across the entire country over the next years. And so I'm trying to get my life back together, pay, get some bills paid, figure out how I'm going to make my mortgage payment. And then in may, may 31st, I'm going to head back out on the road again with hand count roadshow 2.

0. I can find some way to. Pay for it. And I'm going to go travel the country for if it takes me two years, I'm going to bust my butt to get as much change made before the primaries as possible, because I truly know if we don't get our elections back in our control, this will be Groundhog Day for the rest of our lives, and it'll just get progressively worse.

So that's why [00:29:00] I'm in it.

Speaker 3: Thanks, Mark. Uh, I think we could have, uh, Chito ask, uh, your question now. You've been up for a minute.

Speaker 4: Yeah, I was just going to say, Joel Altman was at the Willard Hotel in the war room.

I, I, I wasn't. Um, I was at the Westin Hotel in Arlington, Virginia. I never, I heard there were people working in other place in D. C., but I never left that hotel. That I was in.

Kendo? Do you have a question?

Speaker 5: Yeah, real quick, uh, I guess Scott, uh, well I got some general, well no pun intended, I got some general questions, Scott, or anybody. So the name of the, of the lawyers were known prior to Tina Peters trial. Is that [00:30:00] correct? I'm going to assume that's correct. Yeah, it


Speaker 5: With the

exception of Wildman, I think that was kind of a surprise.

Speaker 5: Okay. So if somebody has some, uh, information, why was not, why was there not a affidavit sworn testimony presented to the court and to the lawyers pertaining to the innocence of Tina Peters? Is that even a thing? Am I, am I, off base there. Or could that have been something that could have been done at the time?

Well, yeah, I mean, that's that's what her defense was arguing the whole time was that she was innocent.

Speaker 5: Okay. All right. So people that did have pertinent information to her innocence, um, just weren't available to testify to the fullest extent of their knowledge regarding the situation. Just only [00:31:00] tidbits.

But there was no

I think that there's a lot there because there's been so much disinformation from media on the right about this that, you know, people think that she actually was innocent, but she wasn't. I mean, she did violate state crimes, um, and she was convicted of those crimes. And I think a better, a more logically valid and sound argument would be that maybe she was overcharged, but she was still charged within the guidelines, the state guidelines.

She, you know, she didn't, she was charged at the high end of those state guidelines. You know, uh, she did violate the crimes. She committed fraud against the secretary of state's office. She lied to them about Conan Hayes identity. She um, she. You know, deliberately hired someone so that I mean, this didn't have anything to do with Gerald woods testimony.[00:32:00]

She hired Gerald would to knowing that, you know, to do a job knowing that he would pass the security clearance and get the security clearance, then use his clearance, give that to Conan Hayes so that he could go in and illegally and she knew it was illegal illegally get the, you know, Um, um, get, get the forensic images and, um, and she was told that by Dr.

Frank, that that would be illegal. And that there, there was a recording of that, that was played in the trial. So the, the reality is that she, she did do this, her argument as well. There's nothing wrong with what I did to say that there's nothing wrong with what she did, or, or, you know, she was saying that, you know, she did it to protect this, this super high level.

Um, you know, federal agent who took down back page and she was trying to, you know, protect his identity. [00:33:00] Okay. The, the, the argument that I've made is that the only way, the only way that she could have stayed out of prison is to show that she was innocent because she either did it under or, um, that she was set up to do it.

I think she was

Speaker 1: coerced.

Yeah, and so, you know, okay, so

Speaker 5: if you think she's coerced, oh, sorry, can I just make an announcement? Can everybody, can everybody

Tisha Lee 2: mute their mic when the others are talking? So there's no feedback. Thank you.

Speaker 5: So, if, if. If, um, and it may be hindsight that you're looking at, at that mark that you think that now.

So, but that's kind of where my line of questioning comes into play here is if, if at that moment, would that been have been beneficial? Would it have been beneficial to, um, present an affidavit of your full testimony that could have helped her out if [00:34:00] you do feel that she was coerced into doing this illegal activity?

And then, I guess, because of the conversation that I've been listening to, is, is, uh, handcountroadshow. org, is that an organization that You know, that's looked into just ties directly back to you.

I wish that all that could have been entered in. I wish Conan was there to describe that. I wish Tina could have been able and allowed to describe her interaction with Conan exactly what she was told by him in that whole process.

Now, I wasn't involved in any of that, so I don't know what actually went down in those rooms because I met Tina months after that. Um, as far as HandCount Roadshow, yeah, it's not an organization. It's just a website. And it's just, it's all mine.

Speaker 5: Okay, so the org is not indicating an organization. Yeah,

it's just, it's just a website.

It wasn't like a company, and I, I wanted to keep it generic, because it was just like, [00:35:00] I'm gonna go out and do this for my country.

Speaker 5: Cheaper than com? Well,

I think org's more expensive, but com makes it sound like a company, and it wasn't a company. It was just like, You know the thing I was doing so I just I picked that org because it's the it's it's the next one I choose if it's not a dot com.

That's all there's no organization. It's not tied to anything. It literally is just me

Speaker 5: Okay, so with what you just said just want to for clarification Knowing what you know You wish you would have got been able to get that information in Would it have helped and I guess maybe for the future an idea? Would it have helped to, to, uh, present an affidavit of your testimony? I don't know if that's even a thing that one can do to the court in regards to that trial case and to the lawyers that you're full [00:36:00] sworn testimony so that you know, anything that somebody has pertaining to that case can be.

Perhaps entered in or at least I offered

a million times. I offered to multiple attorneys over and

over. All right, so Let's let's bring it back to I think I think we should bring it back to neil mark. Thanks for joining us. Sure and And I think you know to answer your question there, uh candle Mark did testify in court, uh, in her case. So he, he did testify there. And, um, and so, um, and the, the judge, you know, the, the, the whole Flynn network really tried to paint the judge as being highly biased because he wasn't hearing all of the, you know, attempts by, um, Especially Dan Hartman, who is an attorney from Michigan, and he has a [00:37:00] reputation here of being one of the worst attorneys ever.

Uh, and, uh, but he's one of the election integrity grifter attorneys. And so he was called out there just to complain about election integrity. And the judge was trying to, um, to, you know, to keep the. The arguments to the, the alleged crimes, not, you know, go out into this, you know, Dan Hartman was trying to paint this as some grand conspiracy theory.

And the judge is saying she's convicted of these crimes. We need to look at these crimes. And this is what we're to focus on. And, um, you know, the. There's a lot of people to say, well, you know, he's wrong for that. But I, I, I think that legally, that's a pretty hard argument to make. And I talked to several attorneys, um, two who watched all of her trial live, um, that I talked to every day, um, about, [00:38:00] you know, what was going on there.

And they did not feel that the judge was being biased. They, They saw that, you know, it was handled according to the law. So, um, you know, the, she did get a sentence that was on the long end of this, of the guidelines, but it was still within the guidelines. I think they looked for something to try to pin on her and they blocked her into a corner and her attorneys.

And I know there was a ton of other evidence. She was not allowed to bring in. Tons of it and other witnesses, the judge wasn't allowed. The evidence wasn't pertinent to what, to what the crime's issue is. They customized the charges to be able to stay away from the other, from what I would say she would have used as a basis to support what she did.

And she wasn't able to support the basis for why she did what she did. And I think that's a big problem because I think the jury should understand what was going through her head, what her intent was. I think is really [00:39:00] important, but I just thought clay showed up and his hand popped up. I think. sir.

We're going

Tisha Lee 2: to go to clay. Um, Neil requested him to come out by clay. Welcome.

Clay Parikh: Hey, thank you. And as I did testify in the court, and I did read the Colorado election rules and laws and the Secretary of State's laws, I'd like Scott for you to specifically tell me which law she violated.

Um, I don't have it in front of me, but she, you know, it was the ones that she was convicted of and had to do with.

Clay Parikh: Yeah, she and here's the thing and those attorneys that you talk to daily. Were they there when the cameras weren't rolling? Were they there during the jury instruction when the judge totally manipulated what was going to be presented that he would explain things that is not how a jury trial works and so he was by us and there were no laws,

there was

Clay Parikh: an [00:40:00] affidavit.

I had written, I was told, I had written another instant page report because I was told I wasn't going to be able to testify possibly, and I was told the reasoning by Tina's lawyers, so I wrote it up. And then guess what? He, he said that it was irrelevant and wouldn't submit it. And then he let the prosecution on closing arguments, argued the exact same fact.

That I could have told them was that was best business practices and it's done even by the company I work for and I've only got 20 years in cyber security and technology. Right and I'm more than that out there because that trial was the most Marxist trial I've ever witnessed it mentally and I've been in quite a few.

Right from federal court, the different state circuit, jurisdiction courts and stuff and I'm just telling you. That was the worst thing I'd ever seen. And as a [00:41:00] retired Marine, it really insulted me because it's just a, it's a mockery of what happened. And so, if you're going to accuse her of violating the law, I want the specifics because I'll counter the points because I know I do this in every state I support before I write a declaration, or before I do an affidavit, or before I testify in court.

I've read state constitutions, and I did not read Colorado's because it wasn't relevant. There's enough issues within their election laws and the requirements, which need to be countermanded just like in most

Speaker 3: states. So, so without getting into a match between you and Scott about whether or not. Uh, Tina's charges were appropriate, or if she was, uh, found guilty of crimes that that she did or did not commit, um, this, this space is about, um, Joel Altman making the accusation [00:42:00] that Tina Peters was set up and that Sharona was a fed, um, as well as, uh, Conan Hayes being a fed along with a lot of other stuff.

But, uh, as it relates to Tina Peters, that's kind of what the conversation's about. And so I was just wondering if you had any remarks you'd like to say in regards to those things.

Clay Parikh: So, here's what I say, I, I hear, I hear a lot of things that go on with the back noise. The 1 thing I will tell you, I do know for a fact that there's a lot of socks going on and there's a lot of people that sometimes I work with that.

I have questions about because it's, you've got to watch your 6. And everything, because look, I'm just a guy that went to a grassroots group, heard about some, some crazy stuff that went on and testing here in Alabama and got involved in Alabama case. And the next thing I knew. I was out in federal court in Arizona.[00:43:00]

And, and I'm just stating it that way, because nobody knew me before, unless you were in North Alabama, or you dealt as you guys on the Intel, the secret squirrel side of the house, because I used to hack for the government, one of my jobs, right for in Department of D. O. D. And so, so I know stuff on that side and how things operate in that and I, and I've been above the top secret realm and.

And I was a nobody, but I did work in the voting system test labs and a couple of them, right, for nine year time span. And the things that I can tell you is I've hacked into every system. I tested and yet they still got certified. So I come in this just as a technical person with a cyber experience that knows the systems knows the rules and knows everything because I've probably read hover more than anybody sitting on this space right now.

And I first read it 2008 and I'm currently reading it now yet again for other stuff. And so [00:44:00] these are things I constantly go over. So, as an outsider, now, as far as who's a Fed, who's not a Fed, I don't get into the dirty washing games, just like I'm like Mark. I didn't even know who Jovan Pulitzer was until my wife sent me a thing of him critiquing me during the during the, um, carry late trial.

Right? And then again, I've seen questionable things with him, but I don't throw people. I don't demean people. I don't do things. I deal with them in a situation I'm in, right? And I want to put forth the technical truth and the truth on every situation. And that's what I do in in every state I support. So, look, I've been interviewed by Serona.

I've talked to her personally. We had to sit outside the courtroom and whether or not they were ever going to testify in Tina's trial. And they cut her off. I don't know. Was Tina set up? Yes, I've heard those rumors before, but here's [00:45:00] what I'm telling you. The action she did did not violate anything. And the whole fact that people don't understand the Secretary of State gave an emergency rule that was going to destroy evidence, but that by Colorado law is supposed to be preserved for 25 months.

And so those are just the facts. So I. I don't go in and look to who's a who's a who's a fed or go off the rumors or get into the infighting. I've seen Joe Altman and Joe Vaughn go out on social media. I stay out of that crap. Right? The only time I step in on some things is when I know somebody that I've assisted.

That's makes a statement and then somebody else is calling them out and dragging them through the mud. That's wrong because I don't believe in treating people wrong. So, I mean, that's, that's what I'm speaking to. I only knew about this space because people were dropping my name in it and I checked my phone before I go to bed.

So I said, I'm going to listen and see what's going on. Right? The [00:46:00] main focus here ought to be is why is the corruption in Colorado allowed to exist? Why can the secretary of state have those passwords again? In Tina's trial, I was considered an expert witness, but yet in the Denver trial, they let me sit and listen while Colonel Sean Smith had to sit outside because he wasn't considered that.

But then when they go to make me an expert witness, all of a sudden there's an ejection. Why? Because a legal warfare foundation, so anything that clay says. Doesn't have to be evaluated by the judge because he doesn't have the knowledge scope to speak on this subject. Right? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong on the foundation objections.

Yeah, it's dirty dirty.

Clay Parikh: Yeah. Yeah, it is. And that's the thing, because here's what I'm telling you what the secretary of state's office did and they have done no investigation. Is a crime. [00:47:00] It is a crime. And again, it was something I was blocked from just like the testimony. I was supposed to get in was the practices that were done as far as the retention of the data and how she did.

And for those who don't know the county, the county election commissioner, whatever their title is in Colorado. Guess what? They're required to back up those. They're to retain all the logs to include error system logs and any mistakes that happen on the system. And guess what? Just like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure Web Services, my company and a whole bunch of others do do do image backups daily to preserve the integrity of the systems, especially in my field where they're doing software development and system testing.

And so that's, that's what I can speak for for all these other acquisitions that people need to [00:48:00] bring forth the proof. Right. Whether it's Joe Altman or whoever, they can show that they're a fed, right? And I'm telling you, I used to work with 3 letter agencies. They're going to, they're not going to let, you know, who, who, who's.

Let's just say an assistant, because they won't work for the 3 letter. Right, but they're hired and funded by the 3 left. But that's, that's not what I do. I speak to the elections, the systems and I testify on it. Right. And and I just do that in every way all the other mudslinging stuff can go on. We ought to keep our focus.

On the ball, because the thing now is is Tina's innocent. And if it would have been a fair trial, we might have all the other evidence.

Speaker 6: As well, but you, you don't have to tell people not to dig into people because we are digging into people Clay, and there's people surrounding Tina that I believe are bad actors that put her in that position, sir.[00:49:00]

So yes, we will not, it's not Mudsling. Yes, it's not infighting either. Right? You get it. Yeah, yeah.

Clay Parikh: No, no. I, Hey, I, I get it. Look, and I'll, and I'll tell you something else. Mike Liddell's got some bad people around him, and so does Trump, right?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Clay Parikh: And that's what I'm saying. There's some counters in there and I'm just, I'm telling you, because Trump played, Hey, look, I, and a few other elected people got played by Trump.

Cause that's how brilliant he is. Right. So he's flushing people out and he's identifying who he's got to deal with.

Speaker 6: Yeah. And we're sitting here not identifying in our movement, but we are now. And, and, you know, God bless you for trying to help Tina Clay. We're all on that same page, my friend. And

I, I respect clay so much.

Like I told you, my two top Sean Smith and clay Perique, those are the only ones that trust 100 percent in all of this craziness

Speaker 6: and we don't trust Patrick Byrne, General [00:50:00] Flynn, the people that were surrounded, uh, Tina. Peters. We don't trust a lot of them. Sounds like there's one we need to add to the list is Conan. We're going to do some digging on that as well. Um, Marty, you have your hand up.

Speaker 2: Yeah. I just had a quick question for clay.

I, I, I wanted to get his thoughts on the legal decision by a Tina Peter's team, not to call, um, Conan Hayes to the stand.

Clay Parikh: So as far, look, I know I was scheduled originally to go out there and talk about one thing. I know Mark was supposed to talk about the BIOS password, right? Which to me, I only learned about like a day or 2 before the trial, and then I ended up having to speak on it as far as the rest of it. You got to understand, you may know the strategy because 2, there's, there's an A, a B and a C plan.

And then what happens, you know, [00:51:00] if it goes to appeal and whether you're on the offense or defense on the appeal. Right? And so attorneys always plan all this different stuff out. But as an, as an expert witness. You may know others involved, but you, you don't get the details on what the attorneys are plan, right?

Um, what I will tell you is, is that, and I, man, I don't know if I asked Mark or not. I know I asked Sean. Um, so look, as an expert witness, you're allowed to sit in the trial at the beginning and you get to hear things because you have to be able to speak on that subject. Well, we were put the judge put gag orders on us.

I was not allowed to watch any of the trial to speak about the trial. I couldn't look at any news coverage. You basically had to keep yourself in blackout mode. And then I find out that people that weren't designated. On the prosecution side, they weren't designated until after they sit 3 days. As [00:52:00] an expert witness, and, and, and that was confounding.

So I was totally blind on a lot of things. I basically got. The information why was there at morning when I'd be getting breakfast, I would run into Tina's attorney, you know, and we would talk and he would tell me, hey, you might not get to testify this that I say, why? And I asked him why? And I'm like, well, no, it's correct on this point this point.

And I did a lot of writing last minute. To just state what it how it functions in certain things that we're being told this were the reasons that I wouldn't be able to testify or that they things that we're going to look at. So I can't I can't speak to why they don't call them. I can tell you I've been in enough trials.

I know gang plans is change. Even after the 1st witness gets questioned, they may transition strategy based on the answers they get, which like happened in lakes trial. I hell, I wasn't supposed to testify the 2nd day and I ended up the 2nd witness. Right. And I

Speaker 6: [00:53:00] have 1 question who, who asked you to testify?

Was it the lawyers? And were you compensated? How does that work?

Clay Parikh: All right, so. I, I get approached a lot of time. There are a few attorneys that I deal with, like, on a regular basis. Right. But, um, but attorneys approach me, or they'll ask, hey, so and so wants to talk to you because they'll talk to another attorney that I get briefed on the case.

What it is. Can I see us? And then we, we talk things out, um. As far as Tina's trial, because it was last minute, and it. And it was Tina Peters, and we honestly, this country owes her a medal by prison time. In my opinion, because that image. Which is still being looked at and investigated because there is stuff there.

It's just a complicated process. Um, it's. It was, but so I jumped on your job and all [00:54:00] I asked for Nicole. Aspects of my actual time in the seat. In court and my travel expenses and that was it. So I was complicated for that. So I got reimbursed my travel. So, Clay,

Speaker 6: your job was to basically try to explain what the people were looking at with the technology side, like, you know, lawyers sometimes, right?

Don't know technology. Judges don't. What was your perception of the reception of your testimony?

Clay Parikh: My testimony was basically on the boss. Screen part, right? Which here's the thing. And I want to make sure

Speaker 6: they're involved with that. Clay, I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Clay Parikh: Yeah, the thing was the prosecution wanted to make this film and the partial release of the bios password unblurred password a thing.

Yet they would not let the jury see what they presented to myself and mark. I can state for a fact, even [00:55:00] though it was blurred, I am qualified enough to tell you that there was never about script password screen in the video that I saw and that marks 100%.

That's exactly right. There

Clay Parikh: was a blurred and here's the thing, and if you follow the process and again, the 1st objections, when I said Dominion.

Where objections came out. If you're following a build procedure and an installation procedure, you follow the vendors procedures. I don't care whether it's Windows, Red Hat Linux, Dominion Software, or your freaking game from, uh, whatever the games are. I don't play that crap. Right? You follow their procedures, they objected when I said Dominion's name that right there points to me corruption.

Right? But so all that was irrelevant. They made it a point and it wasn't anything. It was just the [00:56:00] installation screens and portions of the BIOS and install it. And it was only partial and 2, according to the build instructions, that passwords are relevant the minute they were done. So, before that film even got posted or sent anywhere.

It was irrelevant unless they didn't follow the procedures.

That's absolutely correct. Yeah.

Clay Parikh: Yeah, absolutely. Correct.

Speaker 6: All right, real quick, let's go to, um, and thank you clay mark. I appreciate you guys. Um, I want to go to Neil. Neil, do you have any other thing to say, or, and does anybody have any questions for Neil about what we talked about as well?

And, you know, Clay and Mark, thank you guys very much for, for coming here. And I think we're all on the same page where we want Tina free, but we're just trying to find out, you know, who is around them, why did it happen? You know, we're just trying to figure stuff out just like you guys are. So God bless you both.


Speaker 3: thanks, Jeff. I, [00:57:00] uh, I just want to add, you know, um, I agree. We're all here for the same reason in that, um, we, I don't think anybody in this space believes that Tina Peters deserves what she's going through. Um, and I think we all, uh, you know, for the most part, we want to give Tina the benefit of the doubt and believe that, um, Um, you know, she, she doesn't, didn't have nefarious intentions in the first place.

And um, I just wanted to say to, to Clay specifically, um, you know, you refer references as infighting and mudslinging. As well. I've been trying to figure out for, for quite a while now, who, who is actually trying to help and who's not. And I've asked around quite a bit. And, uh, Joe Altman has told me a few times about, you know, the need to work shoulder to shoulder with these people.

And as long [00:58:00] as we're, we're all focused on the election, then he's not worried about it. And to, to that point, I just want to say, you know, it sounds to me like you are acknowledging that there's also operations going on and there's also nefarious players, uh, within the movement. And so how productive can we be when we're following the lead of a nefarious actor or, um, maybe working alongside them?

Because that's why I feel like this conversation is important is because. There's been a lot of, uh, spinning our tires as far as trying to, uh, make progress. And I think a lot of that has been from what I would essentially call busy work, you know, stuff that seems like it might be really important and doesn't really actually get anything done.

And so that's why I feel like this is important is we do need to separate the wheat from the chaff and, and, and figure [00:59:00] out who really is, is trying to move things forward and who's not.

Clay Parikh: Yeah, and look, I, I, I agree with that. Um, what I can tell people is, is if you're just following 1 person. And you're trusting everything they say.

And I'm going to just use as gospel, then that's wrong. And look, and I'm, this may seem far fetched, but this is the way I used to advise people when they asked me because I was, I taught close combat in the Marine Corps a very long time ago. Right? And he would come to me and ask about

Speaker 3: your service. Also.

Thank you.

Clay Parikh: People would ask me, you know, what's the best martial art and all this and that and about different things. And I would tell him if you go to any. Instructor and you ask a question and they just say, that's the way we do it. Or they get up and say, all right, you will you try this attack and see if it works on me.

Well, no crap. He's probably a fourth degree black belt or something, right? That's not the [01:00:00] way you teach, right? And I was taught. That I have to explain everything if it's not the grace anatomy book, and I violate that, then then I got beat and I literally right. And so it's just, that's the way you function.

And so that's what I've got to. That's what everybody needs to understand. You and believe me, people have tried to throw me into conversations, which are gone. And here's all I can take on certain things and here's all I'm saying. If you don't want to step into a space. Or do something and it's got to be on your terms or this or that where you have control, then you're not being honest and legit.

It's just like me. I publicly challenged the vendors. And anybody from a technical perspective to prove me wrong. And I think that's that's why some people tend to want to listen to me. Because guess what, if you prove me wrong, I, I would admit I'm wrong, but [01:01:00] if it's going to be on the technical side, something that I've done for a very long time, I'm going to challenge you on and and and guess what I beat the.

CIO, a health and human services countless times, right? I've worked in every area, especially on the government side and private sector. So, I know my profession and that's what you got to listen to and I get it. But right now. We're saying Tina was set up for what actions because I just told you people her actions were not illegal.

The only actions that are illegal are being conducted by the state government of Colorado. And that's that's the fact I agree with everything because there are a lot of players out there. Believe me, my trust level varies with a whole lot of people, right? And, and Scott, I appreciate you put me in the same name because honestly, that's the only man out there that freaking I'll stand back to back with on anything anywhere [01:02:00] because that's the respect that we spend a lot of personal time together.

And there are a lot of other good people out there, but there are a lot of good people out there that sometimes make me scratch my head and go. Or that people tell me to worry about, and that just that makes it very difficult. And 2, I work with a lot. I, I'm the unique guy because nobody else has worked in the voting system test labs.

So I'm in that predicament of. I work with a lot of different people, right? And so. It varies for me, and it makes it extremely hard. And so I get, I get your point, but let's, let's focus on the fact that. Tina's actions were not wrong. So even if somebody gave her advice that may not have been up and up, put her in her predicament, we've all get put in predicaments.

I mean, crap, I get threatened and everything else, but it is on social media, not a threat because I'm, you know,

Speaker 6: voice off. I'm sorry about that. I had hit a wrong button. What if [01:03:00] general Flynn isn't a hero? And what if he was put in for Pfizer, Pfizer, Pfizer and Russia, Russia, Russia, And, uh, that's why Trump says that three times and he was fired within 23 days for lying to the president of the United States.

What if general Flynn wanted to sell nuclear arms to Saudi Arabia? What if general Flynn wanted to kidnap and take a. Turkish cleric that lived in the U S to a Gulag in Turkey. What if general Flynn's business partner did a FARA, um, investigation and was guilty by a jury of 12 and then Biden's DOJ released that.

And he called me a POS cause I, I, I called him out on it. So just that how convenient, what if he's not a hero, sir?

Clay Parikh: I

haven't called him a hero and you're questioning me like that. That's something I'm not questioning you. Without,

Speaker 6: you know, general Flynn is around Tina Peters. With [01:04:00] Patrick Byrne and Mike Lindell. Uh, you know, we even had Mark in here saying something about Neil. Uh, what, uh, what was his name? Uh, guys, uh, give me the guy that Marty said that was in, uh, a guy

Clay Parikh: I know who you're talking about.

Yeah, Mark King. He was involved.

Speaker 6: King, you know, he was involved with the, with the, with the Greg Phillips thing and, and the, the Eugene Yu thing that got dropped in California. That might've been a psyop on us. He was also involved. Jim Pinrose. Other things. Yeah. I mean, we're, so, we're diggers guys. We, we've kind of dug on all these people and we wanna know why Tina Peters is where she is.

And maybe it's because of the people that are around her. That's all I'm saying.

And I raised Lynn.

Speaker 6: Yeah.

Clay Parikh: Clay, are you aware? So here's the thing, a lot of people that,

Speaker 1: okay,

Clay Parikh: even if I haven't met him in person, that I've been on phone calls with him and, and, and here's what I will tell you is. The statements that [01:05:00] I'll make about Joe Flynn is I, I think he's a very cautious man because the calls I've been on with him.

He's, he's listened. What if

Speaker 6: he was behind January 6th with the Oath Keepers and Roger Stone and The Proud Boys?

Clay Parikh: Look like I said, yeah, I, I, I've been, or computer guys. I talked about computer. Listen, I've been a DOD contractor.

Speaker 6: This is about Tina Peter's stuff.

Clay Parikh: I, yeah, I, I, I, I know this isn't about Tina Peter's stuff, but here's what I'm gonna tell you.

Speaker 6: General Flynn, I got stuff Dale are about. Tina Peter stuff.

Clay Parikh: Hey.

Yeah. But let me speak because you, you are asking me my opinion on things that I'm gonna tell you. That's what I saw as I served in the military and I've served with special operations as a contractor. [01:06:00] And I've, I've known for a very long time, normal people in this world to include what used to be the freest nation on earth.

The United States are clueless to what goes on and what the government does. And sometimes in the name of democracy and freedom and all the other BS, they spill out. Right? And so I've seen it. I know it. Right? And they do bad things. The thing is, y'all got a right to be pissed off because they've turned it on us.

But there are people within these agencies that are fighting for us, right? I know things that I can't really even talk about that I get went to because I'm still I hold a top secret security clearance and people ask me my shit. And then I learn about other things and so the point I'm trying to make is.

Yeah, you can make all these allegations and you can say things and some may be true and some may be right, but they've got to be taken into perspective [01:07:00] of what they're doing. Right. Um,

Speaker 6: right. Sending selling America's secrets to foreign entities is a good thing and he's a hero. I got it. Thank you.

Clay Parikh: No, no, no.

See. There you go some low level cheap ass tactic of drawing your conclusion. And so it came from me. And that's I

Speaker 6: didn't say that that's not even

Clay Parikh: a good way to debate. I got to be honest about it. Um, because anybody that can read anybody else's mind and know what they're thinking. Uh, Needs a nice padded room.

And that's, that's all I'm going to say on that because that's, that's not, well,

Speaker 5: he was, he was pretty direct as far as the questioning in regards to the character of Flynn, but then your response being that, you know, we don't know what's going on and, you know, the, the crap they spew out for democracy and so there could be operations at play that are for our own good, but specifically in context was about, you know, The foul play that has been [01:08:00] uncovered regarding Flynn.

None of that can be good.

Speaker 3: Yeah. Clay, are you aware that, uh, America's future, which, you know, uh, Trump was just there, right. Um, at Mar a Lago for their gala, um, America's future was handed down from Jack Singlaub to general Flynn. Are you aware of that?

Clay Parikh: All right, so you're making a pretty broad statement here, so.

Speaker 3: No, it's just a very basic thing. Jack Stenglaub was writing America's Future up until 2022, when he handed it off into General Flynn.

Tisha Lee 2: That's factual.

Speaker 3: Are you aware of that? Well,

Clay Parikh: I am now. Yeah, but

Speaker 3: Well, so so my my point is right. Um You you probably need to be pretty friendly with jack singlaub to inherit [01:09:00] his non profit. Um Can we all agree here that uh, the cia? Has a track record of uh, not being very um helpful to the american citizens You know, I run Contra and, uh, MKUltra, et cetera.

Clay Parikh: Yeah, well, we all agree.

Speaker 3: CIA has been doing some bad, some bad stuff, right?

Right. So, so why, why does the buck stop at Flynn is essentially the question, right? Like, He, he inherited America's future from Jack Singlaub, CIA, but America, but, but General Flynn is, is a white. This is the problem is you, what you alluded to is that there's this mastermind I see community is all working together to do good.[01:10:00]

For us, and I would argue that they are not, and I would even argue further that Ivan Reiglin is a perfect demonstration of that, because he brags about his connections with the IC community, and Ivan Reiglin has been trying to stoke fires and get people to say stuff. That is really just ammunition for the left, um, not to mention his potential, you know, role in J6 and how all that played out.

And so I just wonder, like, at what point does the, I understand you have a background, uh, with the IC community, but at what point are we, are we, you know, Covering for them or are we, uh, trying to, you know, give Americans their country back from the, uh, as, as Tory calls the 4th unelected branch of government, right?

What, what, what fight are we fighting? Yeah,

Clay Parikh: so, so here's the thing when you talk about somebody towards. Passes on the torch of of [01:11:00] America freedom or whatever that crock was that you gave and I'm just calling it like I see him because to I'm, I'm a, I'm a Marine Corps gunnery sergeant. So you're going to get it straight.

Um, as I, as I see it, and so here's the thing, because here's the thing. I'm 1 of those that still believes that we're actually a constitutional Republic, which we haven't been for quite some time, but we, the people. Right you only 8. If the, if the government can see that they're the sheep and they go to slaughter and we go the way the Romans, right?

That's just the way it's set up. Right we need some critical thinkers to start. We need people with attitude problems. But so, so I don't buy off on that because here's the other thing. Most of these agents and these politicians are merely the puppets, right? If you don't question the oligarchs behind them, which is what I think you were leading to right by the nonprofit, everything else.

That's what you've got to be watching because those idiots in D. C. [01:12:00] Are are purely thing and look Rankin.

He's sort of cocky, he's got his thing, but he's a retired army colonel or whatever. Right? I know. Hey, you're off the bell curve as any psychiatrist. That's evaluated military person after 20 years in the military. You are not normal period. Right? It's just because of the way you have to live your life for that couple of decades.


Clay Parikh: got a

Speaker 8: that's why

Clay Parikh: I'm saying that. So I look at people when they say things and do things a certain way. And yes, do some people instigate and say some stupid stuff? Yes, I think so. Do I think it's pertinent? No, but my thing is. I'm going to evaluate and handle things my way and I usually talk straight to the people like, when I travel and I go around and people ask me to go.

And I go and again, I don't get paid. I ask people to help try to reimburse me for my travel. Right. [01:13:00] Whether I get it or not, you're relevant because my thing. I raised my hand countless times, even though the first O never went away, right? And I know my O, so that's why I do it, because I still have to serve the true government of this country, and that's the people.

And so I get all this. I think if people sit back and watch how Trump handles things, there's already been it. Matt Gates was a play to draw rats. If you don't get that, and there's going to be more shuffling around, and there are people assigned that nobody's happy with, and they question on this and that, but it's only a matter of how long they sit there because he's playing 3D chess.

Why? Why? Why? Everybody else is and it calls out. Look, me and Sean even said it. We got played on the early vote thing because that push from Trump's administration. Believe me, I was telling people to tell [01:14:00] him he needs to tell Lord to shut up and this and that and they got to stop this because I know how bad the system is.

But guess what it totally caught them off guard and what I will tell you now is and the other guys that I talked to that I could trust in the integrity of investigating what went on in 2024 is that we have a ton more evidence. There was rigging going on in the early vote shit that's caught and it done that we wouldn't have even had if it hadn't have been for, for, for Trump's team pushing the early vote crap, which I thought was asinine, Sean Smith thought it was asinine, right?

Because we're playing in their hands, but a hell of a lot smarter than we were. And that's the thing. And then there's still the election data. And that's the things we've got to do because they cheated on the down balance and they tried to buff the numbers up on the top of the ticket. But again, we blew that algorithm, but they're trying to make it look close.

Why? To legitimize their narrative, their style. Right and so anyway, so go ahead. [01:15:00]

Speaker 9: Okay. All right. Yeah. So, so back to the General Flynn thing. So like a lot of us, like supported General Flynn and you know, we were on board and we donated to all these, let's stop this deal. And we're going to find this and we're going to find that.

And I know they cheated. I seen it live. Um, but, but over a period of time from the pressure, you know, pressure burst pipes, right? So from the pressure of people digging and asking questions over and over, we find little posts that say MK ultra for life. I denounced Q a long time ago. Their lawyers go in and say that cure traitors and Nazi sympathizers and all of us are like some of the Ortiz that are really exposing all this shit out here.

And frankly, it's like people that come in and you know, we just ask simple questions. It's always a deflection. Doesn't matter who it is. And I'm not doubting what you did. I thank you for your service and everything. But when we ask the questions to get to the meat and potatoes, we always get the dance around.

And [01:16:00] that's how I felt. I was just sitting back listening. And, you know, everything is tied in there. It's laid out. We put millions of things in this little purple thing all the way at the bottom there on the right. It's got a million receipts in it. And that's what we call them receipts because they've been proven.

They're, they're, they're facts. And then some of it, yeah, you can stoke suspicion and stuff, but it's the fruits. You know, they'll be known by their fruits, like what they do and how they act when they're, you know, put on the spot or ask the question. And like, we don't hate nobody. We love our country. You said that you file affidavits.

Well, that's what the desert does in New York. We've been fighting the deep state since day one in New York, since they try to lock us down. So I get all that, but it's, it's the part where we get to like, Hey, so what do you think it is? You know, you don't even got to give your own opinion, but I mean, you don't find none of that suspicious that all this is tied around Tina Peters and it's the same characters.

January 6 is the same characters that are tied into this and tied into that. It's like we keep [01:17:00] going through. It's like groundhog day. That's that's what it feels like to me.

Here's a good one for you. I think it was before the election. I remember I came out to D. C. for some type of event. Like, I don't know.

I can't remember what it was, but I remember this weird guy was there kind of coordinating a lot of stuff and his name was, uh. Ali Alexander, and he seemed to really know what he was doing. I didn't know who he was. And then fast forward the day after the election, I'm getting on an airplane. Um, I was actually watching it with AmFest out in Florida, in Miami, getting on the airplane to go back to Colorado.

And I was walking down the aisle and I looked on my phone and Facebook, there's a message from Scott Pressler. And he said, going to Pennsylvania need help with an exclamation mark. And I thought. Well, this is literally November 4th, like Twilight Zone Biden, just one. There's no way like what happened and I'm ready to get fired up and do something.[01:18:00]

And I figured the people I was with the night before might know Scott Pressler. And so I asked someone that I knew there, if they had Scott Pressler's number and I was sent a number, I called it, it was Scott Pressler. And I said, Hey Scott, my name's Mark. Um, I briefly met you at an event in DC a while ago.

I met him down at like Trump hotel in Washington, DC at an event that Dinesh D'Souza spoke at a little while before that. Anyway, I said, Scott, you won't remember me, but can I, how can I help you? I'm in Miami. I'm about to go back to Colorado. And he said, um, can you help me in Pennsylvania? I said, yeah, I would love to.

Speaker 6: And so Marty, do you have a question?

Sorry. And I just went out to work with Scott. Can you guys hear me?

Speaker 4: Scott Press or Yeah, I don can hear. Okay.

Speaker 6: Can you guys hear me? We [01:19:00] got you. Yep.

Speaker 2: A actually, I thought this was a good time to bring up, um, a, an idea or a thought that you might find interesting, Jeff. When you bring up, uh, Flynn, who was going to kidnap a Turkish cleric, that was Fatula Gulen. And I want people to think about this.

What if that was another, um, bit of information that was put out a psyop to give the impression that Flynn was on the same side? Uh, You know, on the right side of things, along the lines of Obama says not to trust them because it's a longer conversation, but Fatula Gulag is well connected. He operated out of Chicago and this would give the impression that Flynn was doing something that kind of made him right in, in the eyes of conservatives and the people that want to expose the corruption because [01:20:00] Fatula Gulag, there's a long story to him.

And one of the connections is Mark Grossman helped bring him and his operation here to the States. out of Turkey. So there's a lot more to the whole idea that Flynn was going to kidnap Fatoula Gulen and bring him back to, um, to Turkey because Fatoula Gulen is no small figure and he would be invading a compound.

I mean, this guy is. Has got quite an organization run and he has a lot of politicians in his pocket, big and powerful people. This was no small little thing. The idea that Flynn was going to kidnap him and bring him back to Turkey, and there's a lot of red flags in that story. So I just thought it was a good opportunity to bring up where that conversation could go and the possibility that that was put out there for reasons to lend credibility to Flynn in certain circles.


Speaker 5: you sound really low by the way, bud.

Speaker 6: Who does? You do. I do. Can, uh, how about now, is it better? There you go. Is that better? Yeah. Oh, sorry about that. Uh, who else, who else we got? Uh, Tisha, you have your hand up. You're the host.

I, I, I don't have my hand up. That's weird. I don't.

Speaker 6: Your hand is up. Your arm must be tired right now.

Tisha Lee 2: It must be. Um,

Speaker 6: Shady group is in the house. Shady. What's up, brother? Are you able to say hello and happy birthday?

Tisha Lee 2: Happy

Speaker 10: birthday. Happy birthday. Don't don't don't try to distract everybody. Happy birthday there. Shady ready? Like,

Speaker 3: where's that? Where's that clip of General Flynn? Oh,

Speaker 1: that's a birthday song.

Speaker 10: Come on. I'd like to. I've been here for uh, listening. Uh, Neil and stuff. A great presentation. I'm so glad that you, uh, organized this and got this together and shared with [01:22:00] everybody. I think that you did a great job explaining what was going on and I think it's something that we all need to be thinking about and I'm hoping that you encourage that you, uh, some other people start to do what you're doing because if we had a few other people that would do what you're doing and start to share with us a lot of this stuff that's happened in the background that we don't see, it's going to, it's going to sync everything up and make, We're These, uh, make these idiots even more nervous.

So thanks for coming tonight and sharing that you did a great job and, uh, all the other contributions have been wonderful. I was actually flying on an airplane, listening to the spaces all night. It's pretty fun.

Speaker 6: So shady, any commentary on what you heard? Um, you know, we've, we've got. Well,

Speaker 10: I, I, I do have a little bit to say on what I heard because I feel like that, um, all of us need to see this, that we need to see the in particulars, the, the on the ground stuff, like me and Jeff, the two of us have been like going through these things and dissecting these things in our real lives [01:23:00] and taking all this stuff apart and trying to understand things from the top down and the inside out and different stuff like that.

But not everybody's mind is, is. Yeah. is organized to work like that, but your mind does work like that. You've just got to get it to function. And the part of what the people that we're, that are the topics of what we're talking about that are relying on is they're relying on that you don't care enough to look or that you're not smart enough to figure it out.

I disagree with them. I think that we should care enough to look because they are taking a massive liberty with the trust of the people. And if we leave them unmolested, they will do something, uh, within the system that makes it even worse than it is right now, there's an infiltration attempt. That's.

Work that's happening and it's happening by the military industrial complex and it's happening by X generals and they are currently trying to occupy territory and that territory is inside your churches And it's all across the country and they are laser focused and we've seen it from [01:24:00] the inside and I've I've witnessed what they're doing And it ain't good and the more people know about what it is the better off we're going to be because what they're trying to do is they're trying to like Trick all these pastors across the country into being spy operators for their congregation.

That's what their goal is. And if they get that accomplished, then, you know, they're going to have something almost as strong as the president of the United States, if you really think about it. So it's very dangerous and it needs to be talked about, and you guys are doing a great job.

Speaker 8: And it's called the remnant alliance.

The remnant alliance is that's the organization that's going around the country and offering These not only these classes, but also the resources that are needed for these churches to basically, you know, sing the same the same song that they're being taught.

Speaker 10: And yes, exactly. And if you want a little bit of architecture to understand this.

We're, um, you know, we were getting into the conversation about Jack [01:25:00] seeing lab and America's future and CIA and the network and what is the octopus network? What was Danny Casillaro investigating? Where did it lead? What's the Phoenix program? How did tortures get started? All of this stuff is built off the backs of Jackson lab.

None of it belongs in our, uh, none of it belongs in our military. Really? It doesn't really even belong on earth. To be honest with you guys, it's absolutely disgusting. And. They're maintaining these trafficking networks. That's what it is. That's what the trick is that everything on the earth is about these trafficking networks And it has been since the dawn of time and the dawn of man If we can focus in and realize that the people at the highest levels are the ones that are in charge of this stuff And you want to look at western goals.

I think that's what it's called jack singh labs western goals I think that's right western alliance or western goals one of those two That's how he was infiltrating the churches. There is a, there is a layer of what Flynn is doing that already exists. [01:26:00] It exists in this whole layer of like, uh, you know, where they're sending people off to foreign countries or whatever they call it.

I can't think of what, but these churches, they sent like, you guys have no idea how big this is. And this is just a thread that will unravel a whole blanket.

Speaker 4: You talking about mission trips Shady.

Speaker 10: I'm talking about Sing lab's. Western Goals is what it was called. He had, he had the architecture for the churches.

Speaker 4: Yeah, no, I'm talking about Are you, are you saying that they're using like mission trips? You said you couldn't think of what they were called

Speaker 10: mission missions.

Yes. The missions people. Yes, that's right. You, you missionary.

Speaker 9: Missionary. Right. Missionary with the churches where they go and they bring like medicine and the missionaries.

Speaker 10: That's exactly right Yeah, so we

Speaker 3: can go old man did a lot of missionary Just throwing that out there as far as I know pinrose

Speaker 4: did y'all y'all i'm telling y'all look into spirit of america [01:27:00] All of the, I know almost all of these generals are part of it.

McMasters, Mathis, all of them, it's their club.

Speaker 3: All right, Clay, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to try having a conversation with Brian Lupo about this stuff because, um, Brian and, and Badlands media. Um, they, they're running ops for, for Flynn right now and, um, you know, how many people involved in it are, are knowingly doing X, Y, and Z that's, you know, that's hard to say.

I think I, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and I think a lot of people are still under the impression that they're helping, but, um, you know, Jack, Brian Lupo has been on Joe Altman show several times. I know you have as well. Um, so is [01:28:00] Ivan Reikland. Ivan Reikland's been on Joe Ullman's time show a few times, and that's kind of the whole point that I'm getting to with this, right, is, is you alluded to how there's these, these white hat operations in the background that nobody's allowed to know or talk about, but.

From what we can see, they seem to be pretty destructive and not really, I mean, let's go back to Tina Peters, right? She's in jail right now. Her husband has passed. Before he passed, he was removed from being around her. She couldn't even talk to him about what was going on with her life.

Clay Parikh: They murdered him.

I said it. And I've said it recorded before, too. As a matter of fact, I said it, I think, on Badlands Media, on the Why Don't We Vote, and so yeah, because I know what they did and how they manipulated it, and wouldn't let her care for him, and yeah, because

Speaker 3: Right, so, so why [01:29:00] does somebody who's as involved in all of this stuff as Joe Altman say Sharona's a fed, Conan's a fed, and that they set her up?

Joe knows more than he talks about on his show, just like you know more than you're able to say right now. And that's my point, is that, is this a white hat operation if Tina Peter's husband was killed and she's rotting in prison? Is it still a white hat operation?

Clay Parikh: That's not a white hat operation as far as, look.

Because of all the things

Speaker 3: right and now, but I'm saying that's what she's been. That's what she was portrayed to Conan. Hayes is is this super top awesome white hat and and you need to protect his identity because he's going to do all this awesome stuff because he's, you know, working with the IC community behind the scenes and, and this is going to, you know, we're going to reform our entire election [01:30:00] system because of the work you did.

She's. You know, right now our election systems, you know, still in the same place. We have a lot of people going back and forth about what needs to be done. And some of those people. Are talking about look here, not here.

Speaker 8: I would disagree with whomever mentioned that, um, we should not have gone in for early voting, uh, because we had to beat them at their own game.

And that's how we won is by going in and doing the early voting.

Um, I heard that mentioned before,

Speaker 6: you know, tissue, you make a good point because there was a, me as a conservative, I've always voted on the day of the election. And then there's a sigh up, you know, uh, for everybody to not what you can't hear me.


Speaker 5: very low, very low.

Speaker 6: How about now

Speaker 4: turn it up your rubber banding. I [01:31:00] think I think Clay said that, but in Clay's defense. He did say that he believed that that was not the right plan, but Trump may, you know, he told us to do that and clay's did mention that he was proved wrong. That was the right thing to do.

Clay Parikh: Yeah, and that's it because I, I wasn't, we agree.

I wasn't

Clay Parikh: thinking about the trap and the monitoring and the stuff that was going on during the early voting. Yeah. Right. I, I just know the technical piece. I can look in order to be a hacker pin test or whatever you want to call it in order. It's like, hey, how do you, how do you defend something?

You got to know how to attack it. Right? So, how do you, how do you hack something? How do you manipulate something? You got to know how to break it, put it back together. And these are the kind of functions. So think like a criminal. That's that's all you [01:32:00] do. That's why some hackers are better engineers than the damn engineers I work with, right?

Because they think for both sides and that's what you do. And, and in exposing the early vote stuff. And trying to stop it, they exposed more of their cheat operation. And so, yeah, that's true because look. I hear you, you say the early vote won, but who knows that it was just the people no matter what had the number and the volumes because the saw that were 5050, you know, and in this country is about equally divided.

And if you think Kamala Harris got more votes in Obama, please give me some of what you're drinking or smoking because it's obviously doing good. I mean, these are, it's just part of the narrative. And, um, and the things I know, and don't talk about is because [01:33:00] there's a strategy and a plan to fix things and I can't expose that.

Right and I get look, I never thought. That I would have to be dealing. With people outside the U. S. are listening to things outside the yes, or get invited to go outside the U. S. just so I can observe some of the corruption and the way it's being manipulated in use right in the U. S. election and again, I'm pretty damn experienced at that.

I started testing the systems in 2008. I performed the pen test for those draft stuff when they came up with the requirements on the state election. And new day election data was in Canada servers for Christ's sakes, you know, and they didn't want to tell the state that because they had a contract with the US.

There's a lot of behind the scenes crap sometimes. And sometimes you got to hold hold your hand because you can't expose it. Right? Um, it's just like, yeah, I was on badland [01:34:00] media with some of Tina's not Tina's, but Carrie Lake's trial. And I was there just a few days before I knew what was coming, but you can't tell them because everybody's watching.

Yeah. Right. I could tell you for a fact now, since I'm on this damn phone, they're listening now, whether some of you are damn feds or not. Right. I mean, hell, I got drawn into this thing because it looked like they're saying it's run by the CIA. Somebody was so I'm like, curious to listen. Oh, wow.

Tisha Lee 2: Was that that?

Was that the rumor? The CIA was running this thing? Yeah,

Clay Parikh: and I don't know, are some of

Tisha Lee 2: you?

Clay Parikh: Who the heck? I don't know.


Speaker 1: funny.

Speaker 6: That's the best I've heard all day. You're closer to the CIA than we are, my friend. Yeah, right?

Clay Parikh: Yeah, but so here's the thing, though. One of the ladies that helps me, um, on database sides, works in the financial sector now.

But she used to work for NSA for a while. I, I, I mean, right. The guy I just bought a half a hawk for him [01:35:00] because they're poisoning you into the grocery stores if you don't know it, um, hey, that's what you oughta be worried about in, in, uh, and stuff. But I bought that and guess what? That guy, and he goes to the proper things that I talked to and election integrity stuff and listens to me.

But he used to work for the NSAA long time ago, and he still work, he's still working part-time in on missile defense stuff. And, and the point I'm trying to make is. Everybody does certain things in time in their life, but to say that they're still part of an affairs game where they do things, I don't have all the receipts to go in.

Speaker 6: No, I won't call you. I, I won't. I totally respected what you're saying there. Absolutely. 100%. I think we all do. But what America's future was, you know, it was 1946, it was part of the Western Goals Foundation and Iran Contra, and Flynn's running it now. And then, Flynn wants to move, you know, America's secrets to Saudi Arabia.

Um, have you read, um, Keith Kellogg's book out like Flynn? Uh, [01:36:00] chapter eight. It's ama it, chapter eight. It's called War by Other Means. Not five gw, right? Not five. Yeah. Uh, G Warfare. Yeah, so it, you know, we've just done a lot of research friend, and there are a lot of great people. 99% of people that are in the, you know, FBI are good people.

It's that 1%. We all get that for

Clay Parikh: sure. No, I think you're giving it to our percentage. No, you're giving it to our percentage. That could be I work with them a lot. So I'm telling you, hell, I got a retired guy across the street from me that he hates.

Speaker 6: That could be my friend. Absolutely. But I think we're all on the same page.

Clay Parikh: Yeah,

Speaker 6: we just have questions and, you know, we've done some research. You know what I'm saying?

Clay Parikh: Yeah. And, and that's because here's the thing we can never blindly trust anybody. Right? Because here's what I, I'm going to put together. I'm going to post you with.

Speaker 6: Here's what I want you to think about, Hey, real quick, that is a great point.

Let me just stop you right there and then you can finish. But [01:37:00] everybody on X is telling me that I have to heroize Flynn when I'm a Trump supporter. I don't want to heroize Flynn. I don't care about Flynn. And when I don't care about Flynn and say that I don't care about Flynn, they call me pedophile.

They call me all these different names. You see what we're up against here on X. Yeah, yeah. Oh,

Clay Parikh: hey, I've been told. Hey, I suck off Putin's tit, right? And, and, and I'm a traitor and, and, and, and to be that and I've just, hey, I don't uphold my own, right? And I've been all kinds of things have been said to me too.

I mean, I get that, right? Um, yeah. And again,

Speaker 3: The thing is that those people that are saying that stuff to you, clay, those, those are the leftist is hacking you. Well, and when we bring up this stuff, it's, it's, it's a lot of the people on our own side,

Clay Parikh: good people. And guess what? Those, some of those people that are saying that to me are freaking feds and people working.

So, you know, so it's not just the leftist because here, my thing ain't left to right [01:38:00] or Rd, right? Minus we, the people against the corruption. And so the thing that I think is. You need to be vigilant, and you need to question everything, because here's the thing, Trump, I wasn't a Trump fan, not until the Republicans hated his ass.

Then I was so because he's just a real estate guy could been a used car. Someone made a bunch of money. And even that was always questionable. Right? And he was a reality star TV. That's very unimpressive to me for people that follow that reality TV trash and think that those people there be worship. You got a sick mind and that's part of America's problem.

So I'm sorry if I'm speaking too harshly to you, but I don't really care. And so, and my point on this is, is, hey, here's a question for you think about. Because you're thinking about all this, you'd be militant. Is Elon a noligar?

I don't know if any of us

Speaker 1: feel comfortable saying that I don't know, but I want to

Clay Parikh: know what

Speaker 3: mom has to say. [01:39:00] Right?

Clay Parikh: This is the level we've got to start thinking at too, right? Y'all looking at Flynn and everything else. You've got to look at people that aren't in the government administration or been associated yet.

You've got to look at the rich and the powerful that are running stuff. And that's what I'm asking you. Is Elon a noligar?

Speaker 3: I'm worried about the people that I've been trying to work with. That's where I'm at. I want to see what mom has to say. I don't mean to interrupt.

Clay Parikh: Hold

Speaker 8: on one second, Clay. Can you hold your thought?

Because mama had her hand up and it's been up for a while.

Thank you so much.

Speaker 11: Um, thanks. I'm my comment was from earlier. Um, when shady was talking about, um, uh, explaining, which was great. Thank you. Shady about how they're infiltrating, um, the local G. O. P. S. Because I've heard it with my own 2 ears there in my area.

So, if they're here, I [01:40:00] know they're. Everywhere. So I just want to let everybody know that is 100 percent true. I heard it with my 2 ears. So just to reiterate to shady or to stay on top of what shady said and I'll drop for now. Thank you.

Speaker 10: Yeah, it's something oh, I'm so sorry. Yep. I was I was going to say real quick to back to her what they're essentially doing setting up an intelligence.

Apparatus within the church. That's what they're doing.

Speaker 11: 100%.

Speaker 10: And it's connected and they're connected to each different one. And all they have to do is find something to blackmail the pastor with. That's it. Once they've got that piece of information that they can blackmail the pastor with. They got control of the whole situation and they have thousands of them already under [01:41:00] control.

Their game is blackmail. They, all these people are screaming at us. They don't. Oh, Flynn's going to tell you where the bodies are buried. Tell me when the last time you saw somebody turn over their black book. When was the last time you saw an Epstein list? When did you see a Manhattan madam list? When did you see a Heidi Fleiss list?

But you don't see the list because the military generals are on them. That's why you don't see them. And that's what's going on.

Clay Parikh: Hey, so I just want to tell mom is 100 percent correct because here's the thing that I tell my North Alabama Republican Party is, uh, they're, they're not conservative read their communist read because they are, they're controlled and manipulated and that is, and that is 100 percent true fact.

And here's what I'll tell you and all the election stuff I've looked at and remember. Why is Tina in jail? It's the Grand Junction municipal election. It wasn't a general election. And so here's what I'm telling you. I've seen more hanky panky on the municipal elections and the primaries, because in a heavy red or blue state, if you got the right letter behind [01:42:00] your name, there's no need to cheat in the general, right?

Because it's a shoe in. There's more, there's more shenanigans go on that way. And the county level, the municipal level, because who runs the elections? The counties do I can tell you a while he's got a problem because they've selected and put people in each 1 of the counties and they're fighting their secretary of state.

And that's that's it. It's a big chess game. And so that's right. They're manipulating these, these small areas and the conservative parties, and they're putting in their people because. They want to control the party, and they want to control everything. So that's that's I think we would agree with that

Speaker 4: local action national impact.

I was going to say that action

Speaker 8: national impact. That's it right there. Uh, get script and then Marty.

Speaker 9: Yes, so I was going to say, um, Uh, Kenneth, Kenneth Copeland. So Kenneth Copeland had a big, uh, meeting with, uh, general Flynn. And, you know, I've been, I've been calling things out on Kenneth Copeland for a while, cause both of my parents are [01:43:00] pastors.

They're indoctrinated. They won't accept all of it. But anyways, uh, long story short, I was just realizing something. Do you remember when president Trump said, I need you Christians to vote and they made a big thing about it. You're not going to have to vote again. Why do you think Trump said that? Because they infiltrated the church, get them votes in quick so we can see the good ones and the bad ones figure it out.

That's where I'm at. 100%.

Yes, absolutely. I second that. Somebody else had their hand up.

Speaker 3: I just wanted to add in here real quick. I was, I was looking through the comments and somebody mentioned something about covering for Scott Pressler back when Mark Cook was bringing it up. Yeah. And I don't, I don't think anybody in here is trying to cover for Scott Pressler, um, his associations are just as questionable as all the other people we've kind of brought up and, um, really, uh, going back to that event.


Speaker 6: Flinge has [01:44:00] posted Mark Pressler. That's interesting. Wow.

Speaker 3: That is interesting. I, uh, um, Mark brought up Ali and, uh, I just wanted to kind of circle back to, um, part of this space is talking about how I, uh, after getting Ivan Reikland's phone number, I asked Ivan Reikland who had stopped the steal in their back pocket. He deflected and said, ask Ali. I asked him who brought Ali in.

He repeated, ask Ali. And so, um, you know, we all know, uh, Roger Stone was, uh, at play with all of that stuff. And, um, So, you know, just going back to Ivan Reikland, why

does, um, why, why did Joe [01:45:00] tell me that somebody would follow me when I asked Joe, he should look about looking more into Ivan Reikland. Um, and, and also the, uh, relationship Ivan Reikland has. With Roger Stone, um, I think more people should be questioning that and looking into that instead of, you know, I, I felt for like a lot of people for, you know, Ivan Raiklin, decorated military service, he's this, that, the other got, you know, all these titles and, um, you know, he, he associates himself with Alex Jones, um, and Roger Stone very heavily.

And things are playing out that January 6th, they were a lot more involved than, uh, you know, we were led on to believe with their, [01:46:00] uh, whitewashing of how J6 went is kind of just my point with it. I don't forget Steve Bannon either.

Speaker 10: That's an interesting point that you're making there and that should be, you should be focused on because that is exactly what they have done and they did it to all of you.

And I need everybody that's in this space right now to just take, take a second and reassess. Did you or did you not think, go back in your mind to right after the election and when all this stuff was going on in 2020, did you or did you not think that Donald Trump was behind what happened on January the 6th?

Because all of these people that were the layer of three percenters, Oath Keepers. Right. Raekln, Jones, Stone, all those people ran all of these ops on us to make us believe that Trump was somehow behind all of it. At the same time, the left was running the narrative that Trump was behind all of it. In reality, all of it was being run against Trump to prevent him from ever being able to be president again.

That's [01:47:00] what the truth is. And you can shake it up. Mix it up however you want to, but that is the truth. They all work together in tandem, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, General Flynn, Charles Flynn, all of them with the other generals work together with the Democrats and the feds and the politicians to engineer votes, not being sent back to the States 6th, nobody wanted that to happen because everybody knew if it did, they were all caught, that's the truth.

And that's what will come out. If it's my dying deathbed, then it doesn't.

Speaker 7: Did somebody, uh, invoke my name and, uh, is in need of some supplements? I got a whole bunch of them.

Speaker 10: Alex, I would like to buy a bag of, uh, erection pills.

Speaker 7: Checks in the mail, sir.

Speaker 10: we'll get breast milk from Flynn , breast milk, sperm,

[01:48:00] whatever, uh, blood, whatever you're looking for, you can get that from Flynn because he's selling all that good stuff. Just like, uh, for the what's cure. She's, she sells those things.

Speaker 6: I'm going to head out of here guys. I love you all. Great talk today.

Everybody. Um, Clay, thank you very much for coming as well. Um, I brutally appreciate it. Good conversation. I love y'all.

Speaker 3: Thanks for coming.

Thank you so much.

Clay Parikh: Hey, hey, hey, guys, I, I'm going to be dropping 2 because I still have a day job because I do work for the industrial war complex. Uh, just FYI, but, you know.

So, hey, but here's the thing that I'm going to tell you. Yeah, for anybody that ever, even after that happened, I thought that Trump was behind it because I never noticed any of that probably because I was just I knew it was the fence the whole time because the Republicans had it set right [01:49:00] to question and investigate.

So guess what? When the electors go back, they're going to find all the evidence. I, I. But here's the thing you got to think, why did we go through this 4 years of bull crap? Was it to wake everybody up or what? I don't know. That's been something I've thought about too, because sometimes I think we need to be smacked across the face in order to wake the hell up.

So we don't turn into fat, lazy Romans, but. I always refer to it as a fence erection because I knew it was a deep state again, because I was stationed at Marine barracks, Washington, D. C. I know the plans that they have to defend the capital. I knew Nancy Pelosi. Is ultimately in charge of responsible and why they didn't have things set because they can, they don't have to call the National Guard.

But I'm here to tell you, because I went to the armory draw weapon back when clip was in office, so they couldn't figure out a budget. Nobody was getting paid. They were worried about rights. There's a plan with the active duty military because you've got the [01:50:00] army right there, right? We know the old guard that you always see guard to an unknown soldier.

They're right there in Arlington. You got the Marine barracks right there in Southeast D. C. there's there's always a plan, right? Don't think there isn't. And so, so I knew it was all bullshit to begin with. So I did maybe it's just because I knew this stuff. I just didn't buy into the narrative. I knew it was a setup to stop the investigation because there was plenty of evidence.

But anyway, so that's that's just my 2 cents on that. Hey, all I can tell everybody is. You got to stay vigilant and never blindly blindly trust anybody. Right? That's just all shakes around. Um. No matter who it is.

Speaker 1: Thank you for speaking.

Clay Parikh: We'll talk to y'all later.

Thank you.

Clay Parikh: Take care.

Speaker 9: I was, I was wondering, I was thinking I should have asked, I forgot to ask him, uh, if he thinks that the, um, you know, the, the military industrial complex is sending the drones [01:51:00] out.

That's all everybody hits me up about. Yo, script, what do you think about the drones? I said, I don't know, man. The drones is probably just psy opping us and they want us to beg for protection. Because once we beg for protection, we'll get another Patriot Act.

Absolutely. Fuck on. Yeah, Jaden.

Speaker 10: I think that that's a hilarious script.

Because that's, that's exactly what they're doing. You know, they, they, the idea, like the moment that these idiots came out on TV and they said to us with a straight face, We don't know what they are on TV. I'm like looking around, like, is this a fucking movie? What the hell is going on? They're trolling us.

Speaker 4: Well, for one, any drone that's over 250 grams has to be registered with the FAA in a large capacity of drones being flown like that at the same time would definitely have to get. Clearance on airspace. So the fact that they say that they don't know what's going on is [01:52:00] complete total bullshit You got to register a drone from best buy if it weighs over 250 grams So get the fuck out of here with that.

Speaker 10: Yeah, and and they're like in there There's some types of stuff too that like deactivates them like if they fly over like or near an airport. Yeah, it's called

Speaker 4: geofencing Yeah,

Speaker 10: so like they cross a barrier that's on the ground like going upwards like it knocks it. It's it's almost like a Electromagnetic pulse or something that knocks the electronics out on the thing or something

Speaker 4: especially that close to a major airport As soon as it hits

Speaker 9: And no fly zone It's it's it's almost as ridiculous as when they were flying over the uh, the white house and and uh circle back Jen, saki said Oh, that's just a plane flying over the white house

Speaker 10: The funny thing is, the funny thing is Trump said, Trump said something very curious the other day. Cause he [01:53:00] said garage. Did you guys notice? He said specifically garage. Like, Oh, they take them into their garage. He's like, he's at some point in my mind, it's like, we're thinking like these military generals.

Like the guys got a garage somewhere.

Speaker 4: What I found hilarious was Flynn said, do not, do not shoot the drones down. Yes. Then Trump comes out. Yes. If we don't know what they are shoot them down And

Speaker 10: then somebody started making memes with uh flint in the drone

Speaker 12: No, no, we had, we had local, uh, King 5, um, uh, news media here in, in Seattle, and they, they always title all of their tweets with, No, you can't shoot, you can't legally shoot down a drone.

And then and then people are coming in there saying, No, you're full of shit, because if they are in my space in my backyard, I can shoot them down because they're in unauthorized space. But the media see that's the kind of [01:54:00] narrative that they try to push on you saying, Oh, you're you're not allowed to shoot down drones, but then Okay, as an ordinary citizen, watching this drone fly over your yard and you don't know where it comes from, you don't even know who's doing it or what it is, and you're like, okay, wait, are they allowed to fly over my backyard?


Speaker 10: absolutely not. I put out a post. I put out a post. I was like, like, let's bring them to Otago County, North Carolina, where I grew up. Let's fly them around up there. Let's see how long they last.

Speaker 12: Yeah, it's such bullshit that in New Jersey, you had hundreds of them flying all around the same time. Come on.

Everybody's just like sitting there. Yeah. Yeah. And some of them, some of them look like giant, um, spaceships, you know, or the, uh, the ones in Star Wars, you know, the ones with the, uh, side panels and [01:55:00] the X Wing,

Speaker 8: but after the Patriot Act, I thought that it's. Legal now to shoot anything out of the air. Am I correct?

I thought so. I have I'll look that up

Speaker 10: you As far as law is concerned You are allowed to shoot anything down that is over your property if you own property and there's something flying over your property That is not an aircraft or is of some autonomous vehicle and you want to shoot it down You are absolutely within your rights to shoot it down.

I don't care what anybody on tv says

Speaker 12: Well, so how come nobody shot down the chinese air balloon?

But because it was at like 70,000 feet. Oh, geez. I mean, you know, you know what, here's the thing. You're, you are like, um, the government should be on top of this if there are hundreds of, of, uh, drones flying around and, and some people are reporting, oh, they're, they're spraying something, or, you know, or [01:56:00] they, or this is the other thing.

People were saying that if the radar caught it, somehow they would just disappear and they couldn't be tracked anymore. And I'm like, what?

Speaker 10: Yeah, but see, the thing is, we'll see, the thing is, this is what's going on. Okay. So I, I, everything that you just said, I've seen the exact same thing. Now look at everything you just said and, and think of it like these, these are narratives being inserted around an event within social media construct.

So basically problem, reaction, solution. All you do is you put the drones up there and you just let them hover around over, over everybody, like, and then you start interjecting all of these narratives within people's psyche about it, and then everybody starts generating this, this, and then people are making videos.

The next thing, you know, no one can focus on anything. And meanwhile, we're escalating. World War three over in in Ukraine.

Speaker 9: Yeah, or they pass on the bill. We're trying to pass a bill 1, 500 pages where they, uh, you know, give themselves salaries.

Speaker 10: They said that they don't [01:57:00] want anybody reading their emails.

Speaker 9: Salary increase. Hold on. Send the drones in! Send in the drones!

Speaker 10: Either

Speaker 4: that or they're calibrating them for surveillance.

Speaker 9: Well, yeah, that, that's the other part. I think when, when we were doing that protest in Staten Island with the migrants and everything, that was the first time the NYPD, like, they put it all over the news.

We're sending the drones out now to these protests and, and it's like, you know, everybody gets conditioned. So they, they let it happen. And then, uh, like these things were like zoom and then all of a sudden. So we just told everybody to protest, throw the middle finger up at them. So you had like 400 people throwing the middle finger up at the NYPD at the protest.

That was pretty funny. Oh man. And then they're like, well, what do you want us to do? The migrants are coming in. Like, we'll protect the neighborhood. Why are you letting the migrants move in across the street from an all girls school? Like, there's no families there, there's no little children, there's no women, it's just a bunch of men moving in with showers on the outside.

Like [01:58:00] it was ridiculous that they were doing this in suburban neighborhoods. And they let it happen. But you know, that's the Democrats over there in the blue cities. Sanctuary! Now Eric Adams is like, Trump's coming back! Oh no, I was getting rid of him! I was getting rid of him! Like, what are you talking about?

Speaker 12: But you know, you know what's happened is This Congress, they pretty much dumbed down everything, you know, they've dumbed down the military, but by having all these, um, weak, Uh, transgender, uh, personnel serving in the military and I'm not, I'm not denigrating them, but let's face it, you know, it's just that, that is weak in our military.

And then you also dumbed down the police force. Everybody's everybody around the country was defunding the police and they have no tools. They have no wherewithal to figure out what's what the hell is going on. And the government probably [01:59:00] will never tell them. Hey, we got these strange drones flying around.

You guys better keep track of it. And then, but then what do they do? What are they told to do? Oh, you're supposed to deny it. You're supposed to say, Oh, big deal. You're supposed to say oh, there's no danger to human being I mean, I'm like, oh my god It's just it's just unbelievable how much the oil the media, of course They they you know, they pushed us stuff on us name, but they still today They make us feel like we're so dumb where you know, what what what happened with the CR today the people spoke My God, you know, uh, yeah, Elon and Vivek and, and, you know, they had a lot of influence over it, but the people spoke today because of X and because of the truth that was coming out.

And I'm sorry, the truth, people have always been there, but we have been suppressed. [02:00:00] We have been pushed back and held back so much that we can't, we couldn't speak out for the last, you know, 10 years, right? I mean, my God, they suppressed a president of the United States. They, they banned him. They, they shadow banned him and they censored him.

So, you know, I mean, it's just, I think we, it's just come a long way. I really believe that, I really believe that Elon I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't make him out to be like this icon or, you know, whatever, savior, hero, but he truly is. He was a child genius. You guys at three years old. He said he wanted to go to Mars.

Okay. He's a child genius. That guy is a genius. And he has, he is way ahead of everybody in common sense and what's really going on. He's telling you every day what's really going on. And yeah, he may [02:01:00] have these outlandish, you know, uh, prospects and ideas of going to Mars or whatever. But, you know, which most of us, I don't think, really want.

We don't want to go live in Mars, right? But, but the thing is, he had those ideas at three years old, and he is way ahead of so many human beings, if you think about it.

Speaker 9: Yes. Well, that was what they did with President Trump, and, and the same thing with the migrants. Like, when the migrants came in, we, we know they, they played them.

They told them, gave them all these, you know, false hopes. They came here, they, you know, they got put up. It was taxpayers, they were kicking veterans out. It was a very tight situation in New York and my, my family immigrants, you know, like my, my grandparents came over. So like it's, it's a tough situation, but like the way that they go about it, it's the PSYOP that's involved with this.

The PSYOP is to get your emotions going. So you do go out there and start flipping out. So we would have conversations with the police. Yo, what's going [02:02:00] on? And then when you come down to it, all the good cops retired in New York, I'm talking about all the good cops that were there that, you know, that were really about back to blue and we're really about like, you know, doing the right thing.

They retired, they were forced to retire because of the COVID psyop. So now you're left with all the people that take the orders from the new world order and, you know, as we call the, uh, the NPCs, they're just like, get out of the way. Move. You can't do that. Like, this is our neighborhood. You're not going to tell us to do nothing.

We're going to stand our ground and you're supposed to put, we let you police our neighborhood. First of all, you know, you're supposed to protect and serve the community. So that that's another thing that I wanted to bring in and I'm going to yield and get off because I Definitely need sleep, but that's what we're doing now.

We, the people, we're policing our community. So we're calling out the psyops. We're calling out the people that are running, you know, these mental games and mental gymnastics on us to make us get all emotional. And that's why they say these nasty [02:03:00] things when you put the receipts in their face. And that that's the only thing they can come back with.

And we're just asking questions like, why is this here? Why are you tied to this? Why are you doing this nefariously, uh, you know, underground and quietly, like, are you mad that we're finding it out now we're not so dumb and you thought we were dumb and we just got the courage now to say, hey, we're going to restore the Republic because that's what it comes down to.

And that's what Trump told us. We're returning the power back to you, the people. So this is our duty to call out these psyops. It's, that's how I feel. I feel this is the ultimate rebellion and middle finger to the government that we're doing this and calling it out and asking questions. It's a great, it's a great time to be alive, man.

I love all of y'all. All right, I'm out.

Speaker 3: Thanks. Great. Thank you.

Speaker 8: Neil. Um, do you have time? Do you want to take a few more questions? And then yeah, I'll take a statement.

Speaker 3: Sure. Um, just [02:04:00] just before we get to that, uh, I want to take it opportunity to address Austin Stewart, um, and Tori, um, talking about the space. Um, I see Austin when there's a conversation going on. With Tori.

Um, sounds like you guys were talking, uh, trash about, uh, the person who was, uh, admin for Tori's group. Um, but I just want to read here. It says, Apollo is my son in law's godfather. These people are insane, making shit up as they go. Why is ev ev Why is anyone even giving them airtime? And I just want to know, what part is being made up as we go, and why, uh, I, in particular, don't deserve any airtime, and why I am insane.

If, if Tori wants to come in here and say that, she's more than welcome to. I would have invited her, had she not blocked me, after I asked her, [02:05:00] uh, about why Joe Altman wouldn't call her a mental midget for her accusations about Dave Clements. So, you know, I think it's all fair, she's more than welcome to come up here, but, uh, yeah, I'm, I'm blocked.

Speaker 8: I'll drop her an invite while we go to the hands. Um, Patrick, do you know who's next?

Tisha Lee: Uh, I don't actually. Let's go with, um, Carrie, Marty, and then Steven.

Speaker 8: Thank you.

Speaker 13: I'll try to get to it. Stephen had his hand up before me. Go ahead, Stephen.

Speaker 8: Oh, thank you.

Speaker 14: Thank you, Sherry. I appreciate that. Um, 1st of all, thank you for having me on the space.

I really appreciate listening to all of you. And I, I appreciate your back and forth. Um, I find it very, um, interesting to be in this occasion, if you [02:06:00] will. Um, but, um, in. In my opinion, um, I think the drones are their, um, sidestep to aliens. It's their last ditch attempt to try to force programming into their, you know, Oh, man, there's aliens.

We have no idea what's going on. There's signals. Oh, no, they're, they're blocking our signals. Oh, goodness. Bullshit. Um, But, uh, you know, uh, the second point is, uh, happy birthday shady. Um, and, uh, my third point, uh, you know, I hear a lot of people, I, you know, talking about Flynn talking about this, talking about that, where would be [02:07:00] the place to go for people who are just starting out there, they're listening to shady, they're listening to everybody and they're like, well, maybe Hold on, maybe Flynn's not, uh, a good guy, or, you know, maybe this is all, uh, you know.

Uh, what's a good place to start? Where, where's, uh, some good beginner content that they can, you know, Haw and get, get into the nitty gritty.

Speaker 3: Oh, I'll pass that to Shady probably. I think he probably, uh, oh, I'd say

Speaker 8: the MG Show. Yeah. Go, go pick up the MG Show and then Scott show bigger truth. Um, yeah, there's, there's quite a few, but start with the MG Show and the script keeper also does a, um, a live on his as well. So follow [02:08:00] everybody on the panel and, and you'll, Marty does.

And Marty definitely go take Marty's face. Oh, please check Marty out. Yes. Do your own

Speaker 3: research, just, just ask us, ask questions and see if you can find the answers.

Speaker 10: And one thing I'd like to say, thank you for that, um, very much. And thank you for everything that you do. And the thing that I would say at this point, considering the atmosphere that we're all finding ourselves in, the simplest place to start is at the level of your own personal comfort.

And changing what it is that you are putting in your body every day and recognizing that the reason that you're doing that, the reason you're changing what you're putting in your body every day is because it's garbage. And you have to translate that reality to your TV and realize that what you're putting into your head every day is garbage.

It's the only thing I can say at this point, because we're so deep into it. Like I could say, you know, [02:09:00] obviously I want to say, Oh, well send them to my show, but my show is. So we're so deep into this, you know, it's like, it's like, I feel like we're lost sometimes with the simplicity that we used to be able to just sit down and say, you know, look, it has to do with, it has to do with very simple process of problem reaction solution and what it is that they want you to think, however, it is you've got in that position to think it wasn't real.

Then you had to backtrack and you had to realize that they manipulated me like this or they manipulated me like that. All, you have to recognize that everything is a lie. You just have to recognize that one reality. It's all a lie. And then you have to work backwards and the only real place to start. Is to, you know, is, is to look around.

I mean, if you can't look around after COVID, if you can't look around after all the stuff that they did to your grandparents and wouldn't let you go to a funeral, wouldn't let you get married and all this just garbage crap that meant nothing, but look how many people bought it. That is, [02:10:00] that is the, that, that is how fragile we are as a society.

And I think a lot of people didn't realize how fragile we were. And I think it's scared the hell out of a lot of people and a lot of people woke up. But if you're trying to freshly wake up and come to politics right now, get true social, follow Donald Trump's truth feed and work on it yourself from there, because you're not going to get anywhere following any of these other like crazy, nutty people that are telling you people are alive or telling you that Trump is secretly in control or all this other stuff.

You have to figure it out on your own now.

Speaker 8: Absolutely. Marty, your hand was up.

Speaker 2: Yeah, I think Carrie was, uh, in front of me.

Speaker 8: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Go ahead, Carrie.[02:11:00]

Speaker 10: Okay,

Speaker 8: talking

Speaker 13: I forgot to mute. I was like, saying Marty can go 1st. So then I forgot.

Speaker 8: I'm like, wait a minute. Nobody's talking now. I did drop. I dropped an invite to Tory. I put it in the pillow. Okay. Well,

Speaker 13: I'll be real quick. I just want to go back to the whole church thing and how that is such a brilliant thing because they're already following from the top down.

We know that they, you know, they look to the pastor and this. The system is set up wrong. Um, that's not the way the church is and in the scriptures and in acts and stuff, but, um, they're, you know, and we can't downplay how much witchcraft is involved with this too, just like, you know, when you, you're, you're listening to the music or [02:12:00] whatever, there's witchcraft behind the scenes with all of it.

And so people are very easily led in the church already by witchcraft, even in the church. So. We need to, we need to get into our churches and give warnings, you know, to the people that are there. They're already gathered there. It's already a place where we, the people gather and some of the people in the church, and I don't mean this to be mean or anything, but they're the most gullible and the most generous and the nicest people and they don't see the evil in us.

That is right in front of them. And so that's going to be the hard part is to snap them out of it wake them up to being lied to about everything and so I just wanted to share that and Still waiting to pray with you Scott Marty,

Speaker 2: yeah [02:13:00] first, let me let me say to Steven One, one good place to start. I mean, you can go all the way back to 9 11, but a good place to start is look at some of the old videos of Barack Obama, the things he said, uh, throughout his administration, whatever, really starts giving you a picture. If you look at it from a common sense standpoint, they were telling you exactly what they had planned and where they were going with all of this.

And it's a real good roadmap to understanding What we're facing today. Um, but what I really wanted to mention is shady brings up a really good point when he talks about the whole Flynn network going local local actions have national repercussions, etc. And I would suggest that people to think of it from this angle is, and this is the way I see what they're doing.

It's basically the Soros playbook. And, and what I mean by that is [02:14:00] people are starting to wake up to the idea that Soros got involved locally and was putting secretaries of state in office and, and DAs and, you know, for example, Cook County state's attorney that control things on a local level. And they figured out also that you might want to get the other leg.

of the Uniparty in on that, so when people are waking up to what Soros is doing and they want to take back those offices, the next thing you know, you're, you're only option other than a Soros person is going to be somebody that is backed by the Flynn network, which is basically, you're getting the same thing, in my opinion.

Because I know of the connections between the Flynn Network and the Democrats, as most of them were Democrats their whole life up until the point where it became convenient to infiltrate the, uh, Republican Party. Uh, what, what there is of the Republican Party, and to pretend as though they're grassroots, which they're anything but grassroots.

Possibly. [02:15:00] The followers are. But the people that are that are putting this all together and leading people on, um, definitely are coming from the deep state in my opinion. And I think I got the facts to back that up and I'll answer

Speaker 12: it. The Republican party hates grassroots by the way.

Speaker 2: Oh yeah. Yeah. And they hate anyone that questions them being grassroots.

Speaker 14: I was, I was going to say, you know, since you, you've got You, you made that point of Soros being, Soros back or Flynn back, I agree, I would say possibly even worse, either or, just, yeah, double agree with you, sorry.

Speaker 5: I'm gonna head out, God bless you all, may the Father protect you, put a strong hedge of protection [02:16:00] over your conscious and subconscious minds, over every system, every gland, hormone, everything.

Uh, sell every strain of DNA over your bodies and, uh, may you be blessed. Have a good night.

Speaker 8: Good night. Thank you. And that was beautiful. Appreciate it. Carrie, I think you're up and then script.

Speaker 13: Go ahead. Script.

Speaker 9: Oh, I was just going to say, I was reading the comments and, um, somebody that follows me and I just wanted to address this. They follow me and we get their name is 77 Jesus. Are they seeing? We're anti Jew. Um, I'm part Jewish, first of all. So I don't know what y'all are talking about. Anti Jew.

Maybe you need to study Zionism versus Judaism and then understand what's a political movement and how they ran that off the Balfour Declaration. You can go study that if you want, but as far as, like, [02:17:00] the people that are saying that these are the baseless accusations that people only can say when there are receipts.

And pertinent questions that attack the narratives, and then they don't know what to do. So it's either you're CIA, you're anti Jew, you're a Fed, you're a Satanist, you're a Mossad. It's, it's, it's all the same thing. You guys look like you're part of a network. That's all I wanted to say.

Speaker 13: Gary. Okay, I was, we're going to go back to the Republican Party stuff. Um, I was the precinct chair over here and I'm, and just witnessing how their, their straight party line and, you know, how they want to keep their people in place because most of them all the way down to the bottom, like you're saying, are, they're all crooked.

Everyone out here is anyway, a lot of oil money. But, um, yeah, they, they, they actually come over from the democratic side because they already know that the, the, the whole state is red and there's no [02:18:00] way they're going to get elected as a, as a Democrat. So they just run on the Republican ticket. It makes no difference, you know, whether you're Republican or Democrat just depends on which side they're going to vote on.

So if you want to be, if you want to be voted in, yes, you run on the side. If you're in a Democrat city, you're going to run as a Democrat, even if you're a Republican, cause they don't care. They're crooked on both sides. So. Anyway, I'll yield with that. Thank you.

Speaker 8: Um, I just wanted to add, I think it was very clear that the, the Flynn network was running a shadow campaign.

Why would they be doing that? Why would Ivan Reikland be on Alex Jones talking about assassinations? I mean, there's just so much, um, the infiltration of the churches, them going around to all these churches and training them and training the pastors. It's nefarious. It's nefarious. All of it's very nefarious and it's an infiltration of the Republican [02:19:00] party and it's to cause divide division.

And let's face it. We've all felt the repercussions on X off X it's, it's all around us. And it has a lot to do with this very specific network and I'd like to call them out because there should not be issues within our party. To this, uh, extent that just shouldn't be. And the attacks are pretty brutal at times.

I'm sure we've all felt it, but you know, bottom line is tune them out. We just keep moving forward and Trump is in control. Um, and I'm sure don't think he doesn't. You know, get word or listen to, you know, have people listening in on spaces because he certainly does. He does. He has people listening to what the people are talking about.

So I think he knows more than we think. And that's a good thing. Let's go with Steven and then carry and then we'll, we'll close out. Carrie

Speaker 14: was before me. [02:20:00]

Speaker 13: Oh, thank you, sir. Oops, thank you. Um, it was very clear the minute he started putting together a pack. I'm like, He's running as a telltale sign. Why would you put together a pack if you weren't running for office?

Anyway, and you go ahead, Steve. I just wanted to make that extra comment to you, Tish. Thank you.

Speaker 14: Thank you. Um, so, I mean, a good question is to, you know, ask, um, why? Why are they, I mean like, why would they need to attack people? That's a, that's a good question to ask if you're, uh, new. Uh, you know, why, why does a plane need to attack?

Other people in order

Speaker 8: because he's a he's really a democrat. He's really a democrat. That's Working on the other side. He's military industrial complex. Well, we were [02:21:00] warned about by jfk.

Speaker 14: Uh, I I completely agree uh Normally, I I like to ask questions like that You know simple questions because I know there are some people out there that are that are new that are waking up and you know I hate you It's hard for them to find content that is specifically geared to them and their needs and, you know, Uh, it would be

Speaker 8: oh, I agree.

I agree. I bought the Flynn book. I believed all of it until You know, I saw the boss And then I you know saw scott's video. I mean, you know, there's just too many things There's too many things that made it mathematically impossible To think that he was doing anything of anything that was good for anything

Speaker 14: and one thing that keeps me going Out of all of this, out of all the, the name [02:22:00] calling, the, the, the jousting, if you will, God wins.

Speaker 8: You just, you can say whatever you want,

Speaker 14: you can do whatever you want, you can call me any name in the book, you can call me, you know, you can call me whatever. God wins. Suck on that. Suck on that. I'll, I will yield.

Speaker 13: Carrie again, and I just forgot to wish Shady a happy birthday. Happy birthday, Shady.

Speaker 10: Oh, God bless you. Thank you so much. It's my birthday is actually Saturday. I hijacked. Today's today's day. Cause I was leaving town.

Speaker 13: Oh, so we have to do this again on Saturday or what? So we have to do this all over again.

That's exactly right. So I have a

Speaker 10: birthday week.

Speaker 13: Yes. Birthday week. All right. Happy birthday week. I love

Speaker 10: you guys. I gotta, I gotta [02:23:00] jump out of here too. Um, I love you all. Thank you so much. Great. Uh, great job, Neil. Thank you so much for bringing us all together here to share this and to, uh, straighten out a couple of things.

The conversation was. Amazing tonight on many levels. So thank you.

Speaker 3: Thank you for coming shady. I appreciate it.

Speaker 8: Thank you shady Honey,

Speaker 12: no, I was just gonna say happy birthday shady.

Speaker 15: Sorry.

Speaker 12: Oh, go ahead It's okay Yeah, oh birthdays are are a precedent. Uh, so they come ahead. Uh, they're on top of the list, right?

um, hey, so You know, you know what you guys I think what's happened is You We would have never known about PsyOps or anybody trying to manipulate us. And I really think X, you know, since Elon bought X, he has really opened up the whole [02:24:00] realm of us being able to talk to each other. And, you know, we may not always be right.

Not everybody is 100 percent right, but at least the thing is, we have people that know what they know, or have their opinions, we can talk to each other, and just really figure out, hey, wait a minute, we really are being duped. You know, and it's not working anymore, whatever the psyops that that have that have been going on for 50 years since since JFK or even before then, it's not working anymore.

We, we have really come to a head and and I think we need to hang on to that. We really need to pounce on it. We need to keep it going and, um, and it's going to be great. I really have a such a positive attitude about where we're going from here. Because look at, look at President Trump, and Elon, and Vivek.

They're, these guys have [02:25:00] so much positivity. They have no fear. They're just expressing their views. And most people are going with it because we're all, we all think like them and we're, we're finally saying, Oh, thank God. We have some people in powerful positions finally saying these things and, and that we can totally get behind them.


Speaker 14: I, I honestly, I want to say. I'm sorry for interrupting. I just, uh, I want to, they are people that are rich and they are people that have influence, so them being Unafraid is different than us being unafraid because we can say unafraid all we want. But I mean, for a lot of us, most of us, if [02:26:00] not, you know, the majority, you know, we're living paycheck to paycheck, maybe even worse than that.

And, you know, uh, I'm, I'm one of those people that is worse than that. Um,

and. I just got to say, we've gone to dig in and I know, I know he said, you know, we're going to win so much. You're going to be sick of winning in my opinion, that could honestly dig in. Cause it's, it's, it's going to be, even though we're winning, it doesn't mean that it's not going to be a battle. And I think all of, you know, that I [02:27:00] just, you know, I, of

course, yeah, I'm

Speaker 14: sorry.

It had to be said, and I apologize for a no

Speaker 8: doubt. No, you're absolutely fine. Uh, let's just go with, uh, how do you say your name? F uh, cultural 2. 0.

Speaker 15: Effectual. Yes, effectual insurrection.

Speaker 8: Effectual. Thank you. I'm sorry. But you can just,

Speaker 15: you can just say effect or g, that's fine.

Speaker 8: Thank you.

Speaker 15: Absolutely. But I had actually, um, just want to say thank you because I know, uh, I had been tuned in and had a chance to be able to listen to your spaces, but I never actually spoke.

And, uh, just wanted to kind of share with you guys. And, uh, You know, I appreciate everybody out there that's looking for the truth. Y'all gave me some entertainment on the way south driving along the beach tonight. So that was, uh, that was much appreciated.

Speaker 8: Well, thank you. Thank [02:28:00] you. We owe that to Neal because Neal, Neal is our star of the show here.

Speaker 15: Thank you, Scott and Patrick. I know I've been tuning into Scott's Rumble and Um, you know, Patrick always does a great job, uh, hosting and helping, helping you kind of manage the stage. And it's like, one thing I was really thinking about was, you know, some people in here know me, some people don't, but, you know, I grew up, uh, grew up in the Marine Corps and, uh, my, you know, my, my father's in the Marine Corps, my, uh, my mother worked for DARPA and, you know, I had, uh, kind of just grew up in the Pentagon and the white house and the Capitol.

And, you know, I had really had a chance to be able to see. Um, you know, most of the corruption and you know, the good people that are there that are really trying to make a difference. Kind of like those, uh, you know, those Representatives and those generals that actually asked Trump to run in the first place, uh, cause it's really just a battle against the, [02:29:00] the, the people that are clinging to power, right?

That like shady always talks about the octopus network, um, and the black network, the bloodlines, um, And how they're trying to protect themselves. So I'd say, you know, it's like the army intelligence, right? The corrupt army intelligence, the corrupt Naval intelligence. And then you got the NRO, NRO, um, your national reconnaissance office, national security agency, and the clowns at the CIA, you know, the clowns in America.

And then you got the confidential human sources or the snitches and the rats and the people that got caught up and their handlers. And, um, you'll see a lot of the people that are more professional or, or typically trained by the Intel agencies that are placed in media. And I'd probably say like an example, like, um, I'd probably say like Alex Jones or Ann Vander Steele, or some of these.

Um, other assets that have, uh, that have, you know, specific types of training. And then you have the army intelligence, Naval intelligence. And like I said before, those, uh, [02:30:00] confidential human sources or snitches or people that got caught up in their handlers. So really it's just us, you know, the regular people that are finally waking up.

And that's what I've always, you know, prayed for and, and, um, try to be able to share, you know, information offline and meet, you know, people locally. We have actually sponsored a lot of. Uh, school board, you know, candidates, uh, Senate candidates and, um, congressional representatives, but you know, I own other businesses.

So I had the blessing and just being able to hear how you guys are talking organically and everybody kind of has the same information and research that's been lining up and the experiences are lining up, you know, that's the Holy spirit. So I just want to say thank you to everybody that is seeking the truth.

Speaker 8: Amen to that. Truth wins. Truth always wins. God wins. We know how this story ends, right? Amen. Edr. How are you?

Speaker 16: Hi. Can you hear me? Yes. Hi. I'm so grateful that I get to [02:31:00] follow that last man because yes, God wins. Um, I just want to thank the host of this show. Cause I came in, I've only spoken on a couple, you know, over the last four years or whatever, but, um, I've been listening since.

The very beginning, because I just wanted some insight. Right. And, um, one thing that you guys never, ever discussed, but I listened to everything I learned so much. And so thank you. But one thing you guys never discussed was the, um, the beginning of the unveiling. Like, the unveiling of truth really happened in the medical world.

And, um, and I'm not going to make this medical, I promise, but, um, I'm a nurse. I was at, I was actually very high level Johns Hopkins [02:32:00] during, um, COVID. And that's when my. Eyes were unveiled and I had to stay in the fight until I was fired for not getting vaccinated and my whole entire world changed. Um, and I, I followed, you know, politics and all of it.

And I, I fought and I fought the good fight myself. Um, but what has come out in the last couple, I guess, I think maybe Last couple months was the new unveiling from Bev Harris, and I feel like this conversation and the people that were in this conversation should probably follow her. Um, Bev Harris in, uh, out of Washington state, she, with her election integrity stuff really kind of pulled the veil even further over my [02:33:00] eyes over how long, um, the software, uh, Voter registration and all that kind of stuff, like all the I wish that the original people that were in in the chat were still here, but they're not.

But I wish that that everyone would go to her page and and read how this actually started because. King County in Seattle, Washington in 1993, they're the first state in the country to allow illegal immigrants to vote and nobody else in the country allowed this for, like, 15 years after Washington state did this in 1993 and no one talks about this and then, um, They hired King County, hired a software [02:34:00] engineer in prison to start dominion.

And so many of these people are literally in prison right now. She has all the goods. I wish people would, I guess, hear more about that and stuff. But, um, I, I came here because I, Literally was, um, connected to that Washington person. Um, and then I was connected at Johns Hopkins and then I was fired for not getting the vaccine and I followed general Flynn and all of these people.

And I, I, um, have a lot of friends, myself, medical. People who are imprisoned right now currently for being at J6, I struggle, I don't know if [02:35:00] anyone else does, but I struggle with the fact that I knew from day one that this was a PSYOP. I knew from day one this was, I just knew it in my spirit. I didn't have like, you know, uh, insider information.

I'm not a, You know, CIA agent or anything like that. I'm not an agent either, but I just knew that, like, I had something in my spirit that told me that like, something is really wrong. And I fought the system for so long. I lost my job over it. My livelihood, 24 years of nursing over it. And I dug in and, um, I just feel.

So heavily grateful that there are people out there like you guys all talking about this because, um, I don't know what you guys know about General Flynn and his family moving into Florida and what's [02:36:00] happened with the education system and, um, taking over medical stuff and really causing kind of an uproar and really, uh, Very difficult situation.

Um, kind of really came in and none of you guys have talked about it and I don't want to swift, you know, or shift, you know, gear of conversation. I think it's important for those in this group that are talking about Flynn and wanting to ask serious questions. Um, they all, they very much infiltrated the medical system also and not,

Speaker 3: I, I thank you for bringing that to our attention.

I'll definitely look into that a bit. Um, we're going to be wrapping this up in a bit. At least I am.

Speaker 16: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, no worries.

Speaker 3: Tisha. Do you want to call any [02:37:00] more hands or how do you want to do this?

Speaker 13: Yeah, something was going on with my hand. So I wanted to respond to edr with if I can I would just have the question for you I

Speaker 8: just wanted to add really quickly.

Uh, justin leslie is going to eventually come speak to us about just that Uh what's going on with um the medical system? He's an insider whistleblower on um Not only COVID, but also January 6th. Um, so he's a whistleblower within the whistleblowers. It's

Speaker 16: very tied. It's very tied. And I wish that everyone knew.

I wish that everyone knew that. Yeah.

Speaker 8: We're going to definitely cover that with Justin. And yes, it's going to be quite interesting. Yes. So, you know, follow everyone, follow each other. Let's, you know, so we could all keep in touch with each other. Um, we're going to take one last and then we're going to have to close [02:38:00] out because, um, Neil has been so gracious with his time with us tonight, a citizen for free elections, and then we're going to, um, have some last words from,


Speaker 8: Neil.

Hey, this is actually Mark Cook. I couldn't get back in on my other phone. So I had to use this one and surprise. This is one of the phones I used when I was out in DC working with that little group there right after the election. But I did want to say thank you to everyone. Uh, as far as Bev Harris goes, I do know Bev and I know the history there.

I know Benny, um, and you know, Fraction Magic, all that stuff. Uh, Bev is great. She's absolutely a king in this and I've worked with other people that have known her back in those very early years as well. And I wish people had listened to her back then. We wouldn't be in the situation we're in now. And I know a whole lot more that I have learned.

And I can't wait to share all this information at some point. I do want to [02:39:00] wait until January 20th until we actually have our new president, uh, in office. Yeah. And then I'll be able to share some more because I don't want to sabotage anything. No, Mark. Thank you all so much.

Speaker 16: Mark, could you follow me back so I could message you?

I'm actually related to, uh, the, uh, Person that Bev Harris called out.

Oh, okay. Um, yeah, what where are you eating? Yeah. Yeah I got your call and I

Speaker 16: know Bev too

Speaker 8: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. We're going to hand it over. so much. We're going to hand it over to Neil. If you have any closing statements, Neil, and and then we'll just thank everyone for coming.

And please follow Neil, um, you know, check out his feed. I mean, the information is just so important. Do you have anything to add, Neil?

Speaker 3: Um, yeah, I just, I want to say thank you [02:40:00] to you, Tisha, Scott, Patrick, Marty. Shady group, everybody that was involved in this. Um, really, I, I just want the, the conversations that are in secret about all this stuff to be more public.

Um, I think we need to be asking more. Of the people that are claiming to be our media, um, you know, to, to, to divulge what they do know, because there's, there's secrets that and there's conversations that are had in the background. And, um, you know, as far as, uh, Tori's claim that, uh, any of this stuff is, is made up or, um, any of that, I mean, I, She has a shirt that I made and you, anybody that follows her, if you've seen the, the Brennan is toast shirt, I made it.

Speaker 8: How funny. Well, and [02:41:00] so, you know, if we want to

Speaker 3: go through a week, I'll provide a lot of receipts as to who I am and everything like that. So,

Speaker 8: of course,

Speaker 3: um, the last thing I want to do is just, uh, maybe close this in prayer. We mentioned praying for Tina Peters and I think that that would be appropriate. So, uh, heavenly father.

Uh, I want to thank you for providing us with the ability to see the truth and discern for ourselves what is, um, what is really going on around us. And I ask that you protect Sharona, and that you keep her safe. Um, I ask that you, uh, show her more and open her mind to, um, you know, these other, you know, Possibilities that we've discussed, and, um, [02:42:00] I pray that that she's safe and protected.

Um, I want to ask that God protect everybody in this space. Um, and I thank you all. God bless. Amen.

Speaker 8: So well said thank you so much. Amen. God bless everyone. And thank you for coming. Like I said, follow each other. So keep posted next time we gather and we will gather again soon. Have a great evening. Thank you

Speaker 13: guys.

Speaker 8: Thank you.