Tisha Lee: [00:00:00] No music tonight. Sorry, guys. So sorry.
Welcome, welcome. If you don't mind reposting the space, we'd be ever so grateful.[00:01:00]
Thank you guys for coming. Uh, please repost the space. We're just going to give it a few minutes for everybody to show up.
Patrick: Yes, please try to if you guys can. We definitely appreciate it. Um, kind of going to we're going to work with the current panel that set up right now and then we'll see how things go. Um, we don't have a current end time, so we're going to just kind of let this roll as we can. Excited to have you guys here.
This is gonna be a really good show, we hope.
Tisha Lee: Yes, thank you for coming.[00:02:00]
I'm sorry there's no music. Spaces are messing with me lately. Whenever I retweet, I get booted out of the room. I have to come right back in.
Welcome, welcome. I see so many familiar faces. So glad to see you here. We just need a few minutes, guys. Let the room fill up, and then we're gonna have [00:03:00] a panel that will be set up. Hi, Scott.
I sent you a co host. You can take that or just, uh, the speaker.
Hey, Scott. How are you? Testing?
Scott McMahan: I'm great. How are you, Tisha?
Tisha Lee: Good. Thank you. Welcome, everyone. We're doing very well. Hi, Megan. How are you? There's so many familiar faces, guys. Um, please repost [00:04:00] this space. This is gonna be, you know, uh, very interesting. You guys are going to have a good time and I'm so sorry that we didn't have opening music, but spaces have been messing with me.
That's okay. We'll get through it. Hey, Shady,
we just need a couple minutes. Guys, if you go down to the purple pill, um, and go to that square box, hit that and you could repost the space.
And we'd really appreciate that. Thank you so much.
Welcome Abolish. How are you? Mic check.
Speaker 2: Sorry for the late attendance.
Tisha Lee: You're [00:05:00] fine. Scott's gonna do the intro.
Scott McMahan: Sure. Are you, yeah, are we ready to go?
Tisha Lee: Yeah, if you want to give it another minute. Well, yeah, I think we're ready to go.
Scott McMahan: It's
Tisha Lee: good.
Scott McMahan: Cool. Uh, well, I, uh, abolish came to me. I think he'd, I think that he, he probably found me through the MG show and, um, and he talked to me.
I believe he talked to Marty. Who's on to, um, and he might, uh, tissue might want to make him a, a speaker. He may have questions also. Um, and, uh, Abolish has, uh, he's known as, and he's going to tell, I'm going to let him tell a story, but he's, he's in Colorado and he's been involved with, uh, Joel Altman, David Clements, uh, and a lot of the Flynn network.
He's [00:06:00] had a lot of direct experience with a lot of these players and Tina Peters. And, uh, he was there for at least part of the Tina Peters trial. And, um, and so he's, he's witnessed a lot directly. And so, you know, I always want to go to people who have, uh, you know, witnessed things directly, uh, because that tends to be a more reliable witness and, uh, abolish definitely has that, um, And, uh, he's also, he's got a lot of text messages that I think are pretty revelatory.
I've reviewed some of them and, um, you know, I'm not sure, um, what he's going to be sharing, but there's, there's a lot of pretty revelatory information, uh, in, uh, Just the text messages and other communications that he's got. So, um, I want to let him let abolish. I want to let you speak for yourself, um, as much as possible, but, um, you know, if you just kind of want to take this where, where you want, and then, um, [00:07:00] you know, shady and I think Jeff's coming on and, um, and Marty and script.
And I will probably have questions as we go. So
Speaker 2: awesome. Well, thank you for the introduction. Scott. Um, can everybody hear me? Okay.
Tisha Lee: Loud
Speaker 2: and
Patrick: clear.
Tisha Lee: Yes, sir.
Speaker 2: Perfect. Well, I first I want to thank you guys for giving me the opportunity, um, to get this out there to talk. And, um, you know, hopefully this ends up, you know, making impact because that's all I want.
I'm just here because I care about the future that my kids grow up in. And, uh, you know, I got sucked into this for that exact reason. And, uh, I'm just still trying to, to do what's right by them. You know what I mean? So, um, [00:08:00] I guess I'll start with, uh, I started a thread and I'll, I'll continue it as we go and, uh, after the space as well, but it all started with me being asked to speak at an FEC meeting, which for those of you that are not familiar, that is an organization that Joe Altman started.
Uh, FEC, meaning faith, education and commerce and the organization was basically based around, uh, what appeared to be supporting people that were affected by the ridiculous COVID guidelines. And, uh, that's why I was asked to speak is because I have a daughter with an intellectual disability and, um, the schools did us really dirty, um, to really summarize it.
And so I was asked to, uh, to come and share my story. And so I did, and in that process, um, I was asked to sit next to Joe Altman, and I ended up befriending him, going to [00:09:00] subsequent FEC meetings, um, getting his phone number, becoming more involved with other local action, um, and, uh, that led me down a path where, uh, I ended up starting, trying to start a merch business making apparel, um, And I thought that I would have, uh, the support of the community behind me.
And, and I was, uh, I got furloughed with the COVID stuff. And, um, so, um, that also led me to meeting even more people. Um, and so nothing really too shocking happened. Um, until I, uh, the story really picks up, I guess I should say. When, um, I reached out to Sharona Bishop and asked her if she would be [00:10:00] able to get me to the Moment of Truth Summit.
For those of you not familiar with it, uh, that's the event that Mike Lindell threw to launch the movie about Tina Peters, Selection Code. And so, um, a couple days beforehand I reached out to her and said, Hey, you know. I hear a lot of people are gone. I didn't get an invite. Is there any chance I can go?
I'm trying to network and you know, maybe I can meet some people to do merchant stuff. And so she was able to get me in and my job was to be the cameraman's helper. And so that turned into me having a backstage pass for two days at the Moment of Truth Summit. Didn't really have to help the cameraman a whole lot.
But what I did have to do ended up being pretty significant. So, [00:11:00] um, I'll add to this that, uh, there was a good period of time where I was a, uh, moderator for Joel Oatman's telegram channel. In addition to that, um, there might be some people that'll vouch for that. Maybe not. We'll find out. Right. Um, but, uh, In that process, I, uh, was introduced to Ivan Reiklin through Joe Oatman's show.
Joe Oatman brought Ivan Reiklin on, and I was really intrigued, and so I started participating in Ivan Reiklin's channel, not as a moderator, but just started participating and, um, ended up, you know, talking to him in these, like, uh, spaces almost like you can have on Telegram, right? Uh, along with other people asking him questions and stuff.
And so the Moment of Truth Summit comes around, and I see Ivan Reikland, I introduce myself to him. I say, Hey, I'm the guy from the [00:12:00] chat, da da da da da. Really cool to meet you. Fast forward.
Sharona Bishop is trying to find people to interview, work to do. I say, Hey, do you know who Ivan Reikland is? This guy here, hey. And I, and I, more or less, I'm like, You guys should And so that ended up leading to Ivan Reikland doing like a two plus hour interview with Sharona Bishop. That is on Rumble. You can, you can find it.
Um, I essentially babysat Ivan Reikland's kid during that interview. Um, he brought his son and his son was bored. And so I let him play some games on my phone and he ended up being a big fan of me and started trying to like [00:13:00] hang out and borrow my phone and play games on my phone and shit throughout the event, um, and eventually at one point he was hanging out, uh, trying to see if he could play my phone.
He might've even, I might've even let him do it. He was a nice kid. Um, and, uh, He couldn't find his dad. And so that's how I got Ivan Raiklin's phone number. Um, and that's important for the story. So, um, moment, a true summit. I networked quite a bit. I, uh, I was, uh, the person that as far as I could tell red pill 78 did not know who Ivan Raiklin was until I was like, Hey, do you know who this is?
You should talk to him. That interview is also online. I was present just shortly beforehand, just trying to give some sauce for all this, right? Um, so, um, fast forward and [00:14:00] I, uh, ask Ivan Reikland, address Ivan Reikland about my suspicions that Roger Stone and Alex Jones are no good. Based off of the Storm Foretold movie, uh, that we've all seen, right?
And I reached out to him and I said, Hey, I think Alex Jones and Roger Stone smell like operatives. And we go back and forth. Ivan Raiklin essentially says that, you know, the Storm Foretold is just a, uh, effort to You know, push Ivan or push Roger Stone away from Trump is essentially what he's alluding to.
Um, in that conversation, I ask him who had stopped the steel in their back pocket ready. He replied back, ask Ali. I then asked him who brought Ali [00:15:00] in. He replied, ask Ali. Now, anybody that follows Tor, Tory might have seen. Uh, that post shared more than once, and she shared that several times, and that comes into play a little bit more down the road.
So, um, I present this information to Joe Altman, along with some of my own research on Ivan Reikland. And I start trying to tell Joe, hey, you know, I think there's more to look at here, so on and so forth. And Uh, I was told by Joe Altman, yeah, but why have someone follow you around? And so I've been really vocal about asking Joe Altman, who is going to follow me around for pursuing Ivan Reikland's intentions on January 6th.[00:16:00]
I haven't gotten an answer. Let me move on from that. So I, I get this alluded threat and, uh, kind of let things go for a bit. And as that happens, I'm the shirt businesses has turned to crap. Uh, I'm sold my stuff since it's the business is no longer in operation at all. And, um, some time has passed and January of this year, um, I posted a picture that, uh, Breb shared of, uh, Dave Clements from his channel, the professor's record probably might've seen it.
I don't take orders from anybody, but I'll take orders from this general or whatever, right? And that turned into an engagement with Dave Clements, [00:17:00] which, at the time, I was still in contact with Joe Altman. And so, that escalated to the point where I actually had a phone call with Dave Clements. Um, he proceeded to tell me about how, uh, the bread people have made all these false allegations against him, and they're horrible people, and this and that.
Now, I would like to add here, um, I mentioned this to script, uh, in our private conversation. I got kicked out of the Lynn group, Lynnwood group, way back for, for posting. Watch out! So I have stopped keeping up with that for a bit. And subsequently, I stopped. I, I, I didn't really pay attention to the Brev stuff.
I've gone in there doing my own research, but I've not been a member of the Brev basket. So when Dave Clements comes at me and says I'm a Brev, da da da da da, Lin Wood, da da, that's not where I was at. I [00:18:00] had found a lot of stuff on my own research and, uh, yeah, it happened the picture that was shared was from Brev, but it was a screenshot from the professor's record, right?
Um, so, this is a bunch of nonsense, drama, whatever, um, the reason why I, I mention it is because, um, Clements made a big deal of it, and it got to the point, like I said, where he, he made a phone call to me, and we were having back end conversations, he's talking to Joe, this and that, and, uh, I basically called Clements out because he was trying to say, you're not involved, you need to get off your ass, and I said, you know, I'm plenty involved, you can ask Joe, and, uh, so between January of this year and last week, I, I'm at the, I don't talk to any of these people anymore, right, um, and with, with what's going on [00:19:00] with Tina Peters, it's really just, it's, it's sad, and, um, I have a hard time watching it, and so I, Reached out to Joe and I said, uh, you know, it's really a shame that Tina Peters is, is in jail and all these people are watching and that conversation ended up being really interesting.
And so I would ask right now, Scott, if you could post. Uh, in either on your page or in the thread for this, uh, whichever is most convenient that conversation, um, in its entirety with Joe from a week and a half ago or so.
Scott McMahan: Yeah, there were about, I don't know, 15 or so screenshots. You want me to post all of them?
Speaker 2: Yes, please.
Scott McMahan: Okay. It'll take me a few minutes, but I'll get started right now.
Speaker 2: Thank [00:20:00] you. Um, and so, um, yeah, that's, that's kind of my story. The, as, as the screenshots get dropped, you'll see, uh, the stuff that was said. Um, I'll, I'll elaborate more. Um, in about the stuff that happened outside of these text messages that I think is also really important and that is, um, tying back to the conversation with, uh, Ivan Raiklin and also the conversation with Dave Clements.
So. You'll see in the, uh, conversation, that, um,
I essentially called Joe out, because Joe says that, uh, he doesn't give a fuck what people say about David, it just shows that they don't know what they're doing, [00:21:00] they don't know what they're talking about, and in the same breath he says, Tori does good work. I hadn't seen it, but, that caused me to, to Just look and sure enough Tori posted on her own that Dave Clemence is agency Clemence's agency multiple times You can find it on your own Dave Clemence's agency.
And so being that, uh Joe Oatman thinks it's okay to call the father of a intellectually disabled child A mental midget ie retard, which I just want to set the ground rules right now. I know I know it's it's like You It's funny. Anon's haha. I'm not going to tolerate that in this conversation if anybody wants to start saying that kind of crap.
So, um, that being said, I asked Joe if he had the balls to call Tori. Also a mental [00:22:00] midget for also saying Dave Clements is sus, which I didn't, I just, I'm just like, Hey, what, what's all this about, you know, because I ended up finding that, uh, conservative daily just fairly recently had a show named retribution already, which if we all are paying attention, right, we know where the retribution word comes from and so, Um, yeah, I want to know why Joelman thinks that someone would follow me for asking Ali about January six and talking about his connections to the I see community and, um, You know, what really happened with Tina Peters, because according to Joel Oatman, Sharon is a fed and they set her up.[00:23:00]
So I'm here to answer any questions related to this stuff. Um, mostly just trying to disclose and connect some dots. For people.
Patrick: So I think Scott's posting some of those pictures, Scott. I don't know if you have some questions ready or not.
Scott McMahan: Um, yeah, so I, yeah, it's going to take me a few more minutes because I'm downloading all of them. Um,
Speaker 2: we got Marty too, right? You can try pulling Marty up.
Patrick: He's having some issues, but we're working on it.
Sorry. Go ahead, Scott.
Scott McMahan: Yeah. So, um, let me get, let me get some of these up. So you had, um, there, there's one thing that you told me about your, uh, something that [00:24:00] you saw that you witnessed with Ivan Rickland and his son and, um, you know, in terms of language that,
Speaker 2: Oh, yes, yes, that is, uh, a little detail that is quite interesting.
So. Um, for those of you that don't know, as you would probably imagine, Ivan Reiklin, I believe is, is fluent in many languages. But he, he speaks to his wife, what I believe, his wife on the phone, in Russian. Um, and after doing my own research, I found that she is a, uh, Linguistics teacher for a company that works for the state department teaching, um, DOD, special forces, you name it.
And so, um, that was quite interesting. Also, I did some, some research on Ivan himself because he talked a [00:25:00] little bit about his dad once. I don't know if anybody really dug on, pulled on that string. I have a thread. Um, you know, we all have, we can't choose who our parents are or who our grandparents are, right?
But I do find it worth noting that from my research, um, it appears that Ivan Reiklin is the great grandson of one of the most decorated Bolsheviks from World War I and World War II. The check us if you're familiar with that. His name is, uh, let me pull it up here. Yakov Sarah Bansky
and, uh, yeah, I got a lot of questions. I don't know that. I have a lot of answers. I have a lot of questions. So
Tisha Lee: I did post on [00:26:00] top. Um, what you have on your feed abolish, um, about, uh, when Ivan Reglin talks about his family. So that's up in the, um, Up on top, guys, if you'd like to check that out.
Speaker 2: Sure, and it's, it's a pretty chopped up thread, but if you just pay attention to the names, you can follow along.
He went from his dad, you know, up through obituary and so on and so forth, and it doesn't take very far to find. And both of his grandparents, great grandparents, were spies, from what I can see. Not just his great grandfather, so that's even more. They were responsible for the kidnapping and and killing of uh, the person who my profile picture is um but I think that ivan rakelin has a much bigger role in all of this and I think that there's you know, i've I've reached [00:27:00] out to many people over the last couple of years trying to to figure out who's good who's bad And i've gotten input from some people and not a lot of them You None of them really say any of it publicly, and some of them pretend it's not even a thing.
Um, and so, you know, I just want people to realize the, uh,
Gateway, for example. Um, just recently, um, and actually this is a good segue to a different point. Um, there was a post by the Gateway pundit. Um, it was an article that written by Dave Clements, his wife, nonetheless, about, uh, how they found out that Tina Peters, uh, deputy or whatever the person right underneath her had a demeaning [00:28:00] email at the time of all this stuff going on.
And so they want everybody to look at, see demeaning, etc. demeaning, etc. And, um, you know, Dave Clements. You can't, you can't touch him. He's agency. He's not agency is Joe. Joe Oldman will call me a mental midget over it, but but won't address tour where where do these people land is what I'm wondering and I don't know.
Um, but from where I am, it seems to me like there's a whole lot of people that know a whole lot that aren't talking at all about it. And that includes people in Badlands, as well as We The Media and so on. We all know that, right?
Speaker 4: I have a question, too. Um, I see that I met Apollo and Joe Oltman as well.
They've even been on our gang show. I mean, it's like we're the on ramp for all the bad actors. But, uh How old was Ivan son? [00:29:00]
Speaker 2: Um, I want to say right around 10 years old ballpark. Um, he just posted a picture and of him with his two boys. It was the younger one that was there. Gotcha.
Speaker 4: And, uh, were you, so you're not Apollo, right?
Apollo. I am.
Speaker 2: I am not Apollo. My name is Neil. N E I L.
Speaker 4: And do you remember when we came on Joe's show? I think I saw you there. I, I, I think I might've seen you in the background before we went live.
Speaker 2: Um, I've, I've never been on the conservative daily set.
Speaker 4: Okay.
Speaker 2: Um, a little, a little side note. I actually asked Joe Altman for a job multiple times and was never given even a little bit of, of an opportunity with it.
Um, so no, I, I am just, uh, was on a texting basis with Joe and Apollo for quite a while.
Speaker 4: Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Thank you very [00:30:00] much. And you know, thank you for your bravery as well, because these people, you know, we, we heroize these people. You just like, you know, the general Flynn's, and this is their whole network around them.
It even looks like that Joe Altman didn't, wasn't really in on that Antifa call. Um, so there's a lot of psychological operations that we've all fell for with all these different moving pieces. And, uh, you know, I, I also know, have you heard of, uh, let me just see what this guy's name is. Let me just grab it before, and then I'll just give up the mic, but I want to just, one, thank you.
Uh, and, and I've been following you for quite a while now. I see a lot of people helping you right now. And that's great. And you know, we're here to help as well. But have you heard of, uh, Sean McHugh, H E U G H
Speaker 2: McHugh. I do not know that name. Um, however, um, in the meantime, since you mentioned the name, Sean, I'll use this as an [00:31:00] opportunity to bring up something else. Um, for those of you that have been keeping track of the story, um, Sean Smith has been used as a, uh, cyber expert. In all of this, and, uh, I posted. The screenshot of Joe calling Sharona a fed in a thread with Sean Smith and Sean Smith immediately started attacking me and Even went as far as to make a really crappy meme of what he thought was me calling Sharona a fed But was really Joe calling Sharona a fed.
So I guess Sean made a meme about Joe Um, I also found the same reaction from Sean Smith in an entirely different conversation with, uh, someone who ran against Lauren Boebert and had a personal experience with Sharona doing a lot of local, like, political work, who also called Sharona a [00:32:00] fed and I've, uh, and, uh, Sean Smith immediately.
Jump down her throat. Um, I'd also like to add that another player in all of this that a lot of people don't necessarily know about is Mark Cook. Um, In fact, uh, Scott was telling me some stuff about Mark Cook, and I want to let it be known that if Mark Cook is the person that wants to follow me, he doesn't have to ask very far to figure out where I am, but, uh, he is, uh, let's just say before the Moment of Truth Summit, I went on throughout the building with Joe Altman, Apollo, Hello.
Sean Smith and Mark Cook doing kind of like a recon to see which, what are the ways in and out and this and that. And I actually, uh, went on the roof of the building with them. One of them, I believe, uh, in this process, I think it was Apollo [00:33:00] that went up there with me or whatever, but, uh, you know, just, uh, there's a lot of people that like to hide in the background and, uh, it's, it's, there's, those are the people that bring the connections to, uh, Other organizations that a lot of other nonce have dug on that, I think, start to make all of this turn into a little bit bigger of a picture.
Scott McMahan: I want to add a couple of things to what you just said. Um, so 1st, the, the guy that you talked about, who's a local, um, political, um, uh, you know, he's, he's a local politician. Um, his name is James Wiley. And I actually spoke to him today. He's going to be on my show on Monday. Um, and we had, we had a great conversation.
He's a, he's a libertarian. He and I don't agree on everything. Um, you know, there's, we have quite a few things that we disagree on. However, he has a lot of direct experience with [00:34:00] all of this. He was involved in the, um, the recount and all of the litigation surrounding it when Tina Peters ran for secretary of state and they raised 250, 000 in three days.
to, to do a hand recount. And so he was, um, very actively involved in, in that and all of the litigation that followed after that. Um, and so he, he has a lot of direct experience with Tina Peters and Sharona and, uh, and Mark Hook and all, you know, all of these people. Um, and so, yeah, I think that'll be an interesting conversation, but Mark Cook himself is, is another interesting character.
There's, I think that, uh, you know, he's somebody that He was very much on the stage. Uh, he was probably the third or fourth most active speaker during the August 2021, uh, cyber symposium, Mike Lindell cyber symposium. And that was the event where Tina Peters, uh, the, the information that Conan Hayes had acquired, [00:35:00] uh, from, uh, the dominion source code and the, the.
Um, the, the forensic image of the, of the dominion machines that was all published there with code monkey Z and all that, but carton, but Mark cook was very much, you know, on the, he was almost always on the stage throughout that event for the entire weekend. He runs an organization still today called The Hand Count Road Roadshow.
And uh, according to Mark Meck, another name who ran an organization called Unauthorized One, uh, which was funded entirely by the America Project. And the America Project is the 501c4 that Flynn, Joe, Mike Flynn, Joe Flynn, and, um, Patrick Burns started, uh, in 2020 to that, that's, that was their main election integrity vehicle.
Speaker 2: I'd like to add that, uh, that as far as I know is the organization that [00:36:00] Ash EPP, Ash in America, uh, and Sean Smith. Both were very, very heavily involved, and I don't know how much Sean Smith is still involved, but Ash told me that there was a hostile takeover, uh, with that, and that Sharona was actually the person that told Ash she was fired, and she insisted that Sharona was a fed, something, again, that's not discussed publicly, um, now, I also want to, uh, Just take a second to correct you, Scott, in that, um, I was not present for Tina Peters, uh, actual hearing.
I was, uh, I sat next to Tina for a, um,
what would be the word? Um, there was a bill, and, uh, I testified. Next to next to Tina [00:37:00] in the Colorado State Capitol in person on the bill.
Scott McMahan: Okay, I misunderstood. I apologize. Thanks for correcting.
Speaker 2: Yep.
Scott McMahan: Um, so, yeah, so, um, but I brought that whole thing was unauthorized in because. Um, Matt, Matt Mack, who ran unauthorized, he talked quite a bit about how Mark Cook was very much involved in their whole operation to take over state Republican parties, which was the operation that brought me into all of this.
Cause I, I started this by trying to figure out why the Michigan state Republican party was so divided. And, um, and they, you know, so it's, it's interesting that, you know, Mark, Mark Cook, just, he's one of those, I don't think he's like an extremely powerful person, but he just seems to be always involved in, in a lot of these different operations.
Speaker 2: I would speculate. I think she might be involved in the handling of Tina Peters [00:38:00] speculating Mark Cook.
Scott McMahan: Okay.
Speaker 2: Yeah, that's specifically going back to that exact time that I spoke at the Capitol next to Tina. She actually spent the majority of the time out of the room with Mark Cook before coming back in and he kind of, I believe, is tasked with keeping tabs on her.
Scott McMahan: That's fascinating. Matt and Mac had talked about in their operations, and you know, this is in videos on the, um, America project website, even currently, uh, he talks about, uh, how they employ and teach and train in 5g warfare, uh, to their activists within state Republican parties, which is, I mean, the, the 5g warfare, it's, it's very much like, uh, Saul Alinsky's rule rules for radicals.
It's, it, it's similar type stuff, but it's, it's [00:39:00] really about how to activate people towards violence and, and how to create political extremists.
Speaker 2: I agree. And, uh, I think that, um, Another noteworthy thing. Um, and this is just, I'm putting this out there for people to start asking questions. Um, I know it to be true that Joe Altman is also, was at least for a period in contact with Garrett Ziegler. I specifically asked him to get permission from Garrett for putting the, uh, Biden laptops website.
On a shirt that I had made and it never, I never got an answer, but, um, I, I do know that there was at least a period where he was in touch with him as well. [00:40:00]
Scott McMahan: So Garrett Ziegler, uh, for those that don't know, he's the one that he was working in the white house and he's the one that got Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne and Sidney Powell into the West wing on December 18th.
When they had their kind of infamous shouting match over trying to, trying to persuade Trump to sign the insurrection act. So Garrett Ziegler was responsible for that. But Garrett Ziegler was, he was involved in a lot of things. And so, um, that's really interesting that. So you said Joel then had contact with him?
Speaker 2: Yeah, I know for a fact that he was in contact with him for at least the period that I originally started talking to him. What's up, uh, Jeff?
Speaker 4: Thank you. Um, I just wanted to real quick, you were talking about, uh, Tina Peters, Mark Cook. Um, and so people that don't understand, Mark Cook was the [00:41:00] one who coached Tina allegedly to break into the voting machines, uh, and all that, and he kind of helped her. Thank you. With, you know, prying it apart and all that stuff.
Uh, and then they hired, um, Oltman to do the Gideon 300 where they go to the sheriffs, uh, if you guys recall. So there's a lot of history that you're talking about that I don't think people understand how deep it really is. So Mark Cook, who coached Schroeder on how to break into the voting machines is consulting with Custer County sheriffs.
Uh, and then last week, the Tribune asked the sheriff. Uh, and this is from an article guys. I'm just trying to, you know, dig in as he's talking as well. But what I found interesting is, uh, if you look here, control F, Oltman, so if you look at Oltman in here, Uh, Oltman, uh, so the Sheriff's Office has used or hired anyone with Joe Oltman.
Uh, if those names sound familiar, because those allowed as proponents of the election system in Colorado, Colorado, and this is where the Gideon, uh, 300 [00:42:00] sheriff thing goes in. If you were, do you know about the Gideon thing?
Speaker 2: So, um, I wasn't around for, for most of that, uh, from what I believe, I think that that spawned from what initially was Joel Altman's obsession with the, uh, Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate, if you're familiar with that.
Speaker 4: Yeah, and I think it goes, this kind of parlays into what Ranklin is saying, because they were trying to teach locals, like local sheriffs, according to Oatman, is to use the locals as a peaceful force against county government, to have voting machines removed and implemented hand counts, all that.
So this was kind of like the setup to what, you know, Ranklin is kind of talking about today.
Speaker 2: Right? No, I'm tracking what you're saying. Um, I will say also, uh, just, you know, some, some more backstory slash [00:43:00] sauce that if Joe wants to. Say that I'm full of shit or not real or whatever. Um, I was there when Joel men first started doing the doctrine of the legislature magistrate stuff.
And he actually asked me and along with Apollo to, uh, go around and start collecting contact information for people that would be willing to participate. And, uh, They wanted me to continue with it after the FEC meeting where it initially took place, and I didn't because I don't want to be involved in signing people up for some crap like that.
Um, but, um, Yeah, what else is there? Yeah, it's so much
Scott McMahan: in 300 is really it's it was more than just working with the sheriff's is actually working with citizens. It was a quasi militia kind of thing that they were traveling. Joe and, um, Joltman [00:44:00] and David Clements were traveling all over across the country to red counties all over the country for that.
That's most of what they were doing over the last year. Uh, and. It is training people in like, uh, Antifa style, de arrest drills and how to forcefully, they say peacefully, but forcefully, but forcefully taking over, um, county commission meetings, uh, clerks offices and make demands and say, you know, power to the people.
Stand with the people or stand with the tyrants, those kinds of chants. Um, but it's, it's really, you know, they were, they were trying to incite a localized, a nationwide localized insurrection. And it very much fit in with what Ivan Reikland was talking about.
Tisha Lee: Scott, you had a little footage on your presentation about one of those events, correct?
Scott McMahan: Yeah, yeah, I have posted. I'll try to find it and repost it when I'm done. But there are 27 screenshots here, so I'm still downloading and [00:45:00] uploading screenshots of this conversation with Joel. And there's a lot in here for us to do. Sorry, I was
Speaker 2: trying to do it myself. It's all good. I'm
Scott McMahan: almost done. I'll be there, you know, but I'm trying to pay attention to you at the same time.
So, um, but
Speaker 2: once the conversation is uploaded, we can go through the conversation itself and it'll get a lot juicier.
Scott McMahan: Yeah, there's, there's a, there, there are a lot of gems in there. So, um, so there's a lot to talk about, but I will
Speaker 4: Scott, when you're, when you, while you're doing that, I wanted to tell you the reason why I asked about this Sean McHugh and it's MCH UGH.
Um, I'm going to play a little something. I, I found a guy that trolled, uh, Altman and, um, Ivan Ranklin and, uh, he was protesting like Scientology and he was talking about how he was at the trucker thing and Oatman and he hates Oatman and all this stuff. So check this out. I'm just going to play a little bit of it.
[00:46:00] Matrix
Speaker 5: y'all. I'm from STC, St. Charles and Beryl, STC and Beryl, STC and Beryl. I asked. F Flynn and Rankin? Yeah, fuck Flynn and Rankin. They go fuck themselves. Yeah, hell yeah. Hell yeah. Rankin, Rankin doesn't like me.
We're all scammers, man. Rankin, Rankin, Rankin. His group of people have been supporting a known pedophile, Sean McHugh, out in D. C. Geneva. Oh, wow.
Speaker 4: So that's what he told me. So, you know, what do I do? I start digging. Uh, I've got a picture. It's in the nest. Uh, I've got the, I've got that video in the nest where you can say it. I didn't know that it was, I thought it was make you like a, a CUE, but it's make you, but general Flynn, I've got a picture of him with Sean McHugh's child while Sean was in jail.[00:47:00]
And the article about Sean McHugh was reveal. Revealed MAGA rioter who was accused police of protecting pedophiles during Capitol insurrection was convicted of raping a 14 year old girl in 2010. These are the kind of people we're dealing with guys. I just want to let you know. And, uh, you told us I yield what
Speaker 2: Q told us, right?
Guardians of the
Speaker 4: guardians of the pedophiles. Yeah.
Tisha Lee: It's just disturbing to think that they were going across the country training as using Antifa methods as peace. I mean, it's just, it's very hard to wrap your head around all this, but you know, but from what we've seen thus far, It's very obvious. Um, and that's why I referenced the clip I saw on Scott's presentation because it says basically what the Democrats do surround them, scream at them, you know, it's just.[00:48:00]
It's not, there's nothing civil about it. Nothing civil.
Speaker 3: It's exactly right. If anyone has,
Tisha Lee: yeah, if anyone has a question, please feel free.
Scott McMahan: If you want to start, I have the first, I've got most of them posted. I still have, um, six or so more to do. But if you want to start looking at that thread, it's, I've posted it on my page.
I tagged you on it, Neil.
Speaker 2: Okay, I'll, uh, I'll just read it out for everybody. How about that?
Scott McMahan: Cool. I don't, I hope that they're in the right chronological order, but I did my best.
Speaker 2: Sure. No worries. And I'll, if I notice that they're not, I will correct it.
Speaker 3: Okay.[00:49:00]
Okay. Try and see if you,
Speaker 2: Oh, look at that. We already got a comment from Joel.
Speaker 1: Joel,
Speaker 2: why don't you join?
Yeah, I'd reply back, but I'm blocked.
Scott McMahan: Uh,
Speaker 4: I don't think I'm blocked. I'll let him know. Yeah, I'll do it too, because he knows me. Yeah.
Tisha Lee: I don't have him blocked. I don't even know who he is.
Speaker 2: And I'm sure you don't. Yeah, I want to know which part is a lie of what, what's posted here.
Scott McMahan: Is it him, him
Speaker 4: that's lying? I mean, so if you're a co host, no, you're just a speaker, right?
Okay, so yeah, so nobody's blocked, so he could join. [00:50:00] Yeah, he
Tisha Lee: could join right now. He could join. Joe, uh, Joe Oatman, if you'd like to join.
Speaker 4: Because just so you know, Shady and I know a lot about Joe Oatman as well. Oh, is it
Tisha Lee: Joel? Joel,
Speaker 4: Joe Altman. It's hard to say. Okay. Joel Altman. Joel. Joel Altman .
Tisha Lee: So there's Joel
Sorry. I think it's also
Speaker 2: one of those things where it's easy to hide if, if somebody mistypes it j Joel then and doesn't necessarily associate, same thing with the, if it's two Ns or one. With his last name. Exactly. Come on, Joe, get up here.
Speaker 4: And I'd like to know why he says, are you still a lying faggot? I mean, who talks like that, Joe?
Tisha Lee: children do
Speaker 4: this. This is how the whole network talks. It's crazy. They talk about butt stuff and being gay. It's weird.
Speaker 2: No, no, I'm just a big bully, Jeff. Oh, you don't understand. I'm, I'm bullying him.
Tisha Lee: It's unbelievable. It really is unbelievable. The [00:51:00] bullying that comes from that side, I think we're all aware of. We've all been, we've all been, um, affected by it. And just, just tune it out, guys. It's not even worth it. But we welcome you up, Joe. Oatman, if I'm saying your name correctly, come on up. The Price is Right.
Speaker 4: You're the next contestant on The Price is Right. Wheeeee!
Speaker 2: Alright, I'm just, uh, I'm just gonna pull up my stuff and, uh, go, go from my screenshots. Cause it looks like you kinda started back at the, at the end. Oh, so they're in
Scott McMahan: reverse order?
Speaker 2: Yeah. No,
Scott McMahan: I'll be done soon. Then you can start at the bottom and follow along.
Speaker 2: Okay. So Sunday, December 8th, I contact Joe and I say, Tina is rotting in jail and Dr. Frank Sharona and burn are all watching. This [00:52:00] is all so effed up. I hope you don't get rolled up with all the others. I still think there's a good person in there. I hope you find a way out. His reply is, Sharona is a fed.
I am working with Tina's team. No idea what you're talking about. I talk to Tina literally three times a week. They set her up.
Scott McMahan: And when, this conversation happened just like a week and a half ago?
Speaker 2: December 8th.
Scott McMahan: So he's been talking to Tina three times a week since she's been in jail.
Speaker 2: But she hasn't showed up for the last two shows that she was supposed to do, which I do find alarming.
Um, so, um, he said they set her up. I replied back, who is they? How did Sharona get Dr. Frank involved? Burn all it's already public. I think it was burn or Dr. Frank that spilled it. I'm referring to the space where I think it was Dr. Frank that [00:53:00] was in it, where he's. Tells about how he got Conan involved. Um, I said Byrne brought in Conan, but I put Coen Hard to keep track of the names, you know, who is Coen?
Yeah, I don't think Byrne is a bad dude Sharona did set up Tina though in my IMHO here I then say Coen is the reason they were actually able to put Tina behind bars f'n surfer turned asset RVCA and then I sent a link about Uh, Conan with a screenshot He's not just a surfer, Peter's attorney Dan Cartman said earlier in the trial.
They essentially, uh, tried saying that this guy was an FBI informant or something, but then the courts didn't want to hear this, that, the other, right? Um, so I say, pardon me, Conan. It's been a minute since I was focused on him. I send [00:54:00] another screenshot. Uh, this one is referring to, uh, Bishop saying she doesn't know what Dr.
Frank meant by best in the country. She says their attorney, Kurt Olson, gave them the contact for Conan Hayes. They got Dr. Frank on a space admitting that Byrne was involved. I'm looking for it. It was my reply to Joe. I told Joe, you reintroduced me to God. I'll always believe you're capable of being one of the good guys.
Joe replies, capable? I've given everything to this. If I'm not one of the good guys, there are no good guys. I replied back, but if Sharona is a fed, and Hartman says Conan is a fed, and Byrne just made a movie about being a fed, And then he corrects me and says, uh, he quotes the part about me saying, uh, Conan was a, uh, turn, surfer turned asset.
He says, not accurate. He's been a fed for years. I told [00:55:00] Joe, you're surrounded by them.
That's my point. Fed brought in a fed and Dr. Frank was caught on a space's hang. Conan was brought in by burn. Sharona said in court, it was Kurt Olsen who brought him in. Blow the whistle on all of it. Joe replies, there's nothing to blow the whistle on. Sharona is a hairdresser. They are all trash. It's like Kabuki theater with a bunch of fucking morons.
We'll take a break for a second.
Okay. Joe goes on to say, they can all go fuck themselves, as far as I'm concerned. Every single one of them. Dennis Montgomery is a fraud. I replied, I did. Flynn and burn run PSYOPs on people all day. Joe replied, it's like a convention full of useful idiots. I did everything I could to to [00:56:00] say about bored while I put up with their childish bullshit.
Flynn is a piece of shit too. That's Joe Oldman saying Flynn is a piece of shit too. This goes on. I say, why does Byr want him as president? Why does, why was Ivan Raylin foaming at the mouth on Alex Jones talking about assassinations? Because then Flynn would be president. Ivan's logic. I said, I don't give an F about Dennis Montgomery or Sharona or any of the actors.
Byrne is a non friend. Flynn and Byrne and Roger Stone are actively fucking things up more than they are helping with their op. They did set her up. Joe says, Bern is feeling his mortality. He's dying. I don't think he's a bad actor. He's got maybe a year or so left. He's concerned with his legacy and I've seen him do great things.
But again, I'm done with all of it. I'm writing the white paper for the infrastructure for the new election system. [00:57:00] And then I'm done.
Scott McMahan: I just want to stop you there. So he's, he's writing a white paper for a new election system for. Trump who's going to use
Speaker 3: that,
Scott McMahan: uh, yeah,
Speaker 4: that's like a virtue signal big time
Speaker 2: for sure.
Trump's not using that bit. Let's be honest.
Scott McMahan: Yeah. I'm sure that Trump has asked him specifically for that show. You're such a, uh, uh, upstanding wise. You, you're, I don't know if
Speaker 2: you guys heard today, he said on his podcast, he's smarter than 99 percent of people. So that's probably why.
Tisha Lee: Thinks very highly of himself.
Speaker 7: Every last one of them has an inflated sense of self and thinks that their input is required.
Speaker 4: You go. Yeah.
Speaker 2: I, yeah, I think a big part of this is, is the whole to matrix might be able to speak to the whole [00:58:00] military is the only way. Yeah. They think that they're the saviors of mankind. These people
Tisha Lee: military industrial complex,
Speaker 2: right? All right. I'm gonna carry on Um, I replied back to joe saying his legacy is going to be that he worked with flint to entrap trump on january 6th Joe says paper ballots, no machines decentralized counting No mail in ballots election day holiday voter id and clean to non connected voter rolls Like, no shit.
Yes, that's what we all want. Joe says, I was at the State Department on January 6th, and I, my, was, then, that I knew they all knew. It's a ruse. A made up kabuki theater ruse. They are all part of this slowdown. Chaos favors the op, not the people. I said, I agree. Problem is, is that they are still at it, and justice hasn't been [00:59:00] served.
Joe says, not paying attention to them. What are they doing now? I replied, my biggest concern is Ivan Reikland's rhetoric at the moment. Maximum retribution. He's trying to radicalize people bad. Giving the media the buzzwords they need. Joe replied, I don't pay attention to any of them. They are irrelevant.
I replied, but really, I don't think they are much of a threat. Joe said, they are not. I've learned so much over the last four years and given too much. I replied, Learned so much. Have you been able to sell that lifted van? I saw it on Marketplace. Yep, it's gone. Yeah, the last four years have been horrible, God said.
Joe says God has something cooking, but I'm weary and tired. I told Joe, by the grace of God, we didn't go homeless, because that's true. He says, and frankly, I'm tired of the LARPing and fake ass chumps, [01:00:00] which I agree. He says, I was at a Mar a Lago three weeks ago. It was bullshit. A bunch of fake ass Kardashians.
I asked him who was hosting. He said, Giuliani, who is one of the best men I've ever met. I said, I have respect for him. 9 11, never forget. Joe says, Amen. I said, Joe, still talking to tour Tori. He said, yes, sir. I give him a thumbs up. I said, she just did a show about a lot of this. She's not happy with burn.
He says, I saw, I haven't been watching your show much. And I just happened to catch it last night and it was good. He replied, yeah, she does a good job. I then sent him a screenshot from his show, conservative daily podcasts with the title retribution already. I said, who's naming your videos. I've been subversively.
I then sent a screenshot of another show that he had around the same [01:01:00] time frame, the Joe Hoff Show on Conservative Daily, featuring Mary Flynn and Laura Logan. What do we, what did we learn about Mary Flynn and Laura Logan recently in the America's Future? A lot of stuff, huh? I said, oy vey. He replied back to Who's Naming Your Videos saying, LOL, not me.
And I was not on it. Laura Logan is awesome. She's awesome. Who is Mary Flynn? Mary is General Flynn's sister. I sent a screenshot of the, uh, show and said, retribution. That's Ivan's buzzword. I sent a link to the show and say at 43 seconds, David's saying retribution is the theme of the day. Tell me the Dave Clements isn't operating based off of what Ivan Raiklin and Flynn want him to do.
But yet you had a show named retribution already. And the whole theme of the show. Starting at 43 seconds is retribution, right? So I'll continue with my conversation. [01:02:00] I said, that explains his reaction to me saying he takes orders from Flynn with a picture of Ivan Reiklin with his retribution shirt. I said, good night, friend.
Fuck them, Clements and Verne including. Joe replies, Clements is my brother. Was not for him, I would be dead. I said, and if it wasn't for the op, you probably wouldn't have gotten in the situation. I'm speculating. Then I sent a screenshot of Ivan Reikland with his shirt and the, uh, show and 2 plus 2 equals 4, right?
Like, come on. I then quoted him where he said that Tory does a good job and showed a picture of Tory saying Professor Clements is a bad hombre and an asset. I said, for the record, that's my first time seeing those posts. I then sent another post where Tory says, Dave Clements is agency. I know agency well.
After all, you all claim I'm CIA, so there, that's my statement. David Clemence's agency, David [01:03:00] Clemence, is in place to destroy Mike Lindell. I quote Joe, where he says they set her up, and I add a picture with Tina Peters, Ivan Reiklin, and Laura Logan, and said, final thought, yes they did. I then sent him a screenshot from Napalm USA with Jake Lang, Angan Vandersteel, Vem Miller, Stu Peters, which, side note, I tried warning Joe about Stu Peters.
Joe Oltman told me Stu Peters is a good guy. Um, Send him the links, uh, the link to the post. He says, I don't give a fuck what you think when you come after my friend David. It just reinforces you don't know what you were talking about. Before David was, and then I replied, before David was around, I poured my heart out to a room full of people about my disabled daughters, neglect and abuse in hope of inspiring others to take action to save our country.
I showed up and you know it. [01:04:00] Joe replied, you don't get to lump people together because it's convenient. I It's why I hate this entire movement. I sent him a peace sign. I said, funny, cause David was the one doing the lumping back in January. Good talking, Joe. He says, lumping who? The guy takes all the arrows.
I said myself, saying I was with Lin Wood, a Linth Wood follower, or in the Breb group, for example. He made a ton of assumptions, and Apollo even telling me to stand down? Laugh my ass off. He replied, he does not respond to Telegram, so if it was there, it was not him. I said, haha, no, it was him. It was on X.
We spoke on the phone. He tried getting me to argue with him on CD for the day, and tagged Apollo. It was hilarious. He replied back, Conflict with Patriots is never hilarious. I said, what was hilarious is how at the drop of a hat, I was gonna argue with your [01:05:00] BFF on your show without your knowledge, just because I triggered him.
Because I asked him about his own post, saying he takes orders from Flynn. And here we are with him using your show to run ops for Ivan Reikland. The word of the day is retribution. Get the fuck out of here. He replied back. He does not care for Flynn. No one does actually. I then sent him, uh, The same screenshots I already sent.
I said, you're doing his dirty work, your show, whatever. He replied back, because of a word, lol I said the same one the media uses daily to scare people. Then I sent another screenshot, going back to the, uh, having Mary Flynn and Laura Logan on. I said, yep, just cause of that word. He then tells me to fuck off, take your petty little bullshit with you.
I don't even know who Mary Flynn is, and now you piss on Joe? Yeah, you're a genius. So then I proceed to send him a [01:06:00] link to America's Future, Slash leadership. He tells me to lose his number and that he's sick of the mental midgetry. I say classy. And then the last thing I, or no, that wasn't the last thing.
Then I say, fuck you. That shit. Say that shit to me knowing about my kid. I'm a mental minute midget. You don't even know Flynn's sister when Flynn's Flynn's sister is on your show. I then sent him a link to, uh, a post talking from, it was a post by someone else from Tory's show, um, and I said, Call Tory a mental midget.
He replies, You are a mental midget. I said, If you only understood how little I cared what you think at this point. And that was the last thing I said to Joel. So there you go.
Scott McMahan: I think that the, first of all, you know, Neil, thank you for your [01:07:00] courage in coming out and, and doing this. And I know you've had thrusts in the past and a lot of us have, and, um, but it takes, it takes a lot of courage and especially, you know, knowing that. They know how to find you and, and, you know, and all that.
So thank you. Um, but I, you know, I think that some of the big revelations here, one is that. So it sounds like he's still in communication with Tori, like that. They're still friends and they communicate with each other. Is that accurate?
Speaker 2: Uh, as of the eighth, he said yes. And I'll also add, um, so the same day that this happened, I tried getting on an X space with Tori and I was the next person to speak.
And, uh, Tori went on and on for an excessive amount of time, making sure that I didn't get the mic, and even mentioned something about somebody contacting her in the middle of it. Um, and I [01:08:00] believe it was Joe. Reaching out to her about this stuff because they both have me blocked because after that conversation, I went on X and I publicly called Joe out and said, Hey, Joe, how about you tell Tori she's a mental midget for saying Clements is agency like you think it's cool to do to me.
And, uh, Well, Joel Altman has me blocked, Conservative Daily has me blocked, and Tori has me blocked.
Tisha Lee: Well, they have you blocked for a reason, and I would agree, Neil. Thank you for your bravery. I mean, it's, it takes a lot of courage to come out and speak about what you're talking about right now. Especially dropping the facts. You have all the facts here. It's not like you're bringing, not bringing the sauce, right, as they would say.
So we all appreciate you.
Speaker 2: I appreciate that. Thank you, guys. I'm just looking through the comments here. There's,
Tisha Lee: there's some Yeah, that's it. Is Tina [01:09:00] in jail now?
Speaker 2: Yes, she is. Unfortunately,
Scott McMahan: I'm going to say, I don't think that any appeal is going to be successful. And, um, I think that she's probably going to be. So she elected during sentencing to spend the 1st, part of her sentence in the county jail. And because there were multiple crimes that she was convicted of, and some of them could be served in County jail instead of state prison.
Uh, so I think in the next couple of months, she's going to be transferred to a state penitentiary and she'll probably have less access to, uh, you know, the frequent phone calls and the podcasts and stuff like that.
Speaker 2: Uh, before, uh, you go script, I just wanted to also add that, um, you know, I'm, I'm just going to say this.
In [01:10:00] hopes that I'm being overly cautious, but I am concerned about Tina Peters safety. Currently, um, I don't keep up with conservative daily frequently. However, uh, with all of this stuff going on, I, I have been keeping a tabs, you know, on what's going on and, uh, from what I can see, it appears that Tina Peters has missed her last two shows with conservative daily.
Um, the last, the first one I saw Joe Hoft openly said, uh, I'm filling in that, that, that, that, that, the most recent one was from yesterday. And when I looked at it, I'm almost positive it's a replay. Um, because if you look at the other show that was posted on conservative daily from the same day, Joe is not wearing the same stuff.
Um, on top of the fact that when I was listening to it, I had really bad deja vu, I don't know how many times Joe has quit drinking. For 30 days or whatever, [01:11:00] but he was talking about it then. And I'm pretty sure I've heard him talk about that before. So, um, what you got script.
Speaker 8: So, just real quick, so the lawyers, do we know who the lawyers were like, uh, the full names and everything like, because I heard you saying that she's not going to be able to appeal it.
What were the exact charges besides the election for a part of it? And what would the. The full charge, I know Scott's probably going to have more Intel on this too with both of you guys together, but like, what were the charges exactly? Because if she's missing anything and not not advancing to like, you know, communicating and stuff like that, they can do that where they'll just remove because she's a public, you know, a public figure.
Not a public figure, but in the, the spotlight that they'll, they'll do things to move her around, so it's harder to engage. Uh, but the lawyers, if, if the lawyers didn't do her dirty and like any of the lawyers were cool with her, um, after it went down, which I probably doubt if she got nine years. Um, if, if any of the lawyers are cool, you could probably reach [01:12:00] out to the lawyer's office and just say that you're, you're concerned about her safety and stuff like that.
And they'll, they'll have to, uh, check into that. It's the ethics of the bar. Just, just throwing that in. Appreciate that.
Tisha Lee: Well, it's interesting that Jake Lang does a show from, um, I believe he's now in a D. C. prison, but he does the show consistently. How, how is that even possible?
Speaker 2: It's also interesting that Dave Clements is Jake Lang's cheerleader.
And has been involved. Yeah, that's it. Let his people go.
Tisha Lee: Yes, let his people go. There's a whole documentary, guys. Let his people go. Yeah,
Speaker 2: yeah. Moses, Moses Clements.
Scott McMahan: Yeah, just to clarify, he Uh, so her attorneys were, her, her main local council was John, [01:13:00] um, I want to say Lewis. I'm going by memory. So, um, I couldn't tell you the exact, there were, she was convicted on, I think it was seven of nine different counts and, um, they were primarily related to violating, um, you know, there was, you know, violating the Secretary of State's rules for the election.
Those were the lesser charges. The greater charges were involving, um, identity fraud and identity theft for using Gerald Woods identity, uh, in order to get Conan Hayes into office. The, um, the, the room with the, the equipment with the
Speaker 8: equipment. Okay.
Scott McMahan: Yeah. And so I'd
Speaker 2: also like to have to hear it out, but, um, so it's kind of like a, uh, unspoken thing [01:14:00] that, um, so Right, we all know that Tina Peters tried protecting Conan's identity because she believed that he was this super duper white hat or whatever, right?
That comes from the narrative that Conan Hayes was the guy that took down Backpages and ended all sorts of child trafficking stuff and this and that. And so, I don't know who told her that. I'm Mark Cooke, somebody else, I don't know, but, um, that's why I believe Tina Peters went to the lengths she did to, um, hide his identity, is because she really did, I believe she really thinks that she's, she's helping, and that these people are white hats, I mean, when I met Ivan Reiklin He played right into the Oh, yeah, yeah, totally white hat.
Yep. Uh huh. Um, so I have no [01:15:00] doubt that, um, you know, I believe Tina Peters is still under the impression that, you know, That she's part of this super duper op that's supposed to be, you know, blowing the whole thing open with the election stuff, and this, that, the other.
Tisha Lee: Marty, jump in before you lose, uh, before you lose your phone.
Speaker 9: Yeah, okay, mic check, can you hear me?
Tisha Lee: Yes, sir.
Speaker 9: Okay, great. And I'll probably drop down as a listener and bounce back and forth because I can never get the speaker and the, the audio to listen to people working at the same time, but I just wanted to jump in and tell people what Neil is talking about here is right out of the playbook.
You know, they, they saw in Neil something that might have been dangerous to them or was useful, uh, for them, uh, in, in his story, et cetera, and the work that he would do and would try to keep him in the dark. So even the, even the talk between like Joe [01:16:00] Altman, not being a Finn, uh, Flynn fan or talking against them.
That's also part of the game. You can't take it as though he's got a problem with Flynn because sometimes that's an act. And I can speak to this because I've been through this before. Uh, even with someone that's connected with Joe Altman and burn, et cetera. And Vander still thought she could play me.
Now, really what she was doing was just letting me inside to learn who's who and who's connected to who, and all of these camps are connected. And Vandersteel is connected with Patrick Byrne. If people remember when he first came on the scene as the big hero, he was constantly putting them on and different shows.
And she was connected. For example, when, when she went down to Texas to do that burning edge stuff, there, there's some things that had her just all of a sudden quickly jump out of burning edge and head down to the Panama canal. Part of that might be the Brummel story, which I can get into, but it also, You can see [01:17:00] certain times where things go south on them and the people say, for example, like what Neil did, he didn't do what they accounted, you know, they counted on him doing and he became problematic.
So then it's who's going to handle him in the best way or smear him in the best way, et cetera, et cetera. But I just wanted to jump on and say. When, when Neil talks about this, I go, yep, yep. That's how they operate. This is it. This is right out of the playbook. So just to reinforce what he's saying here is, you know, I hear this and I go, yep, that's exactly how they do it.
So, you know, listen closely to what he's saying, because you'll learn a lot as to how, how these psyops work and how. The operatives work and they don't always speak to each other and handle things right. And, and the most important thing, I think, throughout all of this is, the, the old saying, you teach a man to fish.
You know, the, the goal here is for more and more people to recognize how these PSYOPs and how these [01:18:00] operatives, how they work, how they operate, so that we can recognize, or people on the ground that they're trying to use, these PSYOPs. Or smear or whatever can recognize their game and and blow it up in their face before it gets too far down the road.
If that makes sense. And I'll I'll land there.
Tisha Lee: It sure does. Thank you. Marty.
Speaker 7: Hey, Jeff and shady check y'all's messages. I sent y'all something.
Speaker 2: Uh, I'll also add just since Marty brought up the, uh, and Vander steel, um, I don't have any experience with her. However, um, in this process. Um, I also was put in touch with Pete Santilli. Um, that conversation was, uh, pretty short lived. But he, uh, wanted me [01:19:00] to sell him a bulk amount of shirts. Uh, I wanted to, um, try to do an affiliate type thing or whatever.
But nonetheless, um, I didn't get Pete Santilli's phone number on my own. Somebody else put me in touch with him. Um, and so just to illustrate the point that, uh, You know, they're, they're all in touch with each other. Um, I'll add, for example, CanCon. Um, you know, he's doing shows pretty regularly with Ash Epp, but he also goes on Conservative Daily.
I did merch for him for a tiny bit. Um, and, uh, you know, they, they all have conversations in the background. About a lot of this stuff, but, but they don't talk about it publicly because I, I do think some of them don't know the full picture. And I will give a lot of people the benefit of the doubt in the sense that I don't think that they all [01:20:00] necessarily.
believe that they are doing something nefarious. I think there's a lot of people that still believe that that they're helping, even though they're perpetuating all of this nonsense.
Tisha Lee: Marty, did you want to? Yeah, if
Speaker 2: I could,
Speaker 9: yeah, if I could, yeah, they're, they're great when they think they have you controlled. I'm giving you the number of the contacts of the people that are in the network, like, like I, they, they tried to put me in touch with, um, Ivan Ranklin, but Ivan Ranklin wouldn't communicate with me.
So I don't know. He, he might have known from others that that might not be a good route to go down. But many of the people that I talked to within, uh, this network, which I call the Flynn network, were, um, I was put in touch with them through people like Ann Vanderstilde and others because they thought I would be useful or there were some other kind of game going on there.
And, and that's what I was saying. I just wanted to say, I recognize what Neil was dealing with [01:21:00] here. The different games and it's played on different levels and then when it starts going south, you see they react the same way. Like what, what he's talking about, you know, and what, uh, Jeff talks about, et cetera, the attacks.
Sometimes they go even farther than that. Sometimes they dig deep. Um, and I've been through this before for years. They, they obviously are having problems with me because what are they going to say? I don't care. They'll try to, they'll try to smear you in ways that they'll try to make things up and look for court records and do things that go well beyond just the name calling and stuff they'll, and if they can, they'll set you up legally.
They'll, they'll, they'll go through, they'll go to lengths in the end when these stories come out. It's going to show people just how evil they are because these people don't take prisoners. The good news is a vast majority of them are just brain dead stupid. [01:22:00] They think they have good ideas only because they're expecting people to freak out and not come back at them understanding how the game is played.
They always underestimate the people that they're, um, that they're trying to set up or that they're trying to smear, et cetera. And when they do run into people like Neil or Jeff or others on this board, it throws them for a loop and you could see it. That's when the panic sets in.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I just want to, again, if anybody wants to ask Joe Altman who's going to follow me, I would love to know.
Speaker 8: Yeah, I was going to say, so they did the same thing to me. I'm not going to mention no names because I don't feel like giving them any fucking spotlight. Um, so basically I got accused of being a drug dealer. I waited for everybody to show my charges. They use something. I had like a warrant from the past.
They use that. Then they made up another story to go to that. And then, and this was a long time ago. [01:23:00] And then they took that and was like, Oh, he's a deadbeat father. So somebody out of that camp contacted child support about me. Well, it so happens that I got a 3, 000 refund from child support because they did that because I overpaid child support fucking idiots.
Tisha Lee: I love it. It backfired beautifully. That was wonderful.
Speaker 2: I also want to take this as an opportunity throughout this, this space. If there's anybody that's in the audience that has their own personal experience, I saw some posts in the thread and stuff. I would love to have somebody else come up here and just be able to add some, uh, context, maybe their own experiences throughout this because, you know, my, my take is this, right?
They, Okay. Between J6 and all the other stuff that they've been doing, they, they involved a lot of people and not all of them are on in [01:24:00] the op, so to speak, like myself, you know, and so, uh, for example, I saw in the, in the, uh, comments for the post for the space, uh, somebody, uh, Tory previous mod. Um, you know, I'd love to hear what you have to say, for example.
Tisha Lee: Sure. Request English request a mic and we'll certainly bring you up, but Jeff.
Speaker 4: Yeah. So I've been through a lot shady and I have been through a lot with old men. We saw him in Arizona at the Mormon church with the great repackaging of Q tour, uh, excuse me, reawakened tour. And, um, that was interesting, but the most interesting time is when we were at the reawakened tour in.
I want to say that it was not the Dallas one, but it was in San Antonio. Yeah, it was the one in San Antonio where they were [01:25:00] starting to roll out Alex Jones. Okay. And they did that through Brighton and they did that through Mike Adams. Uh, and that's when they had that, uh, you saw, uh, they actually filmed Joe.
It was a Flynn, Joe and Patrick Byrne. Was it? Oh, Alex Jones, Flynn, Flynn, Joe Flynn, and Alex Jones at a table that was done. I was there pretty much right outside the door of that. Uh, and then we interviewed Jovan Pulitzer and Joe Altman and, uh, at the reawakened tour there. And that was the time when he was claiming that there was a bio attack on the reawakened tour.
And Jovan Pulitzer got really sick, had lesions. They thought somebody had released a bio agent. I remember that. Yeah, I was there.
Speaker 2: Yeah, no, all the different stories that I, I mean, uh, I, I know Joe told a story about how his [01:26:00] company got infiltrated and taken over and this, that, the other, and they ousted him. I remember the conversations about the bio weapon attack or whatever that, that there was like some powder or something. Um,
Speaker 4: yeah, yep.
That's what they said. And by the way, uh, some people were there to see us. They got really sick. I didn't get sick. Thank God. Jeez.
Speaker 3: These people are sick.
Speaker 4: You know, I'm not connecting the two together, but it's just still very interesting that they ran this whole thing. And then even clay Clark had to come out and say there was no, you know, biotoxin released in the green room. I don't, it was a big deal. If you guys recall.
Speaker 8: Yeah, that definitely was man. And that's crazy.
The lengths that that people go to and still, you know, everybody's going to act like they don't know nothing, you know, just that in the 3rd. But if people are getting sick, then something was done.
Speaker 9: Oh, [01:27:00] speaking of linking things together. Um, since Neil brought up, uh, pizza and Tilly. Him and Ann Vanderstil are like best buddies, but also Ivan connecting with the Bundys now is an interesting one.
And if you look at, I think Pete Santilli is a joke and I've had dealings with Pete Santilli. But beyond that, if you look at the people that go on Pete Santilli's show, it's right out of the circular reporting network of the team that works together, you know, with Vanderstil. Uh, um, you know, at one point he was calling out Flynn, but then all of a sudden he was a thousand percent behind Flynn because of all the people around him, you see people that are just way out of place showing up for like Frank Gaffney.
I don't know that people I've been doing this long enough that I know Frank Gaffney's career and how long he's been on. The idea that he would go on the Pete Santilli show regularly, it's [01:28:00] just ludicrous. And, and Frank, if you're listening, you should be embarrassed for going on that man's show beyond that.
He's got a lot of other things that were about Frank Gaffney. Uh, and for people that don't know Frank Gaffney's name, just go back to project for a new American century and look into Frank Gaffney's history and who he rubs elbows with.
Tisha Lee: Thank you, Marty.
Speaker 2: Yeah. I just want to know at what point did, did this movement turn into shilling for a bunch of feds? Because. Last I checked, I got, I got involved because I want the country to be a better place. And, you know, this whole movement, I believe really started with bringing attention to the IC's involvement.
In, you know, [01:29:00] Americans affairs. And so here we are, you know, I just got real defender the other day saying that Jack Senglaub, the founder of the CIA, she believes it is an OG truther who, who, who fought the military industrial, what, like, what, what, where are we, what happened?
Speaker 4: MK for life.
Speaker 8: Seriously.
Yeah, that's, that's what we all got involved for. Even me, like, I have to go over things for people and I have to keep remembering, like, reminding people, like, restore the Republic. Let's finish what Q started. You ready to finish what we started? Like, I have to remind people that this was all about us gaining the knowledge and waking up.
And seeing the psyops and seeing how they work. Cause I was psyoped in the beginning too, I was spitting and regurgitating and running the [01:30:00] same thing that they're doing to me now, you know, and, and I'm like, guys, listen, restore the Republic means we get involved, not violently. We challenge the people that are in those seats.
We make sure they represent us the right way. If they don't, we take their power away from them. And it has to do with us filing the affidavits, getting the work done. Um, you know, the best thing I can say. That I've learned is there's more whistleblowers coming out and more people in the movement that are the real ones and all the fake ones are just fading out.
I'm watching it and I'm loving it now because we are going to get that movement.
Speaker 10: If this movement is about General Flynn being a hero, who do you think
Speaker 3: you are?
Tisha Lee: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha,
Speaker 10: ha.
Tisha Lee: Good, Marty.
Patrick: Go ahead, Marty. I don't know if you could hear Tisha.
Speaker 9: Yeah, she broke up for a second. And in line with what Neil was [01:31:00] saying about ridiculous things people said, um, for those that weren't on, uh, Tisha and Patrick's space, uh, earlier in the week, Joe Rambo was selling the idea that the Patriot Act was a good thing. So I got a big kick out of that.
Tisha Lee: Yes, just think about that.
The Patriot Act is a good thing. All right,
Speaker 8: yep, they cut the U. S. Treasury dollars and then just never distributed them. We know Patriot. I mean, if you say
Speaker 7: the Patriot acts a good thing, you might as well say 9 11 was a good thing.
Tisha Lee: Exactly.
Speaker 2: We're not far off from from that claim come out. I wouldn't be surprised.
Tisha Lee: I think everyone in this room has experienced the attacks of said group. What [01:32:00] they're going to do is just throw names at you and try to tarnish your name. And, and the important thing is to just stand in truth, right? As long as we're telling the truth, just keep on keeping on. And, and then we can, you know, counteract the big psyop.
Speaker 4: You know, and I agree with what, uh, Neil says too. Being an anon, I see it on the boards all the time, but I've never liked it when that mental midget word that begins with an R and ends with a D is said. I've always hated that word. I think it's ridiculous, uh, but I understand it's anon language and stuff, but Joel Oatman is not an anon, you know, these people are not, they're, it just disgusts me.
I'm sorry. I just had to, uh, agree with you, Neil, my friend,
Speaker 2: I appreciate that, man. Yeah, no, it's, it's pretty interesting seeing how quickly the, um, the conversation turns to that when [01:33:00] you start, uh, engaging with these people about stuff, it's, it goes back to the, Yeah. You know, dehumanization, they know what they're doing.
Speaker 7: The thing is, is like, people just need to understand that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. So like, who cares if they call you something, call me all you want. I don't, I don't care one bit. It does not faze me in the least bit. They don't know you personally. They probably never will.
What they're saying is is scripted. It's given to them as a tactic. It means nothing. They don't mean it. It's pointless. It's just their defense mechanism to keep the spin going.
Speaker 4: I agree with that.
Tisha Lee: Yeah, because they have nothing else. Exactly. Yeah. So attack the character.
Speaker 2: No, and that's one of the most freeing things is when you get to the point where you realize that you don't care.
You [01:34:00] don't care what, what, I don't care what Joel Altman thinks of me. All these other people that I've named, I don't care what they think of me. I don't want to have any type of relationship with them in the future. I don't want to be working with people like that. You guys all are okay with letting Tina rot in prison while you know more.
You're not my friends, you know? Uh, what do we got? Unity?
Tisha Lee: Yes, Unity, do you have a question?
Speaker 10: Yeah, so I'm just going to go back a few minutes. Back to the PSYOP thing you guys were talking about a few minutes ago. We've all been PSYOP'd all our lives. And let's all just thank God. We had Donald Trump wake us all up.
Think about it because it brought us all together right here. That's in this space now. And we're, we're ripping apart the military industrial complex, which is the biggest battle [01:35:00] I think. And that's why the MG show and Marty, Marty, you're raw. I'll tell you that, man, I, I, I follow your tweets. You're raw and I like it.
You're, you're a little bit harder than the MG show family, but it's, I'm glad you're on board with us. But. It's thank God we've for Donald Trump, because he really make everything transparent and we're all together now going, look at this, look at this, look at this bullshitter, look at this liar. Look, you know, I just thank God for that because we could all still be asleep.
Think about it. I mean, go, we could still be in the system. We're breaking away from the system and it's just unbelievable to me and thank God for everybody that's. Here in this space and thank God that we're just learning and, you know, learning together, you know, unity. That's all it's about. I just, that's all I wanted to say.
Tisha Lee: Isn't it [01:36:00] shocking? I appreciate that. I'm sorry, honey. Um, isn't it a little shocking that we're all on the same side? We're all pro Trump, but they're closing the division within. The Republican party. It does, you know what I'm saying? Like it's so divisive, guys. It just really
Speaker 4: using I'm very Democrat, Tisha.
I mean, Flynn was a Democrat since 2020 till 2022. So they're using Democrat to divide conservative Republicans. I've been a Republican all my life. Me too.
Speaker 7: See, I don't really think they're pro Trump. I mean, my personal opinion is, is they're doing everything they can to prevent it, Trump, because they know what's coming.
With Trump. I mean, it's kind of, I mean, in my opinion now, everything they do is, you know, basically sneak dissing Trump and trying to go against him, but want you to believe that you're the [01:37:00] one causing division. Nobody, I don't see any of these people causing division. Only division comes is when they step in.
Tisha Lee: Well, Flynn knows where the bodies are buried, right? I'm, sorry, go ahead. Right.
Speaker 11: Yeah Tisha you're absolutely right and hey guys um, I actually just want to jump on for a second to thank neil and you know back that up and just validate the playbook and Whatever knows already Well that i've been through and and everyone also knows that I got involved for the children That was i've never been political.
I mean i've obviously been Moderately conservative, but you could have looked at me years ago and, and I think Scott would giggle at this, but, and think that I was, you know, probably an absolute liberal, you know, years ago. So we've all been in different places. We all got played by this kind of thing, but Neil, I just wanted to thank you.
And of course, everyone here for holding the space as always guys. But, um, you know, I got involved for the children and Neil, I think a big part for [01:38:00] me was what you just hit on a couple of seconds ago was. About the withholding of information, you know, we talk so much about the law or as script said, you know, I got involved to to do things the right way and to take people out.
If they weren't doing what they were supposed to do in the right way. Not all this craziness, which, you know, Scott's very good at articulating as to mock, you know, when we talk about these things or to trigger. Others not to listen to it. And we know that psychology behind it as well. But you know, for the children and all of that to really see, uh, you know, mandated reporters we know about and, and the laws, what I'm alluding to, and then to watch these people really, uh, you know, where the gatekeeping comes in and the knowing other information.
And like Tisha just said, knowing where the bodies are buried, uh, you know, I think that that's a, that's a real, real big concern for me, especially when we're talking about children. And I thought that that was the root of all this for, you know, for all of us. Sorry guys, I'm always going to bring it back [01:39:00] to that, but you know, I think it's just really evil and appalling.
And I know that that's also the root of it. You know, the children are the root of all of this. And so I just want to always bring that back in the space, but Neil, I want to validate everything. And, uh, Scott knows and matrix and everybody, you know, that we've got, More people coming out and we've got more proofs, but, um, I've definitely been attacked since coming out over the last weeks or months.
And, uh, these people like Marty said, I think Marty really put it well, uh, just a few minutes ago, or 10 minutes ago or so about. What, you know, the, the extended lengths that they are going to, and I'll leave it at that, because then my voice starts to shake, but they really, you know, we really, I'm glad that everyone's coming together, and I'm glad that we're talking about this, and I really just want to thank you guys.
So let's just keep pushing on. Keep on keeping on. God bless.
Tisha Lee: Thank you. God bless, Megan. And think about hiding behind the fact that they're saving [01:40:00] children. I mean, if that isn't the worst part of it, I don't know what is.
Speaker 11: Oh, God. And I mean, we handed them. I mean, we've brought up sing lab tonight and in other spaces that's directly connected to the National Center.
Every arm of this. It all correlates back to the National Center, which again is not something new. This is 1983, you know, 84 when it's established and that's right. Coming out of Iran. Contra. We're talking about. Bahamas, uh, you know, cocaine trafficking, CIA, everything that would lead to nefarious corruption.
And I'm just over the ridiculousness when this isn't rocket science, it's pretty sophisticated and historical actually. And, uh, we really have an opportunity to end, uh, not only a national domestic issue with child trafficking that does affect other, the other issues that we deal with societally, because those are our children that grow up to be in those positions or decision makers or leaders of tomorrow.
So, um, I just really, you know, have prayers [01:41:00] always and I'm thankful for this group and especially Scott, obviously, but to get to a place where we can really, you know, talk about these on in a more intellectual and intelligent way for our children and for ultimately our future. I'm just so sick of the cheapness and the chaos and the drama and the threats and it's just, it's, it's appalling.
It's evil. So anyways, that's my piece guys.
Speaker 2: Thank you so much for speaking. Um, yeah, no, the, uh, the obfuscation of information that they do know is definitely a really big problem. And it's, it's not cool. Um, you know, I, we've, I think probably everybody here has seen the clip of Tory crying, talking about what I believe was probably Ivan Raiklin, uh, if it's not even said in the moment about them being all excited.
About January 6th and whatnot and her being upset and saying no, no, please don't you know? [01:42:00] So so we've been waiting for this lit j6 documentary for I don't know how long Meanwhile, you know, we're the Kash Patel. It's got to be Kash Patel run the FBI and You know, Kash Patel has been running cover for Flynn as far as I can tell, uh, this whole time.
And, you know, I feel like this stuff is, is time sensitive in the sense of, uh, You know, I believe that Trump knows who's who and it's been a kind of established for a while now, but, uh, I do also believe that, that Trump listens to the people and so we need to get the people to, you know, not be falling for these psyops and, and to start thinking for themselves, uh, you know.
Speaker 11: Yeah, I appreciate that because it really came to a point. I mean, gosh, uh, two and a half years into it and four babies, you know, traffic to the system and sold [01:43:00] later thinking that they were actually, you know, legitimate people as, as other knows that other people know that are here, but, you know, I, all I'm going to say to this is that, you know, I really came to a point where I realized.
Oh, so it's not the right timing for the quote unquote movement. Okay. I see. And you know, that's when things just really started, uh, you know, showing themselves and revealing themselves to me. And, and you know, it is sad. Uh, and Vandersteel, that was, she was probably one of the first people that had me on.
And, uh, you know, I really, I, I believed in her and stuff. And then, you know, after I started talking about things and then all of a sudden she's at the border with kids in the back of a van, and she's telling me on, uh, you know, we have the, the nation's youngest whistleblower, uh, that is implicating Kamala Harris, Obama, John Walsh national center.
Las Vegas Metro police and more, uh, and you know, none of them, even before a show, I would get on with her and [01:44:00] she'd say, well, let's not talk about the Yeshua case. Let's, let's talk about everything else, but let's not talk about that, you know, and, and things, things of that nature. And I dealt with it with many others.
She's only one example. And, and, you know, I wish the best for all of these people, but you know, it is what it is as well. And it's time to talk about, that's why we're all here. So I digress. Yeah,
Scott McMahan: I want to talk about, um, and just cycle back to specifically what Joel Altman was saying here in this conversation, um, about the implication of her saying that, that she said there, that he thought that Sharona Bishop set up Tina. And so if. You know, if anyone has the opportunity to now, now, Joe, since we started this, Joe, Joe's now blocking me.
So if anybody has the opportunity to ask Joe a question, I would want to know, when did he realize that? Because if he realized that [01:45:00] early on and with time to prevent her from going to prison, then, or, or even with time to tell her that she needed to change her defense. So that instead of saying I did nothing wrong to say I was set up because that was that that I was arguing even then during the trial that the only way that she could possibly stay avoid a conviction avoid going to jail is.
If she changed her defense and brought in Mike Lindell, Sharona Bishop, Patrick Byrne to the stand as hostile witnesses and, and prove that they actually set her up, which I think would have been an easy case. It would have completely changed her defense. And I think she, she would much more likely be a free woman today.
So if he knew early on, if Joe, Joe Altman knew early on that Uh, Sharona Bishop was setting her up if he [01:46:00] knew that she was a fed and he withheld that information from Tina, then Joel Oatman is capable as culpable even now, as he's talking to her three times a week, he's probably he's handling her. Is he keeping that information from her still?
Does she know that he knows that she's a fed? You know, what, what information is he feeding her? I mean, there's a lot of the, the, the implications of him knowing and believing that she's both a fed and set her up and that she's, he's talking to her three times a week as she's in prison and has been pretending and putting forward this public face.
Like he's her hero. And he's going to get her out, which I've seen him say on his show even recently. I mean, this, this is some next level sick stuff.
Speaker 3: I see Marty and then script.
Tisha Lee: Thank you, Marty.[01:47:00]
Speaker 9: Yeah. And I would like to add to what Scott just said there, um, what might be as, or even more important is what did Tina's lawyers know? Because if they were aware of this information, you got a whole nother angle to come at this from as far as proper representation. And, and not to go back to something, but I want to reinforce something that's been talked about here and remind people that this game that's been going on with people like Robert Mueller and James Comey and their involvement and the ridiculousness of the idea that Comey duped Mike Flynn.
You're talking about people that had their own history of people making them out to be heroes when they really weren't. And remember these people went back, like James Comey goes all the way back working on things like Oklahoma city, et cetera, because that's a small circle of people [01:48:00] that can be let in and read in on everything that's been happening over the decades.
And what needs to be covered up and what turned out, uh, progressively to turn out to be just one corrupt corporation, um, or operation when you talk about the FBI, they can't just slide anybody in there because there's too many bodies buried there. And the idea, and this is where Jeff, And shady and others are doing such a great job.
The rubber bullet narrative. I hate to call it a narrative, the rubber bullet fact of what really happened with Flynn and his interview in the white house and what that turned into that was, you know, they always, when they're, when they're planning stuff out like this, They're always going to slide because they got forewarning.
They know what's coming. They're always going to slide the infiltrators in or the controlled opposition and have it all set up before any of this stuff [01:49:00] breaks. So they're way ahead of the game and we're playing catch up. But for people that recognize it, like, like Jeff and, and shady calling it the rubber bullet.
That is the perfect description of what that was that little interview with, uh, Bianca and Schrock and Flint. And then when you take it back farther, you go, yeah, it makes perfect sense because Comey was at the heart of so much corruption, 9 11, et cetera, whether it's up front and he's being presented to the public or behind the scenes.
This team of Ray, Muller, Comey, Patrick Fitzgerald, and people out of the Southern District of New York, you can go back for decades and find their fingerprints on all these things that we never got answers for. And I'll land there.
Speaker 8: I guess I'll chime in.
Speaker 3: Yeah, [01:50:00] that's what I was about to say.
Tisha Lee: I'm sorry. I was inviting Joel Oatman at the moment. It's okay.
Speaker 8: Um, so, so they're on J pay, I guess this is for Scott and, and Neil. Is she on J pay when she's doing the, um, these podcasts, how was she doing the podcast? She's cause you said she's in season.
Uh, I think she's doing video calls from a tablet. Okay, well, because I'm just I'm just trying to figure out so they're they're taking and then putting it on the podcast with the video calls because you have to use J pay when you're in there. Um, that would be state. That wouldn't be federal. Now, back to what you said about the right now in Mesa County jail.
Speaker 3: Yeah,
Speaker 8: the lawyers, Scott, that that's phenomenal the way you put that together. Because I was thinking the same exact thing, like, the lawyers railroaded and withheld the information from her. And she's so brainwashed that she's thinking that these people are her saviors and they're just like, she's the [01:51:00] she's the Patsy right now.
Like, they're that's hangman. Um, so I was thinking, can we reach out to the lawyers? Because I know how to deal with the lawyers. I, you know, I spent a few years with the law library and, and, you know, you know, how I am with the sovereignty stuff. So I would like if anybody can point me in the direction to the lawyers, let me speak to the lawyers and, and if I can just get a little bit more information, I I'll feed it back to my, uh, my cousin in New York, and then I can figure out something how we can maybe she was under duress.
Do we know that? Was she taking any medication when she was in there that she have like high anxiety? There's there's a lot of factors that come into play when you're under duress. They put you under that duress and you sign that because. Somebody tells you something and mentions it and the lawyers are so slick that they mentioned it quickly.
And that's the thing. She's it's the picture painted in her head that she just agreed to it and just jumped on it thinking that these people are going to save her and get out, get her out. I would say that [01:52:00] if the lawyers were, you know, it sounds like the lawyers were,
Speaker 4: were the lawyers. Scott, do we know?
Speaker 8: you go.
Scott McMahan: They've admitted on Patrick Byrne and Mike Lindell, Mike Lindell admitted on video that he he paid about 800, 000 in her legal fees and Patrick Byrne paid about 1, 000, 000 in her legal and uh, so I fully believe that her lawyers were representing the ones paying her not. Um, and the duress issue, that's actually a really, uh, important piece because she's admitted that she was under 24 7 security.
If, if it was suicide
Speaker 8: watch, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut it was a suicide watch.
Scott McMahan: No, this was this was during this was when all this stuff was going down. Starting in May of 21, she was under 24, 7 security. Now, if, [01:53:00] if it was 1st amendment Petorian, which I believe it was, I've spoken with two other people who were under 24 seven security by first amendment Pretorian and, um, Stacey Burke actually has two affidavits from disinterested third parties.
One of whom was a process server, former cop who. Uh, described and he had no interest in her or anything. He was just there one day to, to do a process, you know, to, to serve, uh, documents. And he said, he described when he went in there into, into her house, there were several men, they're all fully armed. And he described it as a custody detail, not a security detail.
And the way that Stacey Burke describes her experience, seven weeks of, uh, having 24 seven between three and eight men. They're all, uh, former Blackwater special ops guys, um, all reporting directly to Flynn [01:54:00] and, um, and Robert Patrick Lewis. And, uh, she describes it as being kidnapped in her own home. And. Um, and that they were constantly running psyops on her, trying to get her to commit crimes.
And so if she took that angle, that duress angle, I think that that really would change the circumstance. I, I honestly believe that she would have to hire new attorneys and she'd have to try to raise some money on her own independently of the entire flood network. And that's part of the reason why I think Joe Altman is having three conversations a week with her and the whole network.
Joe Hoft is in there, you know, the whole network is, is running an influence up on her, even as she's in jail right now to prevent her from falling away from them.
Speaker 7: 1. 8 billion. It sounds like they, they paid the lawyers to railroaders. What it sounds like for 1.
Speaker 8: 8
Speaker 7: billion.
Speaker 8: Yes, you shouldn't even be sitting in there.
I mean, we [01:55:00] already know how corrupt it is out there already. And just, I guess, the severity of, uh, like, you know, media being all over the case. But when you get 1. 8 million, um, on any retainer field, uh, sorry, any retainer fee, whatever it comes in at the end, and they put the cap there, like, you know, at least 400 to 500, 000 is getting spread around in the county.
This is facts. Like I've, I've seen this a million times. Um, the, the lawyers that are there that are doing that, like, like Chido said, and everybody else has said, I believe they're working against her. And she's like, It's like keep your mouth shut. Don't worry. You're gonna come home to this. You're gonna come home to that And now she's like thinking about it.
No, they're gonna screw me and that's probably why you know They're having these conversations to reassure don't worry about we got you you're gonna be a hero when you get out and you know, whatever the case is, but um them them lawyers definitely not working for her because When you said 24 hour, uh, security, that's like, you know, think of Epstein, Epstein was on [01:56:00] 24 hour lockdown with, with security guards sitting there all day while he was in his cell.
And then he just committed suicide. Well, you know, he didn't, but it's, it's a duress thing. Like she's like. You know what I mean? They're forcing that on her and she's not getting her, her, her actual freedom to, to choose what she needs to do.
Speaker 2: I just wanted to give mom a chance to come up here and talk for a second.
She's been waiting real patiently if that's cool. No problem, bro.
Speaker 12: Oh, thank you so much. Um, I just wanted to pipe in and tell everybody. Thank you. Um, I know you all have been taking a lot of bullets out there. Um, I too have had, you know, I got involved with all the election integrity and all of that. I ended up in Springfield at the last symposium.
So I'm very aware. I got to meet General Flynn. And it kind of started going downhill for me there. [01:57:00] And, um, I've, I've listened to MG show, um, for quite a while, quite a while back. I mean, when you guys, when Flynn came on, on the show and all of that, I mean, it was before that, but, um, so I'm, I'm very aware and I've, I'm, Yeah, I fell for it hook, line and sinker to guys, but I feel so very sorry because I did get a chance to meet Tina Peters and I do feel so very sorry for her.
And yeah, what do we do? I know that you've come up with all of this. Wonderful information, but what do we do to help her? I'm going to end it there, but I just wanted to tell you. Thank you guys.
Speaker 2: Thank you. I don't I don't know what we can do. I'm just trying my best to, you know, make make the facts of the matter as public as possible because, uh, [01:58:00] I don't think she's in jail for the right reasons.
And I don't think that the people that, um, claim to be helping her are.
Speaker 12: I agree. I, I don't think they are either. And I, I think you, I think you've got it right. I think they set her up.
Scott McMahan: I also think she's been so deceived that she doesn't, she thinks that these people are helping her and she, she does not want help outside of the Flynn network right now.
And so I think that
Speaker 2: I think she would be very skeptical to receive help from somebody outside of it because of how much of this stuff has gone on. Yeah.
Speaker 12: 100%.
Scott McMahan: Right. And so I think she needs, I think the best thing she needs right now is she needs to, I think. the more of us who can pray for her and that, um, that God creates some distance between her and the Joe Altman's and, you know, all of the Joe hops and all of these [01:59:00] people so that she can have some solitude and some time with him to free her mind.
From the entanglements that they've created, the mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual entanglements that they've created so that she can think clearly and then maybe come to this with a new way of thinking. Um, and I think that there would be a lot of us there, you know, eager to help her.
Speaker 10: Scott, I'm sorry, but Scott, you're saying that she's that mind controlled that she can't figure it out herself.
Scott McMahan: I 100 percent believe that. I mean, just listening to her speak now, she is completely under their control and influence. She, she 100 percent just, she, she repeats everything that they tell her to say. She just, she just pushes all those narratives. So
Speaker 12: they've got it. It's sad, but they have her. I mean, they have a right there.
They're control able to control all the information that she gets. Right. [02:00:00] She's in jail. She's does she even have the ability to get on Twitter or anything like that?
Scott McMahan: Yeah, I don't know
Tisha Lee: if she could do you know those shows she would have the ability but If she sold in on the, on the Flynn Network, it would be, you know, very difficult to convince her otherwise.
Speaker 12: Oh, sure. Yeah, you would have to have the cold, hard proof right there in front of her and then, you know, then it's 50 50, right? But anyway, I think the best would be a letter
Tisha Lee: and breaking it all down.
Speaker 12: Yeah, I do too. Yeah. Well, thank you guys.
Tisha Lee: Thank you. I think Ashley was waiting. Ashley?
Tore Insider Whistleblower: Hi, thanks for having me on.
I just wanted to say that I'm a Tory insider whistleblower. I was, she was the one I fell for for many years and volunteered as an admin in California [02:01:00] and spent a lot of my life under her. I listened to hundreds of hours of her shows and. I believed everything she said and practically worshipped the ground she walked on until I understood who she was, and it took a long time, but when I did, I started speaking out about a year and a half ago, and, um, it resulted in me being doxed, people coming to my house, um, uh, a lot of violent threats.
She's called me cartel, CIA. Um, Masaad, literally everything you can say she's accused me of and her cult has gang stalked me simply for speaking the truth, bringing receipts, using her own words against her own words on my page. My whole point is to show up and just show support for this space. I know everyone's connecting dots.
Um, I definitely agree. They're all working together. They will pose fake fights online, which will cause confusion. So Tori will call out some of these people that you're calling out. It's for different reasons than her actually wanting to tell the truth. She's a fake whistleblower. [02:02:00] Um, when she does that, people will think that she's telling the truth, but in It's a facade.
She cozied up to Tina just on that topic, um, right before her indictment. And a lot of us who know Tori's M. O. were very nervous when she had her on the show right before that because I feel like she was sent to handle that situation. She went to her hearing. Everything Tori touches turns to shit. Um, everything she claims she's doing actually becomes sabotaging of good work.
And I just wanted to warn everyone about her. And let you know that my page is a wealth of information, that I am part of groups of people who have recovered from being a part of HRSAIOP, and that's my passion, is to help people break free from that. So just offering my advice, my help, and wanted to throw that out there.
So thank you for letting me speak. Thank you.
Speaker 7: I'll vouch for that. I follow her and she does speak out about Tori a lot.
Speaker 2: Thank you so much. I, uh, I want to add [02:03:00] just, uh, some context to, I, too, follow Tori quite a bit. Um, I've popped in and out of the different, you know, niches. I watched Conservative Daily pretty religiously early on, found Tori, I watched Tori, Matrix, I gotta give props to you guys.
I found you guys in the beginning. I watched you for a bit and I've come back multiple times to kind of catch up more or less. Um, and you know, you guys always seem to be pretty, uh, spot on, but, um, yeah, for anybody in here that, uh, does volatory or has volatory, um, if you are Remember there is a shirt that she has that she's posted of her wearing with John Brennan as toast.
I made that shirt, and I have pictures of me giving her that shirt. [02:04:00] So, again, just to, you know, solidify who who I am and my role in this stuff. That's how I know Tori and I have met her firsthand. I have a shirt that she signed. Um, not very valuable to me at this point, but. Uh, nonetheless, um, yeah, no, very, I also was very much, uh, soaked up with all the different stuff that Tori was talking about.
And, um, yeah, it's, it's all faking gay.
Tore Insider Whistleblower: No, it is. I just want to say like I spent the last year and a half in recovery and it was really hard. It was, you know, going through 2020 and finding anyone who could help who I thought was reaching out a hand to help. And I think a lot of us fell into those traps.
And now we're just like disillusioned trying to figure out what is what she was the one I fell for. Um, I was the wrong person for her to mislead because I am not one to take betrayal and lies [02:05:00] lightly. And I brought a rage and became public enemy number one in her community. I'm very well known as, you know, the biggest threat.
That wasn't my intention. My intention was to heal and my intention, the second I spoke out about it, I wanted to just briefly tell my. Truth, and then move on with my life. But the amount of people that came out of the woodwork damning me, telling me their stories broke my heart and blew my mind because I did not realize how dangerous she was and the way that she had actually targeted specific individuals, not just like influencers, but real people in really damaging, scary ways.
And that gave me a passion to really just like forge ahead. gather as much information and tell the truth as much as possible. And in the last six months, I'm proud to say that I have moved on so much that I barely ever pay attention, which means that I'm finding healing again. I'm getting back into my life again, and I'm so grateful for that.
But I still when these spaces come on, I'm here for it. [02:06:00] I'm here to offer any help that I can because I know that people have been deceived. People are confused and I want to do anything that I can.
Tisha Lee: Thank you so much
Tore Insider Whistleblower: for that. So well said. Yes, Her grift is something really dark and she's connected to some really dark people and you guys are on the right track So I appreciate this.
Patrick: Thank you so much. I appreciate it I just wanted to say real quick you guys if you like what you're hearing from people Give them a follow give tish a follow are an awesome host and scott our co host Um script, all these people are awesome. Please do give them a follow. Thank you. Uh, we'll continue with the hands I think we had uh, vivian and [02:07:00] kerry and then jeff
Speaker 6: I think Carrie was before me, Patrick.
Patrick: We'll go with that. He's
Speaker 4: been waiting a while. It's regards
Patrick: to just
Speaker 4: in regards to Tori, I'm going to be really quick. We were on Tori show Shady and I, and she was talking about Q is quantum and bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. Q posted during the show. Um, and basically, uh, totally dis there. I think it was on five, nine, 2020.
Some anon says, why the F do you think they are booms? They are flat out lies. Logically speaking, the numbers don't add up. Q says your assumption defaults back on a position to full understanding. A splinter cell can completely separate from its primary origin and or source. Therefore 1 percent holds water.
And she was talking about numbers and Q and all this stuff and Shady and I are going oh my god What the heck and Q during the show post that
Tisha Lee: that is great It is [02:08:00] rich. You can't make that up what I noticed about Toria She likes to brag about how smart she is. So I I could never follow her after Hearing her brag about how intelligent she is.
So Vivian You're up sweetheart. Is it very in there? I think so.
Speaker 1: Uh, Gary, Gary, Gary,
Tisha Lee: Gary.
Speaker 13: Hey, I just want to go back to Tina. Tina is, uh, I'm sure right now is in some kind of trauma mode fear, which makes her even more controllable. And, um, at the very least, those people that are paying for the attorneys are looking out for their interests. They may, you know, may or may not be trying to railroad her, but they definitely trying to protect themselves.
And I think Scott said the most important thing. We can do is pray and I would hope that maybe, um, sometime during the space, maybe we could all say a prayer for and I'll yield with that. Thank you so much. [02:09:00] Carrie Vivian.
Speaker 6: Thank you. Tisha and Patrick. All you guys are amazing. And, uh, you shocked me with a couple of new things that I hadn't heard before, especially on David Clemens and, um, you know, a couple of other people, but I'm just like, you know, I was thinking about, uh, Tina Peters and.
What if she is being protected somehow and this is why she's kind of disappeared? I don't know. I know some of you have talked to her, but you know, uh, you said that, that she was, she hasn't, uh, appeared on a, on a couple of shows recently. And I'm just wondering if, if somehow that maybe somebody in the Trump, uh, team has, you know, has gotten to her and tried to protect her.
I hope that's the case. I'm praying that that's what it is. Um, and it's kind of scary to me that, you [02:10:00] know, here's a woman that was totally set up and, um, and to have her rot in jail would just be the most evil thing, right? Because I, I read a tweet this morning from a woman that was at J6. She's a, uh, she, her daughter was driving her to her first day in prison today.
And she talked about how she was going to leave her, her family, her farm, her animals, and she got, she was arrested, indicted for, uh, preying in front, at the Capitol on January 6th. So I'm like, oh my God, this is still going on. This nightmare is still going on. They're, they're putting more and more people in jail.
And I'm like, how does that happen? Right. So, so it would same with Tina Peters. I just feel like there's gotta be a more, uh, spiritual thing going on here where [02:11:00] God is trying to send a message. And, um, and you, it's hard to understand. It's hard to understand why this is happening. And honestly. I was not very godly a few years ago until COVID happened.
And then I saw so many things in my own life and I feel like, okay, there's a reason why this is all, this is all happening, you know? Um, like, uh, and then professor David Clemens. You know, I saw him on Steve Bannon's show several times and that man was so convincing and he He made me believe that he truly was targeting, you know election and integrity and he was analyzing the data from 2020 and uh, and he was so convincing just like Patrick Byrne and And Sidney Powell and all these people that really, you know made me believe That you know, hey, this is [02:12:00] They're, they're doing something good.
And they were spending their own money too, by the way. No government agency was funding their, uh, research and all their investigations, right? Or their gathering of, of polls, um, and I know Mike Lindell was paying for a lot of it, too. So, yeah, I mean, I was duped for a long, long time and, um, You know, honestly, I'm having a hard time with both sides of it.
I really am.
Speaker 2: It's really disappointing. It's the amount of cooperation. Um, it's, it's disappointing because we've been led to believe that there's this, these different factions and that there were operating separately. And okay, so these people, You know, we've established maybe like we, the media and them, they're not, they're not being completely truthful, but maybe maybe Clemence's or maybe Tori is, [02:13:00] you know, um, as, as matrix likes to say, absorbing the confused.
Um, I also wanted to just mention, uh, that on top of our conversation about, um, Leaving Tina Peters in the dark, I did see fairly recently, uh, and I sent this to Scott Joe telling Tina that Matt Gates is going to be the A. G. after Matt Gates has already withdrawn his nomination for A. G. So I find that really concerning, and I also just wanted to take a second and say, Mark Cook, I see you in here.
If you want to take a mic, you're welcome to come up and we can talk.
Tisha Lee: Is Mark requesting a mic? Let me see. Mark, request a mic, please.
Patrick: No, I don't think
Speaker 2: so. No, but I mentioned his name and he's listening. So if he wants to speak up, he's more than welcome to.
Tisha Lee: Sure. [02:14:00] Um, please, please request and we'll bring you up. We'll bring you up here. Can
Speaker 6: I ask a question? Why would you be concerned about Matt Gates, you know, possibly being the AG, uh, after the fact?
Tisha Lee: That means she doesn't know what's going on. Am I right?
Oh, I'm so sorry. Yeah, but we didn't, we didn't see you, but welcome.
Mark Cook: No problem. No problem. I'll always happy to clear up a lot of stuff. So I even offered when I was in Michigan to stop by and talk to Scott and actually in person, since I was near him and I was going to clear up a whole lot of stuff he seemed confused about what language
Speaker 2: did you use Mark?
When you said that
Mark Cook: I sent him a text message, said I'm nearby, let's meet up.
So he didn't want to he sent me a cease and desist instead, [02:15:00] but I'm happy to answer any questions. Um, you know, Tina is a good friend of mine and I, I respect her very much. I've been in this whole deal for gosh, it seems like forever. Um, I know a lot of the people you guys are talking about some of them.
I just don't know about. I, you know, I don't, it's tough to know. And it's a weird world for a normal person to be in. So I'm kind of trying to wade through all this at the same time as just a normal person. But I do know some of the people you've mentioned, and I know some of them very well. And I know that a lot of people have jumped to some conclusions about some people that I don't feel are correct.
And like I said, some of them, I don't know. I'm. I'm curious as well. And I'm questioning on some of these people as well. So I'm happy to clear up stuff that I know about just so everyone's aware. Um, it, it was not 1. 8. million. Um, and I don't think Mike Lindell ended up [02:16:00] paying for much of anything there. I think Mike's a good man.
I think he's a good person. I think Mike was played. Honestly, I think Mike was played by some people, and he's not a computer expert. He doesn't know, but he loves his country. And so I think his intent was all heart. For the for the country. But I think some people may took advantage of him, misled him. And I know a lot of people grifted off of which pisses me off because he's a good person and should never had to deal with that.
But as far as Tina goes, you know, I was the lead forensic investigator on Tina's images. So I saw image one and two before anyone else did. And I spent months and months and months looking at that. So I know exactly what's in those. I made some reports one and two are my work. Um, and then I do, I gave all my work to Doug Gould.
Doug duplicated everything and then him and I together wrote the reports. Report three was Jeff O'Donnell and Walter Doherty. I [02:17:00] know both of them. In fact, I was the one that brought Jeff onto the forensic team in the first place. Uh, let's see what else was said about Tina. Um, she is, I just heard, um, in an article that she was transferred over to Larimer County jail, but she's been in jail up in Mesa County, uh, up until I think today.
And she was moved to Larimer County because of apparently some security concern and she was worried about herself. And so she's in Larimer now, which is about an hour north of where I'm at instead of 4 hours west from where I'm at. So I would love if there's any way I can go see her. I would love to see her and say hi.
Um, and I want to do everything I can to get her out of there. Uh, she definitely was set up. Uh, she was not set up by some of the people think who, uh, that they think set her up, but there are some people that should have been at her trial, at least one person in particular, that was not at her trial. [02:18:00] And I'm very curious why that person who was there from the very beginning with her didn't show up and hasn't said anything.
That's a concern to me.
Speaker 2: And,
Mark Cook: you know, it's the
Speaker 3: person
Mark Cook: that took the images.
Speaker 2: Yeah. Yeah. We all know who that is. Okay.
Mark Cook: So, you
Speaker 2: know that's out there. Yeah. Conan. Yeah. It's it's out there. Yeah. Why wasn't, and so my question is like, why wasn't Conan there? Where,
Mark Cook: where was Conan? Now here's some other interesting things I've, I've found as I've researched this.
'cause I didn't know a lot about Conan, um, and he seemed to kind of pop up all over the place. I really would like to know who Conan really is now. I did some research, you know, a surfing guy who had a clothing line and sold it and got like 7 million and then did some real estate transaction and apparently, um, did something he shouldn't have done in the transaction, was investigated for some type of, I don't know if it was SEC fraud or what it was, but some type of fraud, FBI was involved.
And then all of a sudden he doesn't get punished for it. [02:19:00] Fast forward, what he told me when I first met him was that he took down Backpage. And Tina also told me that that's what he told her. So I put myself in her position. She's, you know, almost 70 year old, doesn't understand computers, loves her country.
She's a good, kind hearted person, you know, Navy SEAL son. I mean, Tina's amazing. And this person comes to her after the 2020 election, when all these questions are happening and she has her whole city council race flip, and she doesn't know why that happened and this guy comes to her. Conan and I I'm I wasn't there.
So I'm imagining how this went down based on what she has told me Um, but he shows up and and says, you know, I took down back page And if you guys don't know what back page is it was a uh, kind of a sex Brokerage trafficking type of website, kind of like Craigslist, but the two [02:20:00] owners of Backpage apparently also had another part of the website that people were using for bad stuff and the FBI got involved with that.
And instead of just shutting them down, the FBI, uh, worked with them because kind of a cooperative relationship where those owners of Backpage were sending the FBI information about their users that were doing the bad stuff on their website. And then all of a sudden that relationship kind of broke somehow, I guess.
And one of the guys ended up, you know, committing suicide, like seems to happen often, you know, with people and, and then the back page goes down. Well, apparently Conan, from what he told Tina was the guy that cracked it and took him down. Now, if you look at the documents on back page here, and this is the craziest thing, cause this happened right after.
Joey stepped down and Kamala took over and I'm doing all this research while I was, I think I was sitting out in my trailer at in Searcy County, getting ready to do the hand count out there on my hand count road show. And I think [02:21:00] that's where I actually figured this out was around that time. Yeah, it was before the election.
I believe definitely. And, uh, so I'm looking at. Information on back page and I find the documents about the prosecution of back page Guess who the prosecuting attorney was that took back page down kamala freaking harris so if conan hayes Took down back page and the prosecuting attorney was kamala harris I'm, guessing they probably know each other and then isn't it strange that conan's also the guy taking the images for tina Huh?
Telling her that he took down back page and Conan's been at the, uh, so much of this stuff, it's just, it's odd. I just would really like to know who truly Conan is. And then Conan doesn't even show up to Tina's trial and he was the one that kind of started all that stuff there. So. I got some problems with that individual.
I really want to know who truly [02:22:00] he is, why he didn't show up. And Tina absolutely should not be in prison right now. That woman did not do anything wrong. She did what we all as citizens would absolutely She's the gold standard of an election official that did what was right to protect her counties and her citizens election when she thought there was funny business going on by the Secretary of State.
She took extra precautions because she thought there was a crime being committed and they tried to prosecute her just because she took the images originally and. Then they found out they couldn't prosecute her for that because it was not illegal for her to take those images. Then our idiot Secretary of State criminal changes the laws and puts in a rule saying that now it's illegal to take backups of the system.
So, Tina did not do anything wrong at all. Um, now, the circumstances that they changed the, Charges to were [02:23:00] that she, I guess, impersonated or, or influence was influenced a public official based on allegedly using someone else's badge to get Conan in there. Well, the guy that they claimed the badge came from was Gerald wood.
Now, Gerald Wood was a contracted IT person for the county and Gerald went and testified in court that he was unaware that this happened and his identity was stolen and Tina did this to him and all that. That's fucking bullshit because Gerald Wood perjured himself. The first Lindell symposium where I met Tina like day two of that symposium.
Guess who else was there? Gerald wood and I was in a room with gerald wood while he told me he knew Everything that had happened. He was in on it and he was worried about Getting caught going from the fbi or whatever when he was flying back and leaving South dakota where we were at [02:24:00] and he asked me if I had a uh You A bag to put his phone in and I, you know, loaned him my little bag to put his phone in and, uh, never had it got it back, but he absolutely knew what the heck was going on.
He was in it. On it from the beginning, and then he told the court that he didn't know he absolutely perjured himself. And then they use that testimony to come down even harder on Tina. In addition to that, they claim that these bios passwords got released for the county. The only bios password file that the image that I ended up finding after the trial was something that was posted on the website.
Uh, and, uh, telegram, and it was a picture of like a laptop screen, a spreadsheet with BIOS passwords on the right side, and they were redacted. The first part of the passwords were all blocked off. And when I looked at that, I compared that with the BIOS password file that idiot Jenna [02:25:00] Griswold, uh, had out on the county or the state website for like four months prior if not longer.
And, uh, And when you unhide that spreadsheet that she got caught for, and you look at that, it's an unhidden worksheet in there, that's the same fricking file. So what happened is the state took over the BIOS passwords and they had all the BIOS passwords for 63 out of 64 counties in this Excel file, that's the Excel file that was on the laptop that they brought out to do the trusted build.
And someone took a picture of that screen, obviously for it to be out on Telegram. The only person that could have put it out there that was on the inside. Was conan tina didn't put it out there. Tina didn't even know what telegram was she could barely use his telephone
Speaker 2: So
Mark Cook: anyway, I just want to say I really appreciate you
Speaker 2: coming up here, man.
I really I really do I genuinely Appreciate you offering [02:26:00] Your experience and your input on all this. Um, I don't know if you remember but we've met in person um, well, I can tell by
Mark Cook: who i'm looking at but I mean, if we've met, you know, I've met a lot of people, but, uh, for sure. This is flat out the truth.
This is what I've been dealing with and having to watch. And then, you know, you don't, you don't kind of know who to trust on a lot of this stuff. Um, my general read though on, on Clemens. I like Clemens. I think David's a great guy. I've spent a lot of time with David. I've met his wife. I've met his family.
I've spent time with them when I was out in New Mexico. Doing the hand count road show. So I haven't seen anything that concerns me about David. Maybe I missed something, but generally I like David a lot. Um, and, and I like Joe a lot. I don't know him really well, but he, you know, he works like 30 minutes from me and lives not much further away.
He's a Colorado guy. And every time. And I've spent with Joe. I think he's a genuine guy. I just haven't seen anything contrary to that. [02:27:00] So if anyone's got any other questions for me, I mean, shoot them to me. I just want to very
Speaker 4: much for coming, Mark. Um, why do you think Tina Peters, uh, the whole, so you think somebody should have showed up at the trial and they didn't, but why do you think that Tina is where she is today?
Um, you know what I'm saying? Like, uh,
Mark Cook: generally I think it. She, uh, she bounced around from a lot of attorneys and every time you change attorneys, the new attorneys got to start all over again. And a lot of people think attorneys are just like these magical beings. They're just not there. They're just people and there's good attorneys.
And there's not good attorneys, and there's attorneys that understand tech, and there's attorneys that don't understand tech. Now, I have begged from the very beginning to be involved to help with her legal case, because I have such an intrinsic understanding of what all went down all the players and the tech side of it.
And I got a pretty good idea of kind of how to navigate [02:28:00] this stuff, but I don't have a legal background, so I don't know how to say the right things in court or what structure it needs to be in court. But I understand logic, and I understand truth. And that's what I wanted to bring. So I think there was people that, that didn't quite listen to Tina.
I think she got a bunch of mixed information. I don't think she had consistent attorneys, which caused her to kind of have to take us like 10 steps back. Every time she got a new attorney. Um, she also had a problem is how do you afford an attorney? You know, she can't afford an attorney. So she's, she's got a.
She's at the whim of whoever happens to want to pay for the attorney to support her. I mean, we're up against a cabal that has been manipulating our elections. And these are criminals that have put themselves like cancer all over our society. And they've got control of judges and, and attorneys and prosecutors, and they got their fingers everywhere.
So we are up against, this is David versus Goliath. [02:29:00] And so I don't think anyone could be really successful in this. Look at all our J six prisoners, you know, look at the, the poor people that have killed themselves because they're so worried about going in, you know, to these gulags. So I think it's a multitude of factors that cause that.
Speaker 4: So do you think anybody that advised her or paid for those attorneys could actually not be such a good person?
Mark Cook: I don't know. They could, I'll say this. Everyone that I know that took part in any part in Tina's defense, they all could be good people, and they just all got crushed by Goliath, and there could be some, some of them, maybe, maybe not.
Maybe they're, you know, good, good operatives and, you know, they fit put on a good fake. I don't know for sure. On anyone now, there are some people I know are absolutely full of shit and I have no problem calling them out Uh, but I will say the people I saw on the inside with all that I haven't seen anything like a [02:30:00] smoking gun on any one of them yet, and i'm open my eyes open
Speaker 2: Before we get to the sky and marty.
I just wanted to um add so mark, um In the process of me coming forward with this stuff. Joe has already attacked me multiple times. Um, I also posted, uh, so context for if you weren't, uh, Following from the get go.
Speaker 3: No, I I
Speaker 2: never made I never made the allegation that Sharona was a fed Joe was the one that said that right who's speaking right now.
I don't I can't tell it's neil
Mark Cook: neil Okay, I you know here i've met Sharona. I've spent time with Sharona My gut feeling my gut tells me I don't think she is
Speaker 2: So no, my my question is Why would joe tell me that she was a fed and that they set tina up? [02:31:00] Yeah, right. No, and I don't expect you to necessarily have the answer I'm, just asking you to kind of reflect inward on it, right?
Like why would he say that? Well, so why would joe tell me that I would have to worry about somebody following me When trying to to breach the subject about ivan rakelin and january 6th
Mark Cook: Yeah, I don't, I don't know. I just, I think I've met Ivan one time. I think I shook his hand. I don't know him any more than that.
Um, I, you know, I think Joe's a good guy. I really do. Maybe he got a read and maybe he jumped to a conclusion. I'm not sure if he has like actual like real evidence. I haven't seen it. And nor, and I haven't asked for it. I just, my gut on Sharona is I don't think she's a fed just based on my gut. I think the reason why I brought that up is, uh,
Speaker 2: so I posted, uh, a screenshot from the conversation where Joe.
Alleges that Sharona is a fed in a thread with uh, Sean [02:32:00] Smith and Sean Smith vehemently attacked me, um Going as far as to try to even make a meme of what he thought was me Calling Sharona a fed but it was really Joe calling Sharona a fed. Got it And I know that you have experience with Sean Smith, and I just wonder if you have any idea why Sean Smith would be so, uh, worked up, not just with me, but also with someone else on an entirely separate occasion for, uh, bringing up the possibility that Sharona was a fed.
Mark Cook: Okay, I don't know. Why Sean would, would act that way. I do know that Sean's got a short fuse and I love Sean. He is absolutely brilliant, a wonderful Patriot. Um, but he's, he's got no filter. I try, I usually don't have a filter, but I am trying to have a filter. Um, he's got none. Sean Smith. If I had to pick like my, my top trusted people, um, my, if [02:33:00] I had to narrow them down to two people, I would say Sean Smith and Clay Perique.
Um, absolutely solid. I give him like 99. 999. My, my, my parents are the only one that gets 100 on that. But those two are absolutely solid. But Sean again has no filter and sometimes that, you know, rub some people the wrong way. I get it. I hope that helps.
Tisha Lee: Thank
Speaker 2: you. Yeah, it wasn't so much that he rubbed me the wrong way.
It's just he was attacking the information. I wasn't offended by it. Just more so, like, why does that bother him so much?
Mark Cook: Do you think he was trying to say Sharona wasn't a fad? Or do you think Sean was trying to say she was?
Speaker 2: No, he was immediately jumping to the opposite. Charon is not a fed. Charon is not a fed.
And I didn't even say she was. I just posted, posted the conversation.
Mark Cook: Maybe, you know, maybe he read over it really quickly and, and didn't [02:34:00] really dive in and sit and take a few breaths before he wrote it. Maybe it was something like that. Um, it's nice to know that Sean, agrees with me that I don't think she is either.
I don't have definitive proof because I don't have definitive proof on anyone except me. And that's the funniest thing. If I have had people call me a fed or say I like work for a DIA, I didn't even know what DIA was at the beginning when I was hearing that. Um, and I haven't gotten my, my fed paycheck yet.
So if I, if I, If I do work for the feds, I'd really like a paycheck. That would be, that would be awesome to get paid finally. Um, but no, unfortunately I'm just a, a boring computer guy from Colorado. Uh, born and raised here that, that happens to know a lot about computers since I started programming when I was 10 years old and I saw some, I had an opportunity to go take a look at some stuff a lot closer than most citizens got to see it.
And when I saw it, I saw what bullshit horseshit it was. No, my mantra is. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. And I figured, you know what, if I sit and ignore this [02:35:00] and just expect someone else to, and if everyone just expects someone else to, and no one goes after it, then we all lose. And I seeing some Patriots really stick their neck out.
There's no way I could let them do that alone. And I figured I'm throwing my hat in. Uh, I have pretty much about destroyed my entire life that I've spent building. Um, and, uh, my life will forever be changed in this, unfortunately. Um, but. Hey, we got to do what's right for our country, and that's why I'm so passionate about doing everything I can to make sure we return our election system back into the hands of the citizens and out of the hands of these corporations, because everything centers around our elections, and that's why everyone, all the cabal, all the globalists, the elites that benefit from an election illusion system that We now have, they attack anyone vehemently.
If they dare mention the elections or dare question their beloved system, they get attacked with the full [02:36:00] force of the corrupt federal government. And that's okay. I'll, I'll take one for the team and I'll keep fighting. And until I take my last breath, I'm gonna do everything I can to return our elections back to the citizens.
Tisha Lee: That's been waiting.