Bank-Your-Vote and Early Voting Scam
“Only an idiot would fall for ballot banking or early voting! Don’t be that idiot! Vote ONLY on Election DAY, and vote in HUGE NUMBERS! Peacefully STAND YOUR GROUND. Do not leave until you CAST YOUR BALLOT!”
2 U.S. Code § 7 – Time of election: The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, in every even numbered year, is established as the day for the election, in each of the States and Territories of the United States, of Representatives and Delegates to the Congress commencing on the 3d day of January next thereafter. (R.S. § 25; Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 130, § 6, 18 Stat. 400; June 5, 1934, ch. 390, § 2, 48 Stat. 879.)
There are two groups of people pushing Early Voting and Vote By Mail. Group 1 is benefiting from election manipulation. Group 2 has fallen for the con because they don’t understand it. We can’t do anything about Group 1. But we CAN educate Group 2.
How much more is your vote worth if you vote on the first day of early voting versus voting on Election Day? EXACTLY THE SAME, right? Well, exactly the same to YOU, yes. But to someone that would want to manipulate the election, you voting early is worth MUCH more to THEM. Why is that?
First, let’s identify some facts:
- If someone knew your party affiliation, they probably know how you will vote.
- If they didn’t know your affiliation or you are PND (party-not-designated, or independent), there is still an incredible amount of information that is already collected about you from your social media posts, products you buy, websites you visit, clubs you’re in, email lists you’re in, terms you search for, contents of your emails, etc. With that information, it would be easy for an algorithm to determine how you will vote.
- Notice how those committing election fraud aren’t trying to stop the voice of those pushing early voting. Why do you think that is? Think hard…
So then, if someone didn’t have access to look at the actual ballots, but wanted to build a estimate of the election results, the only other thing they would need to know is who has voted so far, right? But HOW could they monitor that? Do they follow people around and watch them drop ballots in mailboxes/dropboxes or sit and watch them go vote in person? No, of course not, they don’t need to!
Some very smart and devious people got us to pay for two systems that allow them to build a model of the election results before a single ballot is even tabulated. You’ve probably heard of and used one of these systems without even knowing. What are they?
- Mail-in Ballot Tracking – We were told that this is so we can track our mail-in ballot so we feel more CONfident in using mail-in ballots. (Did you know that CON in CON-artist stands for ‘confidence’?) The mail-in Ballot Tracking isn’t for US. It’s for THEM. It’s for THEM to know when we have voted and what precinct we are in. They just feed that right into their estimation without needing to look at our ballot. You might be thinking “well, they won’t know when I vote, because I’m smart enough to vote in person!”. Well, you aren’t that smart…and here’s why:
- Electronic Poll Books – We were told this was to make checking in to vote more convenient. Well, another thing it does is allow certain people to know when you vote (and of course what your voting precinct is). And they get this data in realtime as well, and they can add it to their election result model before you even finish filling out your ballot! How smart do you feel now?
So what good does a model of the election results do for someone? Well, I’m going to put on my ‘BAD GUY’ hat and speak to you from that perspective:
“Now that I have conned all these idiots and have a system that allows me to know what the election results are within a high likelihood, and I know what I WANT them to be, all I have to do is subtract the two, and I now exactly how many ballots need to be injected to COUNTER the real votes.
But how would I ever get them into the system? Well, that’s EASY! With mail-in ballots and drop-boxes, I can just have ballot mules drop them off and nobody would know. And obviously I wouldn’t have them put in just one precinct, I’d scatter them all around to stay under the radar so nobody notices. And because I already have all this data, I know exactly where to spread them out.
But this would take a lot of time to do on a large scale, wouldn’t it? It definitely would. And it would be nearly impossible to do all that across a country in only one day. So, as a bad guy, I’m going to change the voting laws to allow EARLY VOTING! That gives me plenty of time to scatter and inject the ballots. The only problem is some people procrastinate, not leaving me much time to do my magic. So, I’m going to concoct the BANK YOUR VOTE initiative to try to con the people into voting as early as possible so I have PLENTY of time to manipulate things! I might even do some things to scare people away from voting on election day or make it really inconvenient for them and channelize them to vote as early as possible! Haha, these people are so stupid, they’ll buy it hook, line, and sinker.
But what do I do about the stubborn people that are on to my scam and therefore vote on election day? I’ve got that covered too, don’t worry. I’ll just push election laws that allow mail-in ballots to show up for another week after the polls close. That will give me plenty of time to do the cleanup and tie up all the loose ends, so I’m sure to get the predetermined results I want.
I love cheating elections this way, because if we ever do let the peasants have access to the ballots, they can count them to their little hearts content and they’ll always get the same result! Even the county election officials wouldn’t be able to catch this, so they’ll be telling all their citizens that there was no manipulation in the election, lying to them for me! And my entire corrupt industry gets to make billions of dollars from these idiot taxpayers who are paying us to be able to override their will so they merely think their vote counts. Stupid people are just so easy to fool, that if I wasn’t a total psychopath I might feel bad, lolol”
So how do we BREAK their control? Well, if we all VOTE IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY, we break most of this feedback loop they created, and if they want to cheat, they have to cheat out in the open where we can see them instead of the dark where we couldn’t. This is what they did in Maricopa County AZ during the 2022 election. Yes, I know they still cheated, but at least WE CAUGHT THEM and now we have confirmation of the feedback loop. Can you imagine what’s going to happen when far more people vote in person on election day that it completely crushes their ability to cheat on that kind of a large scale? VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE! The real vote will far overwhelm the injected votes and the bad guys will have to think of some other way to cheat. If we all can spread the word fast and wide enough, we the people will finally have a massive win against the psychopath globalists.
“But Scott Presler, Charlie Kirk, and Lara Trump say to vote early!”
Lara Trump has bad advisors around her. I have ZERO doubt of her integrity or intentions. I do hope she will contact me so I can walk her through this. However, Scott Presler told me directly face-to-face “Every expert has told me the same thing you’re telling me, and I DON’T CARE. I’m not stopping.” Why would Scott purposely mislead the people he claims to be helping? Charlie refuses to even listen to any of the experts. Isn’t that foolish to ignore people that actually studied the mechanics? Why would Charlie refuse to even listen? It’s bizarre at the least.
JP Sears does a fantastic job explaining it from a high level:
Share this video EVERYWHERE! Seriously, share it to everyone you know on every platform you can and ask every person to do the same. (and share this webpage as well, so everyone has the full detailed explanation)
If you cannot vote on election day, vote AS CLOSE TO ELECTION DAY AS POSSIBLE, and of course, IN PERSON. Remove as much time and space between events in an election, and you will reduce the opportunities for induction of fraud.
For more details, see #RightWayVoting.