

Best to Worst When Pros Cons
Safest Election Day You may find out if your voting identity was previously stolen.

Your ballot can’t get intercepted along the way to the polling location.

Citizen Unity and Social Restoration, standing side-by-side your fellow citizens.

Election Day Exit Polling is much easier to implement in order to compare the election-day results with the exit-polling results.

Safer Close to Election Day Convenience for those that are unable to vote on Election Day without showing hand early Something could happen to your ballot before it makes it to tabulation day.

Election results can be estimated before polls close, allowing last-minute FEEDBACK LOOP manipulation.

Your envelope could be thrown out by someone and your ballot never counted.

Unsafe Early None Something could happen to your ballot before it makes it to tabulation day.

Election results can be estimated before polls close, allowing easy FEEDBACK LOOP manipulation.

Your envelope could be thrown out by someone and your ballot never counted.


Mass Mail Ballot State

  • Vote In-Person – bring your unopened mail ballot with you

    • Pros

      • If you are told that you already voted by mail, you have real evidence to expose/address it and file an identity theft complaint with Sheriff prior to election day
      • You eliminate time/space between events, and therefore reduce the election abuse surface

    • Cons

      • None

  • Vote by Mail

    • Pros

      • You can be lazy

    • Cons

      • You increase the election abuse surface
      • Bad actors know when you return your ballot using the mail ballot tracking system to feed their election model
      • Your identity is directly connected to your ballot (violates voter secrecy) via the barcode keep in mind that not all states use a secrecy sleeve, for instance, Colorado.
      • Your party affiliations is often shown on the envelope (sometimes covertly)
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot won’t be swapped out for another
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot will ever make it to be counted

Non-Mass Mail Ballot State

  • Vote In Person

    • NOT Request Mail Ballot

      • Pros

        • You don’t give them data to substantiate use of mail ballots
        • Less mail ballots in circulation results in smaller attack surface
        • If a mail ballot is shown as having been sent, you can expose/address it and file an identity theft complaint with Sheriff prior to election day
        • If one or more mail ballot shows up anyway, you can expose/address it prior to election day (and bring with you on election day to PROVE you didn’t vote with it)
        • If a mail ballot is shown as being received, you can expose/address it and file an identity theft complaint with Sheriff prior to election day
        • County Mail in tracking database

          • If a mail ballot is recorded as having been sent that shouldn’t have been, election officials can see it and deal with it prior to election day
          • If a mail ballot is recorded as being received that shouldn’t have been sent, election officials can see it and deal with it prior to election day
          • When arriving on Election Day, if you are told you already voted and you bring your sealed mail ballot in your hand, you expose/address it and file an identity theft complaint with Sheriff

        • Post-election voted lists

          • If a mail ballot is recorded as having been sent, you can expose it
          • If a mail ballot is recorded as being received, you can expose it

        • Exposed voter identity theft is great evidence to support not being able to certify an election

      • Cons

        • None

    • Opt-Out of Mail Ballot (where possible)

      • Pros

        • You demonstrate that citizens don’t want mail ballots
        • Less mail ballots in circulation results in smaller attack surface
        • If one or more mail ballot shows up anyway, you can expose/address it prior to election day (and bring with you on election day to PROVE you didn’t vote with it)
        • Public-facing Mail in ballot tracking system (pre-election-day)
        • If a mail ballot is shown as having been sent, you can expose/address it and file an identity theft complaint with Sheriff prior to election day
        • If a mail ballot is shown as being received, you can expose/address it and file an identity theft complaint with Sheriff prior to election day
        • County Mail in tracking database

          • If a mail ballot is recorded as having been sent, election officials can see it and deal with it prior to election day
          • If a mail ballot is recorded as being received, election officials can see it and deal with it prior to election day
          • When arriving on Election Day, if you are told you already voted and you bring your sealed mail ballot in your hand, you expose/address it and file an identity theft complaint with Sheriff

        • Post-election voted lists

          • If a mail ballot is recorded as having been sent, you can expose it
          • If a mail ballot is recorded as being received, you can expose it

        • Exposed voter identity theft is great evidence to support not being able to certify an election
        • You may get assigned a higher voting propensity which would make your vote less attractive to abuse

      • Cons

        • None

    • Request Mail Ballot but still Vote in Person

      • Pros

        • If you don’t receive your mail ballot you know it has been ‘lost’

      • Cons

        • If you go in to vote in person, but you have requested a mail ballot, you may be forced to vote a provisional ballot instead, which may not be tabulated.
        • If you don’t receive your mail ballot, you have put another phantom ballot into circulation
        • Ballots lose chain of custody as soon as they are sent out
        • You put more mail ballots in circulation increasing election attack surface
        • You provide evidence that can be used to justify the receipt of a mail ballot in your name
        • You provide feedback to bad actors that raise your voting propensity score used to decide which records to use for ballot injection
        • You put yourself at risk being able to vote on a non-mail ballot on election day, and your in-person vote could end up provisional
        • Election staff may force you to use your mail ballot (less chain of custody and far more abuse vectors) to vote in person instead of depositing your non-identifiable ballot in a ballot box.

  • Vote by Mail

    • Pros

      • You can be lazy

    • Cons

      • You increase the election abuse surface
      • Bad actors know when you return your ballot using the mail ballot tracking system to feed their election model
      • Your identity is directly connected to your ballot (violates voter secrecy) via the barcode keep in mind that not all states use a secrecy sleeve, for instance, Colorado.
      • Your party affiliations is often shown on the envelope (sometimes covertly)
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot won’t be swapped out for another
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot will ever make it to be counted


  • Isolated – Not at your County polling place

    • Pros

      • None

    • Cons

      • No chain of custody
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot won’t be swapped out for another
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot will ever make it to be counted

  • At County Polling Place

    • Pros

      • More secure than isolated
      • Better chain of custody than isolated

    • Cons

      • Less chain of custody than traditional voting on paper
      • You increase the election abuse surface
      • Bad actors know when you return your ballot using the mail ballot tracking system to feed their election model
      • Your identity is directly connected to your ballot (violates voter secrecy) via the barcode keep in mind that not all states use a secrecy sleeve, for instance, Colorado.
      • Your party affiliations is often shown on the envelope (sometimes covertly)
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot won’t be swapped out for another
      • There is no guarantee that your ballot will ever make it to be counted